Void Talon of the Dark Star

Found it while leveling.

Would love to hear some pain and suffering about the mount :smiley:


Never seen a portal ever, gz on getting one :slight_smile:


I camped it for a few months in Shadowmoon Valley during WoD while occasionally checking all the other spawn points as well. Eventually I found a portal in Talador. :blush:


sounds like when I got that grey Camel just by accident. Its nice when things like that happen, and rather appropriate for a void elf I must say.


It was early in the morning. I’ve been powerleveling through Draenor, i’ve just hit 100 Level. I was 10 levels away from the heritage set, so i was gonna go on to legion but i thought a second “I’m not that far away from the portals, why not check them”. See i’ve always dreamed of getting void talon, as it was early in the morning i was still kinda dreaming. I saw the portal. Must be an illusion! I clicked it and claimed it as fast as i could, mine, mine, mine. I learned the mount and got to the garrison. Slapped myself in the face. No. It’s not a dream, it’s (censored) reality mate.

We got em, ezpz life.


Kinda gave up on it after realising it’s bugged for many characters (iirc basically any character that finished wod). Half the portals aren’t visible for those characters even if they are up.

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that’s kinda beta tho

Although it’s a bit embarassing for me to admit such thing but…

Since that mount got released back in WoD, i had dreams, yes real dreams during my sleep time wow related that i actually found a portal and i got the mount, and not just once, many times… in fact i had that dream recently like a month ago…

I don’t even like the mount so much, it’s just the way of acquiring it that intrigues me.

I don’t bother farming it though because the whole thing with the portals is just not feasible unless you have multiple accounts camping different spots, or extreme luck like in your case.

Whenever i level through WoD with alts and im near a portal area, i always double check, juuust in case but nope :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats though !


I can relate man. I remember sleeping so well because of all the void talons dreams, waking up and realising it was only a dream. I (censored) loved that mount. It’s not embarrasing it’s just our love and addiction for WoW xD


Log in straight after weekly reset, portal will be up in one of the spawn points guaranteed.

Got it quite easily using that strat, never use it because its basically purple anzu.


Sadly it will no longer spawn after server resets within the first 48 hours


" Spawn Timers
-48 hours after realm resets.
-If a portal despawns, 2 hours at the earliest for a respawn in the same zone. [This may not 100% be accurate].
-If it is claimed, upwards to 10-48 hours before it spawns again in the same zone."

[This information was reviewed and updated as of October 21st, 2018.]


Oh that sucks


That has got to be the mount I have put more effort in with no result :sob: I want it for my shadow priest. It’s just perfect for him. But alas, never saw a portal.

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Oh shoot! I did not know of mount like this exists and guess what I am going to do the next few weeks :dizzy_face:

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F IN CHAT :crying_cat_face:

A buddy of mine found the portal while leveling and asked me “if I invite you, can you enter the portal as well so both of us get the mount?”

I have to admit that a dark part of me thought about ninja-ing that portal right in front of him… I didn’t though. Probably for the best. :grimacing:

You should’ve and just have given him gold lol

Just make trial characters on low pop german/french RP realms and park one in each zone, do a quick check a couple of times a day.

Took me like 2 weeks doing this to get mine.

Tried that. Many people do the same atm so it’s kinda competetive.

so… you found mount “first try” and want to rub it in the faces of people who have looked for it for months and years? …hmmmok :\