I always want make a Elf genocide. So I starter with Night Elfs.
Spare the nelfs!
And Sylvanas.
Freezing trap b*tch.
And OMG that cap looks awesome on a Vulpera!
Everything is awesome on a Vulpera
Too many made it out alive. The attack on Darnashus was unsuccessful
For the record: No Vulpera participated in that attack, nor the BBQ afterparty!
We are good little foxes
Sadly not, the efficiency would have increased by a lot if we had our reliable vulpera allies at the time.
I think we prefer not to be associated with such hideous warcrimes…
It wasn’t a crime, it was sweet justice; those mean bullies had been harassing our horde friends for many years, so they got some revenge.
We have our reasons
(Points to the Sludge Fields)
I should be able to level up a vulpera to 120, get some gear, transmog it, make it cute and then turn it into a pet for my orc.
Am I jumping the gun, or are the words ‘I have a cunning plan’ marching with ill-deserved confidence in the direction of this conversation?
Not cunning but it’s a plan
Well as long as it not about Sylvanas - bury-me-in-a-Y-Shaped Coffin - Windrunner, I’m okay with it… with certain conditions
= = = = = = = =
+ =
For the horde!!
pewpew silly human