Vote to Kick as Harassment Tool - 30min debuff for nothing!

I just died in the Timewalking Dungeon, dungeon itself takes like 5-10min to complete, but after being kicked I got the 30min debuff so I cannot queue. People are kicking for absolutely every stupidest things and afterwards you are for 30min blocked from leveling your character. This shouldnt work this way. Please either change that kicked people dont have debuff or make it shorter.


Oh no!



Happened to me yesterday :smiley:

I carried the group and soloed the dungeon… They didn’t say anything and just kicked me…

Sorry for the carry XD


Maybe you have unlimited free time, some of us don’t, and this is discouraging people from doing dungeons, means also longer queues for you.


probably u was doing ninja pulluing

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I know the feeling it happend to me once in bfa i was the top dps but after the snail old god mini ghuun boss i was kicked after i asked why does the tank keep dying?

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What happened to me is that I jumped down in dire maul east, told my group 3 times in chat to jump down as well. Nobody answered anything and just kicked me lol

This is true, I joined a timewalking dungeon as tank and since I have longer loading screens I went to get coffee, didn’t take more than 30 seconds, they were still in the literal beginning of the instance, they were fighting the first adds couple of adds. but still I got kicked and got a 30 min debuff.


Well you should remain true to your character name and should not worry about it .it is part and parcel of the game .while you have the penalty just do something else in the game .other activities are still available

You should had taken toilet break too


Dumbest reason I got kicked was me typing /fart

You didn’t get it, “oh no!, anyway” is a meme, the reason I posted that is because there is at least 1 post like yours every single day.

Don’t take it too personal.

Maybe you shouldnt toxic in party. It’s a game… Keep calm and play the game. Next time be a good person.

It used to be a lot worse before the debuff

Yeah I did, better said I just went, nuked everything, cause the tank couldn’t hold aggro either way.

I could keep myself alive, no heal needed.

I don’t just stand there waiting to do nothing.

Considering you can’t kick people in the first 3 minutes I’d have to doubt that.


As I said, I have long loading screens, sometimes I’ll queue for LFR, and when I enter the raid I get teleported back because I cant enter the raid after they have started the boss fight.
It does not take more than 30 seconds for me to go to my kitchen and get coffee out of my microwave.
It doesn’t matter how long it took, you shouldn’t kick people because they are late to the literal first mobs in Utgarde Keep.

Unless they aren’t actually present in the instance. Which is understandable tbh, nothing worse than having one person afk in Org or wherever.

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But they wouldn’t know where the party was if they weren’t in the instance.

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Not sure where it was but I’ve read a post from someone who tested how people react to the kick vote by queueing with a friend and then initiating a kick vote for said friend, while including some nonsense reason like “watermelon” or whatever, and the vote passed.

People obviously don’t read and just click “yes” for whatever reason, so it often takes just one person to want someone out and it has a good chance of working.


This is why i always do it with friends, its a fun lil Uno reverse card.