Vote kicking is getting out of hand

Do we really need to have this function implemented and can we have some sort of “safety control”, so that people can’t kick for whatever reason or the most ludacris reason.?

I was just doing Tol’Vir on my classic mage, and got kicked because I was afk for 30 seconds and didnt get past a mob, so I died. This resulted in the party having to wait maybe a minute for me. I asked in chat “how do I get past these?” (it was the turtle…), but before I could think, I was removed from the group.

I find it just ridiculous you ask me, to get kicked for this very reason. Its unbelievable, and its unecessary. And it all happened right before I dinged level 85.

What do the rest of you think of this function and do you agree that people are abusing it sometimes?




You Rip what you sew.

Your peopel whining removed ability to just bail after first Boss so ofc people are now compelty ruthless when something slows them down

Kicking in dungeons should only be allowed when a guy is afk/offline for a prolonged period of time. Let´s say 3 minutes.
It´s not like you can´t clear the dungeons with less than 5 people especially when tanks are the top dps in most of the dungeon when it comes to trash mind you.

People here telling you that its okay to abuse votekick or leave a dungeon early are just hyper sweaty folks that think their time is more valuable than others.


What do you mean with you rip what you sew?

You mean I deserved it, or do am I missunderstanding something here? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m sorry for you bad experience, but i dont think is the norm, you have just been unlucky with your first dungeon run on your char.

Is not the norm, but is very often.

I play tank most of the times and healer and there were times when Vote Kicking window appeared and I was like “wtf is this?”. Some guy from the party vote kicking other because afk for 1 min, even if the guy was saying “I will be right there, just a minute” .

That is pathetic because if 3 votes yes, it doesn’t matter my vote.

But usually if someone is kicked from the party with idiotic reason I usually leave. Let them wait another 10 min for a tank. Same with ninjas. Oh man, I left around 4 or 5 groups, premades, where 1 would just Ninja almost everything , or Roll on Tank items while he’s in DPS spec ( obviously ).

I pull all room and then just leave and I will gladly to this all the time with people who abuse the vote system or … ninja.

Oh, I also left a group because 1 little gnome was spaming /train . And when I mean spam, I mean spam from the beginning to the first boss. I told him twice to stop it. Nothing. Of course, they were pre-mades. Gladly left.


clearly you dont value your time.

which is ok .

but for other their time is precious

if someone has other things they need to do instead playing - they can always leave the dungeon themselves instead leech on others.


1 min? And again, is not that we were hold down, or we stayed to wait for a guy. We continued to clear.

If for you … 1 min is too much, then go play single player games where you can play as you like.


Yes 1 minut of being afk means you leeching on others for that 1 minute

Clealry 3-4 people though this way too

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Nope they didn’t.

They just have the “power” to vote kick. And they do that for MANY reasons not just afk for 1 min.

Again, if 1 min is too much for you or anyone else, than MMOs are not for you! Go single player games.

If a guy you want to trade something tells you he will be in SW in 2 min, but he will be there in 4, what would you do? LOL …

Exactly …

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Yes you deserved it , other 4 people own you nothing, if they want to kick you from group they shoud be free to do so

clearly they did if he was kicked.

also liek you said - its mmo - it means that whole party has to perform .

if anythign single player games are for him if he takes breaks while playing .

he could have left dungoen to deal with irl stuff - he didnt - he chose to leech and was kicked.

those are hard facts.

Hard facts like the ones you said a bit earlier in a different topic, that stats scale in Cataclysm?!? :))) “Dude” , this is not Retail. Everything you say is BS …

I don’t care your reasons as to why you think 1 min is so important for you.

But if it is, you didn’t answered this :

I’m waiting … LOL

If they were pre-made is even more pathetic. And the excuse that “4 others” voted is also pathetic because most of “other voters” vote because “why not”. They don’t care the reason at all. They don’t even read the reason LOL and that is true story.

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they most certainly do care.

if they didnt care they woudl vote no.

and yes i have seen many failed kick votes over the years

when vote fail then its up to person who started vote to either ccept it or leave himself

and yes - i have left many groups which refused to kick poeple - its never never worth staying in such groups - is always a wipefest clownfiesta .

And that’s all I needed to know LOL …


Arrogant, ignorant and Retail player. Btw, is your char stronger because of the scale stats in Cata? :)))))))

Off you go now …

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I somehow doubt that the average day of a WoW player is so busy they cant wait 1-2 mins once in a dungeon because someone has to go to the toilet / open the door


its quite cute how classic players are ignorant of how basic mechanics of game work

yes even in classsic when you level up your stats from wolk loose value - that why you go down from 40 % haste / crit in icc gear to 5 % haste /crit when you hit 85.

you are defacto weaker with each level you gain.

thats why level 84 in liek 320 itlv is stronger then level 85 with the same 320 itlv.

its ok to not undrstand the basic core aspect of game - thats likely why you are getting constantly kicked from groups - because god knows how many other things you may not know about class you play :slight_smile:

I’ve also had a few dungeons where I’ve had to leave the keyboard for a short moment but most of them have waited or not had a problem, but I’m a tank so I guess most can’t progress without me in a dungeon, same with healers.

I think people just don’t want to be waiting about or spending more time then they want to in dungeons and want everything now now now.

Aren’t they?

But they can wait for a tank no problem. And not just 1 minute. But if a DPS is doing it, based on the arrogant lady, then is not fine …

we all have 4 wives and 20 childrens bro

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