Vote kick and deserter debuff

Easy, remove the cross-realm. It all started with that bs. The community can sort it out themselves. I play on a smaller server with an actual community because I want to avoid the toxic anon trolls from big servers like Gehennas where they just blend in the pack… But Blizzard keep forcing the toxic people upon us for no good reason.
At least give us the option to disable cross-realms. I’d take a nice group with slightly longer queue over a group of toxic incels any day of the week.

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Similar here, got kicked cause the tank pulled the entire room after the first boss while me (i was stupid and didnt avoid the mechanic). i sprinted there to try and save them but the dps died before I arrived. then we corpse ran, (i was a bit behind because I was drinking up before running thinking the tank would have some awareness and not do the same dumb move one more time) but nope. 2 dps died, i was drinking to ress. tank already ran to the next pack. And i got killed by a patrol. Then got kicked while askin for a ress… 30min deserter after that.
This deserter system is horrible, it actually punishes “victims”.

A lot of us only play for 1-3 hours per day. and being locked out for 30mins after doing half a dungeon eats up the majority of that gametime… Why? because other people are toxic.

I often get kicked out for no reason.

The solution for me is to cancel my subscription and uninstall the game.

The toxic people should stay to themselves. ^^


From what you describe your problem is you are very slow if you are constantky that far behind or ifyou are constantly oom - that’s also an issue.

Ofc pugs dont want to put up with slow bad healers

Git gud then ?

Its not liek cata Class rotation is Rocket science

When you ar kicking someone you have to put in a reason .

Even if that reason is “.” There is always a reason and others accept it if Tou are getting kicked.

That’s how mechanic of kicking work in wow :wink:

You sound toxic and elitistic. This game isn’t so serious. Not doing deathwing level dps on first 2 packs of trash in normal dungeon isn’t a valid reason for a kick and that is a normal reason to kick. This game has become a room where toxic people of society gather and the rest of society benefits as they are out fron public places ruining people’s moods.

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nah . i sound resonable.

i get it that a lot of people want to be carried and belive that others own them something

but reality is - they dont owe you anything and you should perfrom on acceptable level.

i have yet to see someone performing normlay and getting kicked

reality is most of people who are being kicked are bad players who refuse to learn.

if someone says he is constantly kicked that literaly only common factor for groups he is is is he himself.

instead reflecting what they did wrong - they whine about toxicity .


What people needs to realize is that the person being kicked is the only one being penalized. The remaining group is perfectly fine, even find a healer take only a few seconds.

For this reason, i am wary of group with 4 of them in the same guild. They can kick me at any time.

Try doin top parses as UH Dk with “2-3” buttons. You’d be happy with a green parse.
Theres about 10+ buttons & snapshots to keep track off, while not even mentioned rune power holding & rune management.
And also managing your pet as Cata did not perfect pet movement. Very frequent where your pet is not hitting or just dying to random aoe damage thats unavoidable.
Or it gets stuck in elevators or can’t be summoned before jumping to Nefarian.

Don’t think theres a good solution to this.
Either you make the punishment so minimal people will hold groups hostage until kicked or you will punish people very harshly but people will second guess being a general douche in the dungeon.

I think they could atleast halve the punishment to 15minutes, it’s still quite a while to wait, but it’s not as harsh. So if you do get troll kicked, it’s easier to deal with. And if you do demand a votekick, you’re still penalized with 15minutes.

Funny how you keep proving toxicity though. If one gets kicked 3 mins to dungeon, that is abuse of system

U are a troll…
Maybe there are people Who get kicked for bad performance… But en all know that people it’s not that smart and fair…
System IS Broken since you cant difference between this 2 scenarios and you can still voting for Kick…

And btw, the Broken system IS a second effect of players stupid behavior…

Ill allways think the same. I prefer to Kick someone Who wants leave, than Accept Kick something Who wants to stay…

Im overgeared as UH (MS) and Blood (OS) so i enter in hc and Carry a lot of people, i dont f…g care… If people dont ninja, dont afk and try to do it’s better its fine for me…

Good players dont need perfect teams to clear 5 man content…

Its not “wokism” or bad design problem… Real problem IS New Gen of Gamers, that are stupid to the limit…


You know LFG IS random true? Maybe you are they one Who have to queue Up on manual group searching… Cause you are Who have a different ilvl requirement to enter an hc…
If you go LFG you can get grouped with 333+ ilvl players, if you make your own groups you can put the ilvl requirement you want…

Problem IS still ypours…

Terrible argument. Having low ilvl does not mean you have a right to play poorly. You had plenty of time from level 1 to max level, to learn and adapt to your new skills and how to press them in correct order.

not really

it only means 3-4 peopel decided that they dont want to play with you .

when you were a kid did you need your mother to force other kids to play with you too ?

you refuse to relaise that there is 5 people in each dungons.

if 3-4 decide that it not fun time playing with you - they have right not to do so.

bdw im curious - if that mechanics from cata is even still in game ? the one where if someone was kicked to many times they had liek 4 hours protection ?

i bet it is - and you were just kicked like once or twice tops.

333 itlv player can still do like 60-70 % of dps of 346 player by pressing 3-4 buttons.

its not like your dps tripples in that 13 tilv stop pretneding that.

nobody kicks peopel for doing like 10-12k dps on bosses. if oyu do 5k dps then yes thats the reason why you are being kicked if healer is outdpsing you.

People kick people just because they can, they sure can kick someone for doing 11k DPS.

Some guy got kicked for being a worgen and then got spammed with toxic messages.

O people Kick others for such stupid things, and all your comments are an Arrow to look how your behaviour IS on that cases…

I Repeat, i can Carry in 15 mins most hcs even if im the only dps, i dont care if people do 100% of their damage/ilvl or 10%.

Its not an hc raid, maybe i Will never meet them again…

I told It, Good players can Carry a group with 2 less dps in cata hc dungs… People Who need to Kick low performance normally are just Bad players Who need the BEST team with them to clear content…

Difference between Old School and New Gen players…