Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

I will remind you one last time: this is a Vulpera Appreciation thread
If you hate the vulpera, fine, but do it in a Vulpera Hate Thread
Likewise, discussing the Alliance, Horde, Elves, your mother’s cooking, etc., anything that is not vulpera appreciation have no place in this Thread, so have some common decency and do it elsewhere
Trolling, spamming, derailing a thread is aganist the forum’s ToS


To remind you.
Who is this Alliance champion? Horde infiltrators would blame the Alliance for everything. Perhaps the Alliance released Deathwing as well? The Alliance created Guldan? what else will the Alliance be blamed for?

Prince Anduin failed to convince Jaina to bring Dalaran into the Alliance but Khadgar returned it back to a neutral state.
Do not attempt to rewrite history.

High Elves are not officially members of the Alliance. The same claim can be maid of High Exarch Yrel.

You sound like Erevien. He could not accept that it was ONLY under Talanji’s reign that the Zandalari Trolls joined the Horde.
Jaina Proudmoore joined the Alliance as Lord Admiral of the Kul Tiran people.

It is like claiming that Americans that can trace their ancestry back to when it was founded have no claim over America.
Rulers come and go. But that is still their native homeland.

Yes a majority followed and rejected everything that they once was.
Now look at what the Blood Elves have become.

Nonsense. They can simply reclaim their ancestral homeland from the Blood Elf squatters.

The exact numbers are yet unknown. Blood Elves would try to safeguard their Sunwell.

New royal bloodlines could be started. Should High Elves make their own leaders then gather the scattered High Elves and grown in number and strength.

Yet Alliance specialize in just that. Battle for Undercity was a good demonstration. Although the Tauren and Darkspear Trolls ended up as the body piles.

The Horde are not yet ready to welcome Kiro as the new Horde Warchief.
This could take time.

He is no such thing. He should be banned to the Ghostlands to be finished off by the remaining scourge.

Jaina ordered it. Vereesa complied. High elves are alliance.

It is Horde territory forever more.

They lost their right to live there when they joined the alliance.

If you apologise to the Vulpera then they might help out the Blood Elves with caravans and make shift homes.
When the High Elves reclaim Quel’Thelas.
For all of your Meanie Beanie behaviour towards the Vulpera they would try to stop the High Elves and some Alliance back up from taking it from the Blood Elves.

You complain on other threads that are making the case for High Elves membership to the Alliance.

You could admit that the alliance is the inferior faction. That would save us a lot of time.

Do we know what proportion of the vulpera may have left Zuldazar by now? Have they begun emigrating to Kalimdor or elsewhere?

Good question
Skin-Me-Own-Coat Dibblefur moved to as far as Booty Bay in the Cape of Stranglethorn after the end of the Free T-Shirt Day, a few reached Dalaran and became Kirin Tor members and before that the vulpera already were present across the sea as traders and pirates
Aisha is the founder of the Artisan’s Consortium who, when asked telles you the following: “The Artisan’s Consortium is my company of entrepreneurs and artisans. After years of listening to the woes of traders across the lands, I realized there was good and profit to be had in providing a service that connects crafters to their customers.
For the last few years, I’ve been traveling and recruiting to start up this business.” suggesting they basically explored Azeroth
How many remained in Vol’dun?
Very good question; Vol’dun is the home of the Vulpera, they were there before it became a desert and they adopted to the desert life, the Vulpera burrows are there; it is like Kalimdor to the Kaldorei, important and will forever be important to the race; knows it like the back of their paw
But traveling is in their blood, they are nomads, explorers, survivors… I think no matter how many vulpera leave Vol’dun, the Vulpera will always have a strong presence there But there is no numerical numbers in any cannon sources, only the fact, yes, they travel and reached every part of Azeroth (like other Races)

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Vulpera are not the most numerous species on Azeroth.
So non Horde affiliated Vulpera could be reached out to. Since their Horde membership it is not known yet the influence the Horde has.

Through Drakkari knowledge and magic the ability to siphon the powers of Loa could be used to restore Sethraliss or keep them in check.
First would have to let the Vulpera know that skirmishes in Voldun are just business. Especially since they are already a scrappy little species.

The Sethrak will be subjugated if they refuse to bend the knee.

Subjugated by who? The Zandalari have been getting their butts kicked by the whole world from Cata right up to BfA.

The Horde of course. We destroy all our enemies by force.

If you specified the vulpera, I might be inclined to agree with you. They seem to be more modern and better organized than the Zandalari these days.

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Looks at character list: it’s all vulps except druid, pala, evoker and druid

No, I don’t have a problem.

Also, hello all!

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I’ll be race swapping mine soon as I find them useless tbh

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But yet the Horde lost the 4th war.

Because Blizzard has alliance bias.

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The Alliance once again failing to protect the defenceless men women and children from Horde onslaught with the Burning of Teldrassil. This is “Alliance bias”?
The Alliance does not harm Horde children or those that pose no threat.
Alliance did not start the 4th War we just had to end it.