Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

Vulperas are definitely in my top 5 favorite races.

  1. Void/High elves

  2. Night elf

  3. Vulpera

  4. Blood elf

  5. Bronzebeard/Wildhammer Dwarves

Although I’m someone who generally likes almost all races (but not diaper gnomes) can’t seem to like them for some reason :thinking:


Because you are an Elf of taste and culture :heart:

I supose nobody is perfect
You love the Vulpera
You are allowed to live… er… leave
After a /pet

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There is still room to improve, young padawan.

Worgen + Vulpera = Goblins :japanese_goblin:

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I’m surprised the thread has been going for so long and this hasn’t been called out and changed cause while OP meant it as a joke (I hope) it’s not the nicest thing to read.

That aside, as there’s new customization coming for alied races, looking forward to see something for vulpera as well eventually once the others are done.

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I know right.
It’s ATTACK Helicopter. Not Helicopter.
Helicopter is a type of rotorcraft in which lift and thrust are supplied by horizontally-spinning rotors in general.
While an attack helicopter is a armed helicopter with the primary role of an attack aircraft.


I like a vulpera as a pet. I think they are soft and nice as a pillow.

Honestly i’d much rather want the furry community, than the weeb one. There’s something about the weebs that makes them think they’re superior for liking asian cartoons.

Thankfully now the weebs are gone and may they spent the rest of their boring life in their yet another artificial fantasy world

But why everyone assumes the Vulpera playerbase = Furry community?
I mean no one assumes Forsaken/DK playerbase = Necro phile community…

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I thought so :smirk:
So its time to appreciate us!

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Hairstyles would make vulpera look like gnomes in fursuits

I hope 9.1.5 brings us Blue Vulpera


Throw some paint on them!

And a pink one too. :heart:

I wouldn’t mind more jewelery to wear (tribal ones), scar options and possibly more ear and fur styles.

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We already have blue-ish… Like Athíyk’s fur

Some love for the Vulpirates too! Pegleg and hook?
Some nice jewles, visible rings, necklace…

Oh but that’s easy.

Just introduce the Void Elves to the Vulpera.

Haha no I was mostly joking.

Although I would like to see a blue fur color similar to the blue Vulpin in Ardenweald.

:octopus: + :fox_face: = :question:

A Voidpera? :thinking:

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I am still puzzled even today, why Vulpera is a Horde allied race… Weak merchants, unable to fight, good for lawn mowing with “just arrived into puberty” voices… It should be an Alliance race.

Sylvannas is a holy grail in comparison to dirt that Vulpera has brought upon the Horde. It’s a stain that can never be fully washed.

They will give in to the Void… in time.
