Trying out cata for the last 2 days, entered in several dungeons. Seen so many people who have no idea about both dungeon route and rotation of their class / spec. By encountering those, never started a vote kick, or never behaved toxic, tried to teach people the route and finish dungeon as soon as possible.
But sadly, encountered 2 times toxic premades of 4 people. I only said in uldaman this way and they vote kicked me in the first time and in the second time I have been placed into unfinished scholomance in which people have no idea and trolling. They were vote kicking each other and I pressed no each time. They vote kicked me as well and now I am banned from queue for 30 minutes.
If you don’t change this brain dead system, from now on I will enter dungeons only to troll, and vote kick people so everyone get taste of it
yeah had pleanty of these groups and i don’t like to name servers but it has mainly been gehennas server pop for some reason there is a lot of toxic behaviour from there.
If there was no deserter buff you’d have (as it used to happen) solo players holding a group hostage in order to get kicked if the dungeon wasn’t to their liking (because it’s either long, have rewards the player’s not interested in or both)
loot ban and kick them instead of 30 mins of queue banning, so wrongly kicked people should continue playing.
Develop a system of trusted people ( who are registering more than 2-3 years and have good history ) . Give only those people right to vote kick. Punish fake vote kicks with bans, and punish fake reports with ban.
It is blizzard ’ s job i dont care, I have been trolled and it costed me 30 mins of wait time. Of course I won’t do the same, but it drived me crazy for sure.
It’s for this reason we mainly just do guild runs: to help gear up people towards and at 85: random normals as well as heroics.
It’s amazing how often if we do 3-4 guildies and 1-2 pugs the pugs are trying to start vote kicks if they even FEEL someone isn’t doing the perfect rotation.
Elitists need to realise not everyone spends 24/7 for the last 5 years perfecting their rotation on what’s probably an alt : if you want a perfect group, go run with your fellow elitist friends (oh wait, that’s why you q’d as a solo…)
It is quite dumb yeah, got kicked yesterday as well because the tank didn’t like it that i don’t play the spec he wanted.
Just a shame that there is so much 5 year old behavior in wow.
I agree that it should be a dfference between being votekicked and leaving yourself. If you decide to leave, the penalty is fine, but if others (especially premade pvp server troll groups) decideto kick you, your deserter debuff should be half the time.
I can’t believe this is the response from a “MVP/Trusted person”.
I’ll counter your question asking HIM for the solution, what is YOUR solution for new players making small mistakes and getting kicked (thats OK) but also getting barred from joining dungeons for 30 minutes (thats not OK)? Or experienced players running random dungeons being trolled by a group of 4 other guildmates (well known behaviour).
Getting kicked is not the main issue, getting a 30 minute timeout is.
This is a great example - did you know this game completely when you started off as a probable 12/14 year old?
Your current entitled self would have kicked and banned your old sorry self.
Problem solved, right?
Here’s the thing. Again it’s a double edged sword. If there’s no penalty from being kicked before the first boss is killed (as opposed to leaving themselves) the players may (and did in the past) decide to demand the group kick them if the dungeon isn’t to their liking. With the penalty the consequences of abusing kicking are sadly reality.
Now keep in mind that Voting for the Kick is a solution for the random nature of Group finder. Normally the group leader would hold absolute power in that matter.
Getting kicked should never be a desired outcome. And it becomes one without the Penalty.
The true issue lies with toxicity of the community though. The sense of self entitlement. The borderline sociopathic belief that WE (group or individuals) are the only ones worth a damn while everyone else exist in the game solely for our own benefit. Justify it however we want but that’s just it. Either we forgot that game’s are meant to be fun or we’re just that degenerate that we can only be happy bu making experience of others as miserable as we only can.
This is why I only do dungeons with at least two guildies, that way no random jerk can kick any of us, even if someone is freshly dinged and just starting to gear up. I am tank so the runs always go smoothly regardless, and if any of the pugs leaves mid run we get replacement quickly. We also never kick anyone unless they are being toxic, or actually afk for extended period of time.
Lol, just came here for this very reason.
Just got kicked from the group during a dungeon run, no reason given, was highest dps so it was not that I was slacking, we didn’t wipe, I didn’t ninja, I didn’t pull before tank, so I have no idea what I did wrong. Nothing was said whole run long (because Cata).
Now I got myself a 30min deserter buff, while I didn’t even leave by my own choice. Give the kicker a “being-a-complete-donkey” buff just for kicking players without giving a reason.
And I think, if there was some kind of honor system, I would have a pretty clean record, I just queue, get in, do my thing and that’s all. If it was for players who desert their group often, then sure, but this.
Great gamedesign Blizz.
I, the healer, got kicked for needing on healing gear, because one of the DPS assumed the tank left because he thought it was tank gear.
They all confirmed they didn’t read, no one actually looked at the item, they just clicked. Now I wasted my time for clearing all but last boss, and lost on valor, now I gotta wait 30 minutes, for no good reason.