Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

pets every Vulpera in this thread and leaves



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Would be cool - especially since there are so many different kinds of Earth/Fire/Water/Air elemental models, it’d be neat to be able to pick the type we want. And sand would fit in for ‘‘Earth’’ elemental.

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I owe you an apology too Moltensage. My attack was uncalled for and full of assumptions, And came from a spiteful place.

I have read some of your replies before and in this thread too. And spikes came out assuming you came from a hateful place. I unfortunately have a bad habit of attacking first and ask questions later when it comes to these forums.

I am sorry for my wild accusations. And assuming spiteful things in you.

Not Spite. Just an Alliance player that make sure to keep Horde in check. Not necessarily have Alliance boots on Horde necks. But now that Vulpera have joined the Horde they warrant the attention of Alliance eyeballs.
Non Horde affiliated Vulpera are another case. They might be like Kiro’s bunch.

There have been infighting of sorts among Horde players on the Vulpera membership. More so than the Forsaken as they were a lot worse choice.

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Looks at alliance burning innocent vulperas and their caravans in Vol’dun


They aren’t Dracthyr, that alone justifies their existence.

How about the Drakonid Vulperas?

They’d make fine loafers with fur lining.

That’s rude that is.

Do you have a worgen brother or sister?

This is i think the third? remake of the vulpera appreciation thread… There have been many a hater coming trough our doors :sweat_smile: I can’t always tell the difference anymore you know? I am apologize still. I made assumptions that where defamatory and thats just not right… And I take everything I said back.

A few freinds of mine had a discussion about this very thing xD… I was wondering how come everyone is so accepting and welcoming to the niffen for example? But so judgemental and cynical about the vulpera when they are both a ‘‘furry’’ beast race…

My friends explained. ''It’s because the Niffen are ugly cute… They are ugly… But in a cute way…

Vulpera are just cute and cute nothing more to it. They are just bipedal foxes’’

And I gotta say I can kinda see the reasoning when it comes to wow races. I often wondered. How Vulpera might of been received. If they where given their own rig, And a more roughen up Horde looking look.

Not anymore, but I do have a nice fur throw and cushion covers.

Dang - cant hunt 'em down to make a worgen scalp cap.

Because they arent ‘‘Furry UwU’’, unlike Vulpera.

Because that skull on your head blinds you.

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They are not “innocent Vulpera”. You should not believe the Horde propaganda. They were simply military targets that were hostile and interefered with Alliance operations against the Horde presence within Voldun.
The Vulpera that were helping the Horde were taking hostile actions that the Alliance forces had to deal with. Put them down and naturally defend ourselves from Horde assisted Vulpera.
To explain it another way. We finish the fight that Vulpera in Voldun started.

Too much hippies that want to scold the War times Alliance once the Alliance defeated the Horde in yet another war that they started.
It’s not personal it’s just business. Many in the Alliance are in the business of Killing Horde and or keep them in check.

Literally saw them burn them down.

Why did they do so? Oh right, because they dared to trade with them? Oh no, the humanity - how can we allow innocent traders do their thing?

Since they weren’t part of the Horde, nah.

The alliance always acts ‘‘WE’RE THE GOOD GUYS!’’, and then you do horrific crabs like killing innocents in Vol’dun cuz ‘‘hurr durr they did things wiht people we dont like’’.

Except, yeah it is.

Could be cuz you invaded their home, I dunno.

Yeah, genociding a race of traitors.

Good job.

There are Horde that make trophies of dead Alliance.
I believe they were the Rageroar clan. But since they did not appear in the Orc Heritage armor that clan must be extinct.

You don’t pet Vulpera. You boop their noses and move on.

Regional elementals will be an interesting asset. Pandaren elementals were always unique. Surely new designs can be come up with and could be implemented like glyphs.

Yes, and was only part of a single quest in the Barrens.

Alot of Alliance laugh at the Horde infighting. Some reports state that Horde players do nothing as Alliance hunt down Vulpera within Horde cities.
Vulpera have to be proud of the furry and what comes with it.

The Niffen are not Vulpera. There seems to be no furry association with the Niffen.
They are based on Goblins but they don’t have the craziness and engeniuty and personality of the Goblins.

Right helping a hostile power in times of war. Interfering with Alliance operations.
Don’t you think that nations and superpowers are different in War-times and Peace-times?

Their supply wagons had Horde logos on them. Horde escorts and more. A legitimate military target is a LEGITIMATE target.

The Alliance exists BECAUSE of the Horde. Keeping them in check. Putting out another Horde fire. That kind of stuff. The Horde started the 4th war. Would you allow the Horde another opportnuty to burn children alive in their own homes. Like they done with Teldrassil?
Sacrificing Draenai children like they done to enter through the dark portal.

Stop with the bleeding heart routine for the Horde.
The Vulpera made their choice when they sided with the Horde. They knew the weight of their decisions.

It is just business. Always was.
Look at the Alliance once we put down King Rhastakhan and taught the Zandalari Trolls a lesson we left. Alliance High Command chose not to press the attack and allowed the Zandalari time to mourn and even recover.
But remember the Horde actions when Stormwind was sacked? Horde slaughtered every defenceless man woman and child they could find and fed them as fuel for the fel.
This is the Horde that you are so eager to defend.

Alliance forces launched operations during times of war against Horde targets.

Dear Horde sympathizer.
Hostile Vulpera were neutralized even with Horde interreference.
Those that fled or surrendered where taking prisoner or allowed to flee.
Choosing to take up arms against the Alliance has consequences.
You speak of the Barrens. Horde that were captured were not harmed, Horde that were armed sought their “warriors death” and was granted it.

Yes do tell that to the Worgen whose brothers head was used as a Rageroar trophy.
Your sympathy for the Horde will really comfort Alliance citizens.

There didn’t seem to be any furry associated with Worgen or Tauren either… Our conclussion? Make it rough and sort of though looking is the answer.

Thats how to avoid the furry sterotype stamp.

Niffen are cute. But in a ugly non furry way

Because the whole ‘‘furry thing’’ wasnt really a big thing back then. If anything, people compared it more to ‘‘Twilight’’.

Same here, and the tauren existed in Warcraft 3 - and they’re not cutesy either. They’re just minotaurs.