Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

Horde bias!?

You are actually sounding sense High Elves seem to have seen the Blood Elves for what they are and noped out of there.

Vulpera should be careful With that Helm you could be a Cruella De-Ville type. Looking for Vulpera fur outfits.

The high elves are filthy traitors who picked their human husbands over their nation homeland.

The High Elves rejected everything that the Blood Elves became.
Has the Blood Elves path and history got better or worse since the schism?
The Windrunner sisters does not represent all of the High Elves. There are still healthy populations of pureblood High Elves.
A bit rac1$t towards mix-race / hybrids people.

the bear was already dead, you should see what my goblin sv has done to evokers tho :smiley:

They think themselves high and mighty but the truth is they would be nothing without Stormwind protecting them. Blood elves rised again on their own and once Bob is disposed of our glory will return and we take our rightful place on Azeroth once more.

riiiight. and that bear had no “assistance” to get to its deceased state. so a druid can feel closer to nature.
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

It is not Stormwind it is the Dwarves. More specifically the Wildhammers.
The Silver Covenant is not the only force of High Elves military anyway. They can protect themselves. However as “friends” of the Alliance. Should Horde interfere with High Elves vs Blood Elves rivalry then the Alliance will have to intervene.

I don’t know who Bob is.

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i mean, my druid is resto. what am i gonna do, heal it to death? :smiley:

i dont play feral or chicken i leave it to some else, i only heal and look after all the natures creatures in wilderness

My name for lor’themar.

Most High elves live in Stormwind.

They are responsible for the Dalaran purge.

We will to make sure Quel’thalas is not their home anymore.

Nuh uh, the Alliance is going to march northward with the high elves and void elves, and they’re going to make Quel’Thalas great again.

Void elves will be purged.

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Hopefully we can add blood elves, high elves, and any other kind of elf to that list. Preferably at the same time - lock 'em up somewhere then go Mana-Bomb on 'em.


High elves chose humans as their new masters. Blood elves saved the kingdom. They win by a large margin in the sympathy game.

finally unlocked the little bstards :slight_smile:

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Whats cookin

You mean Lorthermar Theron your Lord and Ruler?
Then you should address the old Blood Elf as such.

So you finally admit that the Alliance had nothing to do with the “purge of Dalaran”? So you can be reasonable at times.

Quel’thalas could soon become contested territory.
With the death of Calia Menethil there is no unifying figure for the living people of Lordaeron. So they might have to accept that Lordaeron is dead.

The High Elves can still return as a people to be an effective force again.
High Elves have as much of a claim as the Blood Elves. Perhaps it is time for the Blood Elves to learn to coexist with a Void Well or something.

Vulpera meat apparently.

False. The High Elves are simply the friends of the Wildhammer Dwarves. They have yet to choose a leader but there are a few exceptional individuals among them.
Blood Elves simply have more numbers. But that seems to be dwindling.

It would not quite be World of Warcraft without Elves.

Welcome in the Caravan! (Or crew if you are a Vulpirate or in the Burrow if not fond of traveling)

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Yeah they did - considering they’re the ones killing the blood elves.

Stop snorting that alliance propaganda nonsense.

Actually - they don’t, they left.

You know who the leader is? Lor’themar Theron - you know what he is? A blood elf. The only ones who’d have a claim is someone from the Sunstrider Dynasty - and guess what? They’re all dead!

Lor’themar was made Regent-Lord, thus he’s the only one who can officially claim the title ‘‘King’’ to start a new Dynasty if he so desired. The High elves have nothing - they were exiled.

The Void elves should literally just be genocided.

Hah - 90% of the High elven population were wiped out, and 90% of the last remaining 10% chose to call themselves Blood elves after their fallen.

So yeah - the high elves have just 1% left of their original population.

Not with that attitude.

Did I miss torching one down?

There are conflicting reports of the “Alliance champion” being present at the “purge of Dalaran”. The Silver Covenant is not part of the Alliance as is Jaina until her membership bringing the Kul Tirans back to the fold.

Sunstrider line died with Kaelthas. He was rejected by the High Elf people and so only led the Blood Elves that followed him.
High Elves can reject or select their own leaders.

High Elves are also children of Quel’Thelas. So they have a claim to it. Just are they yet strong enough to stake that claim.

Aleeria Windrunner and Magister Umbric was able to whip up an army of Void Elves that worked to prove their worth to the Alliance. Naturally as magic junkies many of the Alliance treat these brand of Blood Elves with suspicion and caution.
She is an experienced leader. Plus has intimate knowledge of the terrain for Quelthelas. Could give the Alliance a stronghold in Northern Eastern Kingdoms.

It is like purging the Orcs. Not quite the same.

Except that they are.

She’s always been a member of the Alliance - she simply called herself neutral while also aiding the alliance against the Horde.

1% of 'em, not much to care about - they still have no claim.

Which was the majority of their people - and he was the leader of Silvermoon.

And they were exiled.

Exiles have no claim.

Exiles have no claims.


There was 1% of the high elven population that rejected calling themselves Blood elves - and how many of the Blood elven population do you think joined Umbric? 20-30 people? The void elven army is a joke.

Shouldnt even be a hundred of 'em. Which there probably aint.

If they want to be completely wiped out from existence by the Horde? Go for it - they have no claim, nor rights to Quel’Thalas for being from there. If you’re not a royal or high up in the BLOOD ELVEN society, you have no speaking rights, nor rights to lands.

Except the Alliance are too weak to do such, so, y’know.