Yip Yip
female vulpera has a cute voice
Wow thats adorable. I like how she sings angrily after the critique xD
very adorable, we also need that caravan wagon as a mount.
Happy Worgenday! May all your Gilnean adventures be productive.
I think you are on the wrong parts of the town, wolf-boy…
Vulpies are the best… they make fine fur coats great allies wherever they are!
cruella deville? Is that you?
Almost, I’m not evil on the outside.
Please stop
We have enough hate and problem already without this
I don’t have problem the fury fandom, but spamming “yiff yiff yiff vulpera uwu” just make things worse
You don’t have to be in the furry fandom (especially that part that love to do… lewd stuff in suits) to enjoy playing as a Vulpera, just like how you don’t have to be a necro phile to play as a Forsaken
We know, we are the best.
Deus Vulp!
Sylvanas fan boys plays forsaken yes …
what? o.0
We need more vulpera, also more twi.
I’m on it!