Can you all stop hoofing it as fast as you can into a mob? Tanks I speak directly to you now, if you see I’m low because of that awful pull before, is it wise to pull the boss immediately?
Slow your backside down and let me drink for a moment, if you die because I cant heal you don’t have the right to call out healing issues!
Just check our mana bars before an important or impactful pull and use the brain cells you can muster to determine “Will we survive this?” - its not a “git gud” its “I’m out of damned mana”.
Thanks, on behalf of all healers gearing up!
The solution is simple. Type /oom, sit down, have a drink and watch the tanky idiot (usually Firemaw) die.
But even as a dps this behaviour anoys me. It seems they do not go dungeons to enjoy the game, they just want to rush through as fast as possible. Sad. You have to build up a little resilience against insults, but taking the time you need and let them die in worst case seems the only way to deal with that to me.
Im gonna start doing this.
If I need mana and I tell them but they ignore me well I dont care if you die, I told you. Ill get better but eventually we need to get our resources back up - so pay attention to any armageddon-wanna-be tank, you’ve been warned.
When I get into dungeons, I sometimes feel like I’m in a race.
People hurry as if something is on fire.
More than once it happened that we started the boss so quickly that the healer did not even have time to restore health to others after the battle.
This often leads to the death of the tank, or damagers who do not wait for the tank and start pulling the boss themselves.
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as a resto shaman, I’m always at 100% mana. If you need to drink - it’s your problem
I hate the rushing, both as tank and healer. If I play tank, everyone is just gogogo, even if this is a hard pull and I need a few sec to think or I see the healer is almost out of mana, often resulting in one of the DPS pulling, making the pull 10 times harder than if they waited 3 more sec until I was ready. Making tanking stressfull and unfun.
Same with playing a healer and I’m low on mana and the tanks just keeps pulling 3 groups at once, when I’m on 15% mana, then blame me if someone dies.
I like dungeons, but I like it as a fun thing, not something to just rush, I realize people want their justice points, but I play the game for fun, not grinding. I’m not in my 20ties anymore when I could play 8 hours a day and 16 in the weekend. Just want to log on, do a few quests and maybee 1 or 2 dungeon for fun and quests completion. Back in the day I grinded Darnasus to exalted and the Winterpring tiger to exalted back in Classic vanilla, not something I want to spend endless hours doing this time around.
So do the majority of people just want to grind rep, justice points, XP, gold +++ and not care about playing just for fun anymore?
Some tanks are chill and have the extra special ability to be able to look at a healers mana and understand if it full or empty.
But sadly , most are on drugs and have lost the ability to see other party members or tell what color is and think they are invincible because some unknown magic entity in the clouds is healing them and continue to race of into the distance until they die
TBH never had anyone cry yet when they have ran off and died when I’m still drinking, one tank did it twice yesterday /faceplam
Is it just me that looks to see if the healer is with team when tanking?
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Just for any tanks reading this who aren’t familiar with healing in cata - making pulls when the healer is below 50% on mana greatly reduces the margin of recovery for error.
Every healer has an efficient low healing but low mana consumption spells for standard pulls but if something goes wrong that’s where quick inefficient spells get used that drain mana quickly.
If you or someone else happens to misspull a double pack then you’re likely going to wipe when the healer doesn’t have the excess mana to cover the mistake.
The quickest way for everyone to go through a dungeon is always going to be steady pulls without big healing spikes that requires mana breaks or worse, expecting healers to manage spikey pulls on low mana which risks deaths.
Of course they don’t. They are either dps on offspec, who just need PvE currency and get back at doing dps or are overgeared and overconfident raid tanks, who think they carry group alone.
Cata is famous for healer mana issues and one of the ways to keep tank attention is to move yourself further ahead of the group and start drinking in front of them as combat drops.
This trick works perfectly in MoP challenge mode golds when healer knows where is it safe to drink/encase himself/herself in restorative ember (teise as fast but same amount of mana as drinking, but you are stunned for the duration while being encased in amber. It requires healer to know the spots where it is safe to do so, without making ninja pulls.
First group of the morning
I join a group that a healer has either quit or been kicked, get to first boss one guy dies due to ignoring mechanics, while in the process of ress’ing him after killing boss rest team hops into the clouds and jumps across to new platform and starts fighting, by the time I get there they are all basically dead or very little health so I just left
I have worked with coke heads that have more self control wtf is up with groups
2 healers down wonder If they think they are the issue
I didn’t get a deserter de buff for leaving though which was nice, bug maybe
Agree. Im noticing a lot of residual “wrath brain” where every dungeon was a chain pull fiesta. I had a fresh 329 ilevel bear tank chain pull the entire first area of SFK and get confused when he was getting destroyed.
Thank god the DPS (one mage in particular) had the sense to CC some mobs and freeze other melee mobs in place away from us.
The tank was lucky i am 350 ilevel geared. Any less and he would have been flattened.
if dps pulls they keep it, they learn usually after second or third time they do it, or they continue whole dungeon while crying about “bad tank”
what’s more surprising is they get heals… my only concern in the party is for healer.
Im not joking when I say that the healers have to let the tank die. I mean, if they just keep pulling non stop then YOU stop, drink, without any kind of hurry and if they die its an easy ress.
After a while the tanks will learn their lesson. This happened at the start of OG Cataclysm.
BTW in Cata there are a LOT of tanks but not a lot of Healers (because healers in cataclysm need to actually play the game and not only hit “1” to heal) so you basically have all the power in the dungeon.
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Also wait for DPS. They wanna go fast but LOS & out of range the casters. Ridiculous.
Another thing that I can’t understand is why so many tanks try to skip trash. Why would you ever skip exp during levelling phase and go to great lengths with your trick jumps when it takes like 20 seconds to aoe the trash.
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Only thing a quote like this does, is make you look like a idiot.
Healer mana is 90% the problem of the entire group.
If the tank uses his cooldowns properly, and the dps interrupts and focus target dangerous mobs, most healers never really need to drink after getting a decent level of gear.
In guild groups, this is usually the case.
However, in RDF, you are teamed up with a bunch of people that either are too bad at the game to use such abilities, or they simply do not care.
The difference are huge from guild groups and RDF, depending on the dungeon, a healer that never need to drink in a guild group, might need to drink after every pull in RDF, simply because the other players are doing nothing to make the run go smoothly
My advice is to always run with the tank and to use drinking in combat.
Aslong as you dont run into melee or heal the tank pulling you can wait until he groups to mobs and start drinking in combat for 10s before healing.
Doing this with good use of your regen ability will mean you’ll never need to stop to drink and slow the run down. Its an advanced tip but shows your knowledge/skill of a healer.
Also if the tank is doing large pulls and not popping cds in rotation and forcing you to spam heal him, means he is griefing and its your job as the healer tk call that out. The dps are too focused damage + CC and interupting mobs to be seeing that.
Make sure the tank is using cooldowns properly and never be behind him, if you are out of range of a tank thats your fault as the healer and make sure you use the first 5-10s of combat to drink. Its better to use that small amount of time every pull to drink and keep up with the group.
You can ask for mana breaks and everyone will wait for you but it is frustrating for the group if you do this a lot. Its just an old game so a lot of healers are very experienced MMO healers and know these tricks so they never oom and go extremely fast. MMO culture is pretty min maxed right now so people will expect a high performance of you.
I’d recommend FF14 is you prefer a more casually friendly game for stuff like this. Please don’t take this as me attacking you, i’m honestly just trying to show you what the fast people are expecting and thinking.
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tbh I don’t mind big pulls / ignoring mechanics and just brute force healing through stuff and never using any defensive CD…but when the team runs off after this and expects you to still have mana it is a little weird.
From my experience most tanks are just too slow and terrible. They should be more cobfident and make bigger pulls.
they wanna speed run so badly they cant interrupt or dispel when it takes 3k-5k mana from healer to do that