Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

we should start with the orcs and then the humans and then the trolls then peace will finally return to azeroth as the 3 major serial offenders of violence on azeroth will all be dead

as for Erevien betrayer simps like he gets the Vlad the impaler treatment a lesson to other would be traitors to the horde

also i bet if you knocked of Havi’s helmet you’d find a orc under it

Darkshore was reclaimed. A new tree is growing on the dragon isles. At the same rate Undercity is still locked behind a door.

Yet the claim that the living members of Lordaeron have on their former territories ruined by Arthas and the Scourge and currently under the control of Scourge remnants (that call themselves Forsaken ) is forever lost.

Either abolish the Lordaereon people entirely since their nation is gone and the list of the Menethil line is now an Undead.
For those that have the knowledge of origins. There is a sense of responsibility. That when the Alliance fails. Horde atrocities will run rampant if left unchecked.
You speak of Darkshore being reclaimed. But where are the Horde Druids as Horde destroy nature and the forests?

The main opposition to Horde deforestation efforts was Night Elves.
Maps are constantly redrawn and with the new allied races there should be new maps and territory reclaimed if they have the strength to hold on to it.
The Night Elves proved to the Horde that even wounded the Horde will not hold territories they tried to claim.

Yes because Blizzard has alliance bias. That is why the Horde never wins. Blizzard made it a sport to humiliate us beyond repair.

Don’t pin Calia on us. We never wanted her.

Undead are still Undead. The Alliance does not welcome Undead in our faction. Knights of the Ebon Blade are technically neutral.

Many Forsaken still consider themselves people of Lordaeron and have a legitimate claim to Undercity - or known to the living the ruins of Lordaeron.
The line of Menethil is gone so the unifying figure that a monarch has is forever lost. But some of the Forsaken still remember their monarch thus this Forsaken under Calia Menethil could be different to the Forsaken under Sylvannas.

But yet the Horde was sacking Stormwind. Was it the first or second wars? Until the Alliance was formed and strong enough to face the Horde threat head on.
The Horde has had some victories.

stormwind only fell in the first place because of Garona or else the horde would never have won that’s what the humans get for trusting the half breed of the most vile race in all of warcraft the orcs

All her friends are alliance characters. There are no Forsaken who adore her.

Which was rebuildt after Warcraft 2.

Not enought to make it matter. We have the worst land and the ugliest cities.

Lilian Voss is Horde. She fought against the Alliance with the intention of wiping us out. Force the living into Undeath. Just like Arthas and the Scourge before.

You are determined to spin a narrative. But the Desolate Council CLEARLY has Forsaken leadership and by extension the Undead that serves under them. That have embraced the rule of Calia Menethil.

A “council” is no different to a government. Even a “kingdom” of Undead need others

While the OP starts a thread about Vulpera Appreciation.
They never actually state the important question: WHY Vulpera?

She agreed to the peace treaty which makes her a filthy traitor.

The Scourge is gone. Stop being scared by shadows and ghosts.

A bunch of nobodies with zero lore. Sylvanas and Nathanos can’t be replaced.

I know I am right so this is easy.

How am I supposed to appreciate them when so far they have no positives that would make sense to have them as Horde race? They are a bunch of scavengers which no uniqeness to them. Meanwhile the alliance got Mecha gnomes. A race that has their own techno city and genius engineers on the same status as Gelbin.

Try to stick to in game content on what actually happens.
Forsaken has embraced Calia. She did not rule her people in life but now rules in Undeath.

The Scourge forced the living into Undeath under the Lich King. The Forsaken are doing the exact same thing. How are they not Scourge?

Even the Forsaken can not have an endless war. Without the Valkyr they can not create new Forsaken. The threat of Undeath is something the Alliance has to address.

Many people dislike Nathanos. But you have once again changed the goalposts.
The Desolate Council are Fosaken. Forsaken have chosen their new leader. Calia Menethil.

Perhaps spend time with Vulpera in game. They are bringing about a new Horde. You should be a part of it.

No that will not happen. I will get the Horde I want and you can not stop me ever.

He went toe to toe with Greymane in his Worgen form. He is a certified kick butt. We need more characters who stop being nice to the players.

They are not. They are Anduin approved puppets who rule by decree of Stormwind to make sure the Horde will never fight back when the alliance tries to claim Lordaeron next time. That is why Calia gave away Gilneas for free. Because she has not our best interests in mind.

There is no threat. Those who don’t want to be undead are send back to the grave. Try playing the starting zone before you make uninformed points.

Oh we can. Many new soldiers were raised in Cataclysm. From the rest of the Horde we still have the most standing military.

Arthas is dead, Ner’zhul is gone and Bolvar stepped down. There is no Lich King.

I do. And so far Blizzard favors the alliance at every step. They have the best land, the most lore characters and the prettiest actually civilized cities. You can tell the lore for the Horde is only the afterthought of the product. Every time we defeat a big bad guy there will be some alliance leader who gets their own cinematic.

There does not have to be a Lich King for the living to fear being forced into Undeath. With the Forsaken Arthas legacy lives on. Silverpine Forest the humans that are Gilneans chose the curse of the Worgen than to be murdered by the Horde and forced into Undeath.

Anduin and Genn Greymane saw Sylvannas the Banshee once under the Scourge kill Alliance AND Horde soldiers forcing them into Undeath, The Kul Tirans had the son of Daelin retrieved from his watery grave by the Horde to force him into Undeath and tortured into the service of the Scourge ahem the Horde under Sylvannas.

They have always been Forsaken and actively serve the Horde and their own intentions. Look at Vilian Voss. In life was part of the Scarlet Crusade / Onslaught until forced into Undeath.
There is no Alliance affiliation. The exception would be the zombie Night Elves. Summermoon and co choosing to side with those that murdered her kin. They must be returned to death and stay dead.

Should there be more Valkyr created then this would continue. The Alliance must research ways to make sure that the dead stay dead. The Light did not allow Tirion Fordring to be forced into Undeath by the Knights of the Ebon Blade.

The Living of the Horde will not allow you to force their dead into Undeath. That could lead to another Horde civil war.

Funny how you didn’t even adress the last point. Ignoring the well documented fact that his game’s story was build with only the alliance in mind while the Horde is mostly ignored.

Our Val’kyr are gone. There won’t be any new undead any time soon. The only fresh resources we can get would be remnants from Northrend.

They chose the side that supported them. Elune left them in their most dire need.

Tirion is a special case. He was the most beloved hero of the light. So of course it would save him. Not everyone has this protection however. The only holy place we currently are aware of is Light’s hope chapel.

The Horde won’t survive another schism. They are lucky the deaths of Saurfang and Rastakhan followed by the exile of Gallywix and Sylvanas hasn’t totally wrecked them so far. Blizzard destroyed pretty much all Horde lore when they did this.

Darbree : The bree here, rogue vulpera and ankles stabber.
---------------Need some1 poisoned?
---------------The bree is your Vulpera.
(or T.N.T for short )

we try to be useful not only with supply routes but also with stealth and ambush missions.
we got the nose and ears to spy on any target.

For the Horde & For the Vulpera >:)

Gallywix was the bank of the Horde. He single funded the 4th war.
So to pretend that Gallywix did not make positive contributions to the Horde is silly.

Sylvannas hated Arthas the person that murdered her. Why are Night Elf Undead so warm and fuzzy to the Horde that murdered them?

For those that played Retribution Paladin in Legion expansion. The Light was concecrating the graves of the dead to stop their souls from rising in Undeath. Lights Hope chapel is somewhere that the Light is particularly powerful.

Alliance bias is often a baseless claim. Between spreading of the plague and deforestation the Horde will ruin the lush fertile lands.
You saw this with their claim on “Domination point” in Pandaria as well.
Even the Maghar Orcs seem to have turned alternate Draenor from a lush place full of life and vegetation into a barren rock.

Northrend should be contested territory. The Alliance could use the secrets of the Drakkari to depower the Loa of the Trolls.

While Erevien continues to wage war against the feelings of the Vulpera people. They are gradually taking over the Horde.

Kiro’s power and influence continues to grow. Alliance might have to deal with a Vulpera Warchief. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

The Drakkari are extinct. They won’t rise anytime soon.

And I am good at it right?

It isn’t. And I have shown you plenty of proof. I will not stop until Blizzard listens to me.

Apart from Pandaria it’s the only spot on the map not claimed by either faction. It should stay that way.

That’s the fault of the Draenei. And the Naaru.

Because alliance hates undead. Tyrande would just kill them.

And Gazlowe is a communist. He will lead our finances into ruin.

Gazlowe is someone that built and rebuilt Orgirmmar a chief engineer of the Bilgewater and Horde.

Undeath is a curse. The Horde understood this when they fought against the Scourge. Now they welcome Scourge.

It is not the Drakkari themselves but their secrets. Zhul used this against the King Rhastakhan faction in the Zandalari Troll civil war. Rezan their “loa of kings” fell.

Abandon old biases and embrace the Vulpera and a new Horde.

The Horde will be better once Blizzard implements all my changes.

Congratulations. You have earned the dishonourable title of Cringe.

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