Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

I like vulpera in my stew - really nice, tasty meat.

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Did you mean to switch to your troll alt before posting that?

I don’t have one.

I can say things without trying to hide.

You’ve gone full cannibal. You never go full cannibal!

What ya mean? They’re bipedal animals!

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The Zandalari and Raventusk are the Troll tribes that don’t really engage in cannibalism.
Also a human alt is talking about eating Vulpera meat. Technically it is not cannibalism.
Don’t think Vulpera are for eating. The Goblins could show them a thing or two about engineering. or the Tauren spiritualists can smoke the peace pipes with them.

That’s an interesting topic…I thought that cannibalism in a fantasy setting meant any sentient being eating another sentient being regardless of species. Does it only mean intro-species feasting?

Well, Vulpera are humanoid animals… so how does that work? Is it 50% cannibalism?

And irl, afaik, it isn’t considered cannibalism to eat apes.

Has that ever occurred for the theory to be tested, though?

(Yes I’m legit curious now, what’s this place doing to me)

I’ve heard of people eating chimpanzee brain.

EDIT: Looked it up, and it seems its not actually a thing - and if it was, it’d be a health risk, apparently.

EDIT: Irl, it’s only counted as cannibalism if you’re eating your own kind. In-game, eating humanoids as a humanoid is cannibalism.

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No Cannibalism is simply eating your own species.
There have always been jokes about Tauren Beef Burgers. It would make both Alliance and Horde cannibals at some point. Tauren eating Tauren burgers would be cannibalism.
Forsaken have the “cannibalism” ability but they are more corpse eaters. Yes the humans that fall victim to Forsaken but they are a faction of Scourge anyway.

Trolls are a race of cannibals yes. Night Elves have stopped this practice when they evolved/changed from Dark Trolls. Exceptions of the Trolls being Raventusk and Zandalari.
If Vulpera was to eat Vulpera meat then yes that is cannibalism.
There have been fox and wolf meat that people can collect and use as cooking ingredients. For Vulpera cooks then this could be similar to cannibalism. Vulpera hunters with fox pets seems to at least appear of more of a kinship than other hunter pets bonds.

So you’re saying that you’d eat a vulpera?

To be honest I would worry about food poisoning or infection if to eat Vulpera meat.
They have bad habits some of them talk about a p33ing in backpacks. Most keep their food in there.
There is also the Fel Taint should the Vulpera meat have been a Warlock.

They are somewhat resilient of a species.
Dark Iron Dwarves aren’t cannibals so you don’t see any of us eating Dark Iron Dwarves. Now other fox meat could be a safer dish to eat though. Even the more fancy and rare of hunter pets before a Hunter tames them.
Vulpera aren’t for eating. Unless you’re a Forsaken but hey they are a Scourge race anyway. Like the San’Layn.

Already am.

I know we’re here to discuss vulpera appreciation, but I don’t think this is the type of appreciation which the OP meant…

OP didn’t mention what kind.

So any appreciation is fair game.

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The thread took a strange turn. This was not “appreciation” of Vulpera meat cuisine. But probably some kind of furry fandom or something. Or peoples new favorite Horde race.
Vulpera are yet to make their mark on the Horde so just be on standby.

Oh they left their mark. Rip Horde RP.

Don’t get me wrong. In BGs Vulpera die first.
They joined the Horde so its nothing personal. Killing Horde is what we do.
Think Vulpera opens up new paths for Horde.

Plenty of Vulpera RP already. They seem to be (literal) face huggers.

Aruni here! I’m waiting impatiently Blizzard to give shaman customisable elemental options in the barber shop, same as what they are doing for Warlocks, so I can live my Sandspeaker dream and rock in with the Sand and Dust elemental of Vol’Dun. Oh and why you are there, change that ascendance look, you know Dathea? I want to be here, surrounded by the swirling sand of the desert.
A Vulpera can dream right? :stuck_out_tongue: