Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

Your bad takes are impossible to ignore.

Nothing Taurena nd Kodo’s cant do but better.

I want to give the Horde their old strength back. When we were strong enough to defeat the alliance but only lost due to inside betrayal.

Yes really. The old Horde will rise again.

She was never not alliance. Theramore was alliance too and due to it being the main harbor to bring new soldiers from Ironforge and Stormwind to invade the Barrens it was a legitemate military target.

He stole our story and got all of the Argus plot for himself. The Blood elves had nothing for themselves since TBC and with Kael’thas returning to us this could change.

Because they too are alliance loving traitors.

You tried to genocide the Vulpera simply for giving supplies. I hope Nisha and the others who stood with us won’t forget this.

Oh we are not the good guys. We are anti heroes. That stupid Saurfang story trying to change waht we are might be the silliest thing Blizzard ever produced. Lame leaders like Thrall, Baine and Calia should not represent the Horde at large ever.

She will kill Calia and claim her place in lead of the Forsaken back.

Correct. You took Talanji hostage. The Horde freed her and brought her back to her people. That is the bottom line. No mental gymnastics of yours will change that.

Except it wasn’t unprovoked.

Furries were a mistake.

Yes truth and facts are annoying like that.

Vulpera could improve on the Kodo’s transport. Every allied race has to pull their weight and bring something to their faction. Kul Tirans are ruggedd sturdy warriors - have a fleet and strong connection to nature and shamanism not to mention the new territories that the Alliance gains access to.

Vulpera caravans could be much more difficult to take down.

So by harming the Horde and possibly costing the lives of Horde people. You consider yourself to be helping the Horde?

The old Horde was defeated by the might of the Alliance. The current Horde was defeated by the might of the Alliance. You don’t really have any relics of your past left. Forge ahead with the allies and strength you have now.
In time even Erevien will walk hand in hand with his Vulpera brothers and sisters.

Theramore was a test to see if there could be peace with the Horde near the Barrens. The Horde answered with the mana bomb destroying Theramore.
Jaina Proudmoore after selling her father to the Horde was willing to uphold this peace and neutrality. Just like she did with Dalaran. Until the Horde broke it yet again.

Your pride will not allow it. The Blood Elves owe prophet Velen and the Alliance for the restoration of your Sunwell.
Even though Jaina Proudmoore’s actions in Dalaran interfered with the Blood Elves rejoining the Alliance.

or they are smarter than that. Where did Kaelthas Sunstrider lead you? Enslaved to the Burning Legion - Feeding on the Fel an extremely destructive magic. To feed your magic addiction.
The High Elves are mostly the friends of the Dwarves. Wildhammer and Bronzebeard in particular.

Incorrect. Simply took out military targets. Those Vulpera that submit - ran away - did not interfere with Alliance operations were not harmed.

Dranosh Saurfang the son of Varok Saurfang was a hero of the Horde and he led Horde warriors into battle. Slain by Arthas at the wrathgate. He was then tortured in death and broken by Arthas and turned into a Death Knight.
The Horde is no different when they done the same thing to Derek Proudmoore. But instead of Death Knight Derek was to be a blight bomb.

Thrall was one of the few voices that speak against this. As the other Horde leaders cowered in silence.
This is what the Horde was becoming. A new Scourge that is being served by the living.

The forsaken have accepted Calia Menethil. They might not accept Sylvannas back.

There were no hostages. Just held and kept safe until King Anduin Wrynn could resolve the diplomatic situation, there are reasons why some matters are left to those skilled in diplomacy.

The Zandalari fired first. There were no hostile actions taken until then. Zandalari started a conflict with the Alliance. So the Alliance put down their navy - king - soldiers that got in our way. To prove a point.

Some day you might apologise to your Vulpera allies for your meanie beanie actions against them.

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The alliance fired first. Watch the cinematic.

No. The Horde council must be removed and the treaty broken.


That will not happen. The foxes will be put to the sword.

By bringing back the leaders of old time and raising alot of fresh undead soldiers.

Yes. My way is right to save us from alliance bias.

No need. Alpacas are not strong enough for any extra luggage.

Nothing what you say is backed by facts.

Only because Gul’dan betrayed us at a cruicial moment. Same with Vol’jin and his rebellion.

Which was a bad story from the start. Draenei should have been excluded from any blood elf plot.

I am happy If I get my Kael’thas back.

Watch Warcraft 3 and the blood elf heritage quest. Real Kael’thas was a hero and would never side with the legion.

Are mating slaves for their human husbands. That is their only story. See Vereesa and Alleria.

His death while Bolvar survived is another case of alliance bias.

He is a green human and a traitor. He never cared for the Orcs and had them live in poverty because Durotar had no resources.

Supported the rebellion to bring down the legitemate warchief by orders of Anduin.

Not the community. They reject her because Calia is against everything what makes the Forsaken cool. We are not sad humans with skin condition. We are edgy undead who destroy their enemies with all means.

Wrong. Zul and Talanji were held prisoner in the Stormwind stockades.

More alliance bias.

They are furry bait. Nothing else.

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Leaving a weakened Horde with no leadership and organisation.
Erevien may do more damage to the Horde than we might think. Assuming the other Horde members don’t just lock you up somewhere.

She was until the Blood Elves broke the neutrality of Dalaran and bombed Theramore.
Arch mages have their uses. As we saw in the battle for Lordaeron where she proved herself useful using her fathers ship. Clearing the blight and destroying a wall for the Alliance army to come in.
We must get a return on our investment.

If you keep being a meanie beanie to your new Vulpera allies. Then they might just show up at your spot at night. Fend of the angry little furrys on your own.

By steering the Horde to the path of Undeath the Horde loses in the end. Why would the Horde face the Lich King and the Scourge in the first place. Just to officially become them?
Horde players are probably rushing to lock Erevien up somewhere he can do no damage.

Anduin Lothar was an old man. With a broken sword and the strength of the Light the much younger Turalyon cut Doomhammer down.

Draenai as a race have been saved and guided by the Naaru. So excluding Draenai from the Naaru seems pointless. You missed the point. Can the proud Erevien thank the Draenai for the salvation of the Blood Elves through the restoration of your Sunwell?

Kaelthas is gone. Deal with it.

LOL there are many pureblood High Elves. Should the High Elves as a race rise again. Things could get interesting.

Many Alliance died at the wrathgate. Killed by the Horde by the Forsaken.
There was no bias it was a bioweapon created against the living and undead.

Actually they cowered in fear of Sylvannas. Thrall and Saurfang had to get the help of Proudmoore and Matthias Shaw.

You do not speak for the Forsaken. Blood Elf.
The Forsaken are once again under the rule of a Menethil. But the line of Menethil has been extinguished. Confirming the death of Lordaeron. The living that survived the death of their nation will have to forge their future.

No bias. The Zandalari Trolls was taught their lesson. We left. But little Talanji attempted to chase us. The Zandalari only have themselves to blame. They chose not to allow diplomacy to take place.
But now they hide behind the Horde. But the Alliance will honour the peace. Even our more ‘enthusiastic’ members.

You will have to atone for your crimes against the Vulpera. At least for the Alliance it is just business. You seem to take this personally.

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Doomhammer was wounded. That is why he lost against Turalyon. And deus ex machina moment from the light. Lothar was their best fighter and commander and he died.

No. Kael’thas is our destiny. Not traitor Liadrin and old fool Velen who should be forgotten now that the Argus story is resolved.


They are all with humans. Not other elves. You create half breeds.

The only actual named death was Dranosh. Bolvar returned and was our tour guide in Shadowlands. Same thing with Magni and Cairne.

I totally do. And we want Sylvanas back. Not another Menethil stooge who treats us like normal humans.

Full bias. The alliance won the war. It couldn’t be more obvious.

No crimes. Purging them is doing Azeroth a favor.

Just like Varian you ignore this was carried out by traitors and not the official Horde as we have seen by all the dead Horde soldiers there.

Outland belongs to the blood elves now that the Ogres are broken and the Orcs left for Azeroth. Like Illidan promised us before he betrayed us.

As I said without his light power boost Turalyon has nothing.

Because winning against your enemies is more important then being honorable. Only fools claim honor because the only achievement is death and humiliation.

A bunch of critters can’t hope to harm me.

She was leader of Theramore. A city state of the alliance. By definition this is anything but neutral.

Leaving a stronger Horde that will crush everything that decides to stop us.

LOL you can not accept Alliance victories and Horde defeats.

Despite being ungrateful. The Blood Elves were saved by the Draenai and Prophet Velen. Kiljadden and others corrupted it. You’re not much without your Sunwell.
Can learn from the High Elves.

Being burned alive - being plagued - becoming the Lich King - Jailer of the Scourge. This is not actually a walk in the park. Assuming you stay dead, death is a release.

There is nothing human about what the Forsaken have become. They are simply Scourge that have to be put down. Gone are the people they once was in life. Now they force their curse on others, Just like the Scourge they pretend not to be. Stormwind humans - Gilneans - Kul Tirans - Even Blood Elves, During the beach landed in Siege of Orgrimmar should the group fail then Sylvannas raises Lorthemar Theron into Undeath.

Time stamp from 2:50. The Horde Warchief orders the use of the Blight. The Horde plagues kills Horde soldiers. This atrocity gives Alliance leaders King Anduin Wrynn and King Genn Greymane pause as the Horde are killing their own then defiling the Horde and Alliance dead by forcing them into Undeath.
I expect Horde apologetics. Just like at the Wrathgate the Horde have no problem killing the Horde. The Horde was going to execute Baine Bloodhoof in a time of war and treated the Tauren of Thunderbluff as prisoners.

Then you might learn that Vulpera are surprisingly resilient.

Blood Elves can not lay claim to territories.

Paladin still have their martial prowess - physical constitution - skills and more.

Some among the Horde still hold on to Honour.

“Honour…No matter how dire the battle…Never forsake it”
Erevien. Do you also spit on the legacy of Hellscream?

Then 1 v 1 Vulpera players. They might be able to take you down.

Theramore was a neutral city.

You will lead the Horde to ruin.

Not the Forsaken. Putress and his traitor fellowship.

The order was to have Derek risen as undead and send to his family to kill them in their sleep which would have crippled the abilities of the alliance to continue the fight. Baine betrayed us here and made sure the alliance had the upper hand even suggesting to surrender while the body of Rastakham was still warm. He earned his fate of being executed for treason multiple times by now.

I will make the Horde great again.

Theramore was an alliance citty. supporting the war effort all through cataclysm start to finish.

I killed them long enough you are no match for my fire magic.

Garrosh was an idiot and Saurfang is a traitor. Ner’zhul and Doomhammer were the true leaders of the Horde.

Those leaders are just puppets of Stormwind who work the faction into the ground.

Turalyon is your typical mary sue D&D character. He was a priest before and has never seen a fight before the Horde showed up. Yet somehow he was able to oneshot our leader. Blizzard has been alliance biased since the second war.

Yes we can. Outland was our future. Kael had the right idea to get the energy directly from the twisting nether. If his own people hadn’t joined the Horde he would have succeeded.

It was super easy to turn gladiator mode on and kill some NPCs.

Of course not. They are undead. Being normal iss their exact opposite.

Still a better fate then being dead. That way you still have a purpose in the story. But Cairne and Dranosh are gone forever and the future of the Horde lies in ruins without them.

Being a high elf means you abandoned your homeland for some human approval. Just pathetic on all accounts.

There was no actual victory. In a fair fight the alliance always loses. Without their super hero leader characters every battle is a loss by default.

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Quite the self own there. “Now All Can See…This Is The Hour Of The Forsaken!”
Timestamp 3:28
Horde infighting is just Horde infighting. Siege of Orgrimmar was a Horde civil War. The rebellion against Sylvannas was more Horde infighting.

Thank you for proving my point. That the Horde have killed Horde before as well as the Alliance. Just as they done so at the Battle for Undercity.

When are you going to apoogise and atone for your slander and crime against your Vulpera allies?

Timestamp 2:30

Your lies are easily disproven.

^^ This right here is EXACTLY what the Horde Warchief ordered^^
Without the Horde the Forsaken alone would have never found Derek Proudmoore’s body who was lost at sea.

I am sure there are a few Vulpera on this thread that can take you down.

So you spit on the legacy of Hellscream as well?

You overestimate Stormwind.

The martial prowess and constitution of the Warrior with the Strength of the Light. They succeeded in their purpose and cut Doomhammer down.

Blood Elf expansion is a joke at this point.
High Elves might be better stewards. But they must rise as a people once again.

Cairne Bloodhoof was killed due to Horde internal conflicts. The Grimtotem making a claim to Thunderbluff.
Cairne’s feat as a warrior was against the Centaur. A war that the Tauren was losing until the Horde interfered.
Dranosh was a Death Knight that unlike the rest of the Scourge. Stayed dead this time.

Blood Elves abandoned what they once was. Which is why you are High Elves no longer. Not just in name but magic addiction - feeding on the fel and more.

Battle for Undercity was a fair fight. The Horde army was crushed by the might of the Alliance. Until the Horde used the plague and murdered their own warriors.

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Deus ex machina from Jaina saved you from defeat. Without magical super powers you have nothing.

Wrong. We embrace our legacy and honor the traditions of all thalassian elves before us. High elves however are thirsty for human D so much they killed us during the purge of Dalaran.

Garrosh didn’t know. Magatha betrayed us all. But between her and Baine she is the better leader we need in time of war.

Everything we ever needed was in Netherstorm. Much better then Eversong woods. The mana forges could have sustained us with limitless magic.

Another power play moment. Without the light Doomhammer would have killed Turalyon after he was done to Lothar.

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You can see it at 1:45 for yourself. Alliance fired first. Zandalari shot back. And your fleet was lost. And soon we burn all of Stormwind to the ground.

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With what fleet, exactly?

You have used this “Dues ex machina” excuse time and time again.
The Alliance is a global superpower. that have time and time again kept the Horde in check. Defeated the Horde but have suffered some losses.
Sylvannas never accounted for Jaina Proudmoore. The Alliance invested a lot into her training as a Mage.

This is not the legacy of the High Elves. Most of them are very much in tune with nature which is why they are such close friends with the Wildhammers and Bronzebeard Dwarves.
They are also in tune with the Light and Magic as well as Nature. While the Blood Elves violated and murdered Muuru then became addicted to the Fel.

It does not change facts. 1) The Horde always cheat in their “sacred duel” mak’gora. 2) Cairne Bloodhoof fell to a cowards poison and not the “might” of Hellscream.
Garrosh understood this which is why when Magatha Grimtotem asked for help against Baine, Hellscream rejected her offer.

Blizzard is trying really hard to sell this idea that Blood Elves are not the magic junkies they always been. Even Void Elves are the same ilk. Just chose to feed on the void instead.

As a Paladin he defeated Lothar. Make the excuses you want. Doomhammer and the Horde fell to the might of the Alliance. As skilled as Anduin Lothar was. He got old. Doomhammer will never have been able to defeat Anduin Lothar in his prime.

On another thread he dreams of Zandalari conquest of Nazmir and Voldun. Ignoring that the Alliance really done a number on the Zandalari trolls.

Which belong to them anyway. Sethrak are our subjects and owe loyalty to the golden throne.

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He already defeated Blackhand and that guy was a Behemoth. Remember WoD?

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It’s been years mate - the Zandalari has already made new boats.

Hmm. Horde intereference - arson - a known high rank Horde target Nathanos Bligtcaller. These were disabling shots and not shots to sink the vessel.
The abilities of Talanji was still unknown and Rezan was still alive. Alliance intelligence shows that Rezan the “loa of Kings” was killed by Zhul once his faction learned from the Drakkari Trolls how to steal the power and kill their own Loa.

The Zandalari fleet was hidden in the mist. So they launched unprovoked attacks against the Alliance fleet.
The Alliance had their retribution. But in time the Zandalari might rebuild.

If you can not keep what was taken. Then it is not yours.
A united Sethrak will even with the Horde give the Zandalari a run for their money. They are a race of has-beens. They were a force to be reckoned with when Lei Shen and the Mogu Empire was around. Now they are not.

Isn’t Warlords of Draenor the “We Wuz Kangz” expansion of the Horde?
We faced the best of their first Horde and put them down. Thrall stole our kill with kid Hellscream and cheating again with Mak’gora by involving the elements. The elements abandoned him because of it. Poppa Hellscream was tenderized by demons of the Burning Legion.