Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

I am unsure if they have the space for them. The place looks already pretty crowded as it is.

Though there is that huge central building, could make a suitable spot perhaps. I think the large chair is just about the right size for my ego.


There is loads of room up the top by the zep towers and the flight master, we could have a whole little Vulp hub there.


A big /hug for all of my vulpine chums out there

though you may need a stepladder…


My thoughts etxactly make tb great agian

I prefer to ask for the assistance of a priest for cases like this.

Let the stepladder be the tool of use of Gnomes.


First, we take Manhattan… THEN WE TAKE BERLIN!

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I furry much like being a Vulpera.

And yeah, i think we need a hub in Orgrimmar.
Maybe just take the valley of honor, apart from the AH there is nothing useful.

Demolish all buildings and set up a few tents and some spots for our Alpaca’s and caravans.


I think Orcs could sort you out with a dog pen, outskirts of Orgrimmar like all the other livestock. :thinking:

My Brothers and Sisters.

we stand here today in joy and love.

Trade well, make it fair. lookout for goblins, for they are in despair.


Look, they’re only humans…

I have made more Vulpera alts.

Vulpera is truly the best race. I wish I could make druids.

Blizz plz. Allow druids on Vulpera.


so much yes!

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Vulpera as druids, hamster as bear form and weasel as cat form and pigeon as flight


… why pidgean if you can just go squirrel>?

:notes: Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam
Where they cut off your ear
If they don’t like your face
It’s barbaric, but hey, it’s home :notes:

:notes: When the winds from the East
And the suns from the West
And the sand in the glass is right
Come on down, stop on by
Hop a carpet and fly
To another Vol’dunian night :notes:

:notes: Follow me to a place
Where incredible feats
Are routine every hour or so
Where enchantment runs rampant
It’s wild in the streets
Open Sesame, here we go :notes:

:notes: See the Sethraks dance
In ridiculous pants
Then romance to your heart’s delight :notes:

:notes: Come on down
Come on in
Let the magic begin
It’s another Vol’dunian Night :notes:


…because ‘flying’ in squirrel form, is gliding with style, then plummeting towards rocks, kissing your floofy tail goodbye?

Guys guys guys
We are from Vol’dun
So our druid form would reflect that
Tank - Krollusk
DPS - Hyena
Fly - Volture
Run - Gazelle

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Vulpera are great but sssssethlak are best :snake:

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Look we are on TV again !

We Vulpera taking over the world !