[Vulpera RP] Community Event: The Rainbringer's Ceremony — July 5th-6th

The Rainbringer’s Ceremony is a two-day, vulpera-only event in Vol’dun running from Friday July 5th to Saturday July 6th with a focus on community, regrowth, and fun events for all vulpera to attend!

We have five hosts working to make this a dynamic, fulfilling time for attendees, and hope to see you there. Hopefully this is the first of many community events we can make a reality!

IC Notice

"To all kin:

Lastwind and The Red Oasis invites any and all vulpera home to Vol’dun this weekend!

Vol’dun is often shunned as a place of bad memories, but the dune is as scarred as we are: We can heal together - as one people, united with our homeland, and the spirits of our ancestors which inhabit it.

We ask for your help, as we hope to orchestrate the first step towards a resurgence of life in Vol’dun, a new beginning for our homeland: a Rainbringing ceremony. The clouds that block our skies often bring lightning and harsh wind; we will harness them for peace and regrowth. We ask for all people, not only shaman or those magically inclined. Every kin is equal, and all kin will have their rightful place.

We hope to send a message of unity, hope, pride and justice to all kin across Azeroth — and to drive the actions that will deliver it.

Join us for two evenings on the 5th and 6th of this moon. We will be in Southern Vol’dun, just a short walk North-West of Lastwind. Help us nurture this land, so that we might truly and proudly call it our own. Join us for feasts, music and togetherness, for adventure, for culture, and, of course, to bear witness to history."


Here in Southern Vol’dun! - https://i.imgur.com/1UUvLVg.png


Day 1 - Preparations, featuring an engaging scavenging event and a culturally-based funeral later on in the evening, both for ‘goodbyes’ and ‘thank-yous’ to those who came before. A respectful farewell to the past.

Day 2 - The last preparations for the grand Rainbringing Ceremony, and then the ceremony itself. It will symbolise fruitful new beginnings for the Vulperan people, a new focus on nurturing regrowth and restoration in our ancestral home - turning our eyes to the future.


Day 1 - Friday July 5th

❖ Welcome Speech ❖ - 8:00pm - 8:15pm ST

❖ Scavenger’s Hunt ❖ - 8:15pm - 9:30pm ST

"A ritual this large will need a lot of powerful reagents – and as vulpera know, the dune provides.”

In preparation for the Rainbringer’s ritual, volunteers will head out into the dunes under the guidance of a seasoned survivalist, facing challenges along the way!

❖ The Wake ❖ - 9:40pm - onwards ST

“Too many kin perished in the long struggle towards this new era of freedom and regrowth. They fought to see us thrive - we should let them know they succeeded.”

The end of the first day will see us paying respects to those who came before. During the Wake we will light our campfires and reminisce, tell the stories of those who have passed, place offerings, and help guide their spirits from this world to the next, from our earthly hearths, to those burning bright in the sky.

❖ The Feast ❖

After the Wake has concluded, feel free to stay as long as you’d like for music, food, dancing, games, and socialisation!

Day 2 - Saturday July 6th

❖ Welcome Speech ❖ - 7:45pm - 8:00pm ST

Attendees will have the choice between two events:

❖ Cloudcaller’s Totem Designing ❖ - 8:00pm - 9:30pm ST

In order for the ceremony to proceed smoothly, totemic beacons will be necessary to properly harness the power of the elements and produce a worthy downpour. Contribute by crafting your very own totem for the occasion!

Using the scavenged materials from the day prior and your own unique skills, craft and empower a personally-designed totem in groups or as individuals. Guides will aid those who have never crafted a totem before, to ensure everyone has a part in this historical moment.

Those who contribute to this event will receive a special medallion in thanks!

❖ Elemental Excursion ❖ - 8:00pm - 9:30pm ST

Meanwhile, a smaller team of vulpera will be lead to the Siroccan - elementals uniquely attuned to Vol’dun. Through a test of the Vulperan spirit, and with the offer of friendship and mutual benefit on the table, the group will seek to secure an elemental blessing for the Rainbringer’s Ceremony at the end of the day.

Those who contribute to this event will receive a special medallion in thanks!

And will then reconvene for the finalé:

❖ The Rainbringer’s Ceremony ❖ - 9:35pm - onwards ST

”We can bring hope for the future. We can bring life to long-dead soil. We can bring rain to a desert.”

The Rainbringer’s Ceremony is what everything has been leading up to: a ritual to bring rainfall to the desert, the first step towards making Vol’dun the paradise it once was. The ceremony will signify what vulpera have achieved as a people since the Fourth War, and symbolise the bright future to come.

Everyone will have a part to play, magical or not - and festivities of all kinds will run alongside the ceremony.

After the ceremony has concluded, feel free to stay as long as you’d like for music, food, dancing, games, and socialisation!

Both Days:

❖ The First Archive ❖

“Our history is our legacy. Thousands upon thousands of years of survival, ingenuity, creativity, artistry and resilience have disappeared into the sands. How many stories have we lost? How many names have been forgotten forever?”

“This will be a permanent record of who we are - the first archive of our people, but certainly not the last.”

‘The First Archive’ is a place to submit as much caravan history, as many names, as many memories of traditions and festivities as you can recall! Everything will be listed in what shall be the first fully-recorded written book of collaborative vulperan history!

OOC & Details

Submissions will be accepted through IC, DMs, links to docs, in-game mail, etc! This will be an opportunity to tell your backstories, to write out and share your caravan headcanons, or simply to speak of your character’s families, and those they may have lost! Every single name is important.

All information will end up in a neat book some time after the event, with everything appropriately credited. I’ll be making some accompanying art assets to spruce it all up. Hopefully we can make something that really shows off AD’s creativity, and brings the community closer. We’re looking for:

  • Caravan names
  • Caravan traditions
  • Caravan headcanons
  • Vulpera family trees
  • Vulperan names - the living and the lost
  • Anything else relating to vulpera!

❖ Mural Painting ❖

To celebrate the artists of Vol’dun, a collaborative mural will be available at all times to add your mark to!

OOC & Details

This will be done via an online collaborative canvas, linked on the day via the discord! Everyone is an artist, and any experience level will be wholly welcome!

All vulpera should feel welcome, especially those new to the vulpera scene! We will be happy to host for you.

Keep up-to-date in the discord: https://discord.gg/5D7tc3mTSK
‘Elemental Excursion’ will have a sign-up limit, done via the discord server, and various links will be provided from there!

Hope to see you there!


The Rainbringer’s Ceremony is in just TWO DAYS! :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Stoked to pay a visit!!


This is a re-upload!
The last one was closed, I believe, due to a single troll comment :smiling_face_with_tear:

Our intention is very much to uplift vulpera communities - we’re not at all deterred. I hope to see you all there!


Couple of unsavoury folk stinking the previous thread alas

But good on y’all for not backing down with this! <3


i have ta say, this looks like a great opportunity for our kin to reconnect, regardless if we be traveling the sand or the watery kind of desert!


Can’t wait !!! I know it’s gonna be awesome <33


Bring on more community events! All the best for this one.


TRUE hopefully the start of more frequent events of this sort! The community def needs them.


Looking forward to seeing you all TOMORROW!


Be there or be square, unbox the foxes and regard the renards!


Today’s the day!

Festivities start at 8pm ST, west of Atul’Aman - check the AA page for an image of the exact location :dracthyr_yay_animated: More than welcome to join in earlier!


What a fantastic first day! It was incredible to see so many show up and participate.


Absolutely amazing first day, props to you all who organised it and I hope day 2 goes just as well! <3


Can concurr, first day of the event was amazing to see.
Sad I couldn’t stay the full duration, but thoroughly enjoyed the organized activities and overall theme of the event!


What an amazing first day!!! Aaaaa???

Day two begins with the welcome speech at 7:45 ST!

I’ve added an EXTRA EVENT to day 2, since the numbers were twice what we expected!
There will now be THREE options for preparation events, leading up to the ritual:

  • Elemental Excursion - Limit 10, sign-up on the discord! (https://discord.gg/5D7tc3mTSK) or through whispering Dustara in-game! A character-driven event based around gaining the support of the local elementals, through personal trial.

  • Cloudcaller Totem Design - no signup limit! Hosted by Iaito and Dianni - character-driven, social based totem making, but with some fun mechanics, rolling and point systems. Let your creativity and character shine!

  • Snipping at the Bud - Max attendees will be 15, a pure combat event hosted by me: help us make the ritual site safer by taking care of a large, dangerous pest!


Gosh, thank you to -everyone- who made it to the second day and finalé of our event!

We’re all super humbled and happy about the feedback we’ve received and would definitely love to make something again for the community. My personal hope is that people feel encouraged to dip their toes into Vulpera roleplay and find the heart and potential of this race :pray:


this was a great two -day event that brought many tails old and now from all walks of life back to the sandy dunes of our home.
It was a lovely sight and a great ceremony.
May the rain that ended our festivities, nurture the growth of future events!
Thank you for this great opportunity!
For the Vulpera, for the Horde and for Vol’dun!


<For the next day, a lifestorm rains down over the Southern coast of Vol’dun. The water is purified and clean, restorative in nature; drinkable, harvestable for tinctures and salves. An infusion of life magic blots the sands with touches of new life, drop by drop. As the sun rises in the morning, so too do magic blossoms, sprouting straight from the sands, painting dunes and ridges and cliffsides in droplets of colour. These blooms are soon to wither, perhaps… but are not soon forgotten.>

Thank you all so much for attending! The event was more successful than I could’ve imagined. So many great RP’ers and dynamic characters who brought wonderful emotes and character-driven RP. Very thankful to all who attended; I’ve heard only good words and I have only good words to say in return!

Thank you, Rainbringers! :> Until next time!


Thank you for having organized this amazing Vulpera event!