Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

Goths too…other ‘gurl’ lifestyle choices are available, your mileage may vary.

Vulpie bites Lonarion… Ouch!

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Not evewyone is a cwute wittle Dwanei onii-chan! Don’t be so meeeeean! T_T

Duel at dawn :dagger:
Emo guys love the cute Vulpera too! :candle: :bat:
And we have some goths too!
They are quite nice, you would be surprised…
Oh and don’t you ever compare us to those sick little abominations… Gnomes :nauseated_face:

Ryoshun bites Lonarion… Ouch!

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What a “great” community is this!
You guys keep flagging non-furry comments, if you are so fragile to other peoples’ opinion don’t use a public thread and spread this. Simple as that.

And by that logic you should not be being derogatory to them. People are into weird sh*t but their as entitled to their tastes as you and me.


Nah, that’s Sylvanas crushers. Sad but true when you stop and think about it :stuck_out_tongue:

Still waiting for hairstyles!


Worgen or vulpera?


cries looking at the oversized wig


It’s not a wig it’s a hedgehog. Only safe place from a worgen.


I was thinking very long if I should make my DK a cute Vulpera. It turns out they can look pretty badass too.

Let’s fluff the afterlife out of them!

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Vulpera are smol.

For the record, I did not flag Lonarion…but I am considering biting him again.



I remember that first dung with a Vulpera tank… Funny enough everyone had pets + my 3 as BM Hunter. At one moment I was like, where is our Tank…? He looked like one of them LMAO


Hiding in plain sight…cunning like a fox!


Reading some of the less UwU posts, with a heavy hearth I have somewhat to agree.

Vulpera is kinda out of place for the horde. Just look! They can hump your legs to death and you die happy. This can bring fear into the toughest horde members.

Maybe Vulpies should get a little buffed to look more like Gnar from that popular MOBA?

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I like Vulpera enough. I do agree they don’t fit the Horde aesthetically though. Thematically, sure, but there’s no way I’ll ever be able to see a Vulpera fighting beside a berserking Orc and think “that looks right”.
Or Tauren, trolls, undead or even belf for that matter.

The beauty of the vulpera is that they are the unexpected element in the Horde.

You look at the rest of the Horde and think: “I gotta kill them all”

And you look at the Vulpera and think: “Awh… they are not Horde, no need to kill them.”

And that Vulpera happens to be the one stabbing you in the back because you let your guard down.

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It doesn’t matter to me what class/race you play… until ppl like you start to swarm public forums like flies, and spam these unsettling weird things. So I don’t understand why you act surprised. :slight_smile:

Hatespeech? Where is that? I don’t hate ppl who like fluffy animals. I also have several cats and dogs at home. What do you think, I go there and hurt them regularly??? :smiley:

But I have a related proverb for everyone:
“If it’s not your shirt you won’t have to wear it”

Yes. Yes you do.

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