will say it again, only doing RDF and haven’t drank in the last 20 heroics. Play better.
Either you are lying, or you have been extremely lucky with your party members. cause healer mana depends entierly on the damage the group take, and their efforts in avoiding damage, which is completly out of your hands as a healer.
You can be the best player in the world, you will still need to drink if your party plays poorly.
Yeah i am with you ont hat one.
There seems to be a huge base of players that came here from retail defonflight as they expect the same pace.
Tanks in cata classic for the most part also expect healers to run around in healing spec prior to enterign the dungeons so they can run off immediately and start. It does not work like that in cata. I am not goign to play the game in resot druid so i wlll need to change and drink when i drop int eh dungeon and tanks have not gotten that part yet. Any of them. They all runn off and then get angry when either their health drops to really low levels or they die.
I am at a point in time now were a macro i sprob needed stating that i am changing specs and will need to drink. JUst so i can spam this so their screens fill up with this info.
“But i gave you innervate all the time”…great. THanks for that %2.5 ofmana. I still need to drink. Yes. I have most gear with spirit. Yes, i know how to heal. No you are not lettign me drink. Yes you are startign bosses with me less than half mana. No it is not my fault you died as a result. Yes you need to wait. Yes you need to wait.
Let me say it again. yes you need to wait for me to drink.
Do you play the game as resto shamen as well so you are ready to go as soon as you drop into the dungeon. Cos tanks run off right away. They dont care about your mana.
So how is the game playing as resto shamen? Dotn you find the DPS a bit low?
I am taking the mickey because of your statement
Mages are not using their own dispell and i am having to do it. Ive not seen a mage dispell themselves yet.
or you pick correct talents and gear… that’s also an option. Lightning bolt spam + archeology trinket = infinite mana. If you don’t run lightning bolt mana return talent, you’re playing it wrong
I 100% guarantee you’re doing it wrong. 50% of healing comes from riptide and healing stream totem. You want to snapshot your riptide healing with unleash elements, focus insight, engineering proc etc. Same with healing rain. Riptide ticks for 10k that way. Use healing wave, and rarely surge. That’s it.
ALso lightningt bolt talent that returns you mana, you spam LB and you go from 50 to 100 in 10 casts
Now you are just making a fool out of yourself
if you’re about the LB spam, go check ANY rshaman guide. 10man version even has +hit from spirit talent in ele. If you don’t know, don’t talk.
No, you are making a fool out of yourself by ignoring everything thats said in this thread, then starting to give out advice that is completly irrelevant to what anyone is talking about.
Healers arent going oom because they are playing poorly (for the most part, there are still bad healers out there, same as any other role)
People are going oom because tanks dont use their cd’s and dps dont interrupt dangerous abilities, causing the total damage taken by the party to become massive compared to a propely played dungeon run.
And on top of that, tanks run off without caring that the healer had to massively carry the previous pack by using expensive heals that they shouldn’t need to use, so they cant even drink.
I’m giving them a solution to the problem. An ACTUAL solution. As I’ve mentioned I haven’t drunk in the last 20 RDF runs a single time. Even with 330 ilvl paladins in mail gear, or people standing in AOE all the time.
Crying about it on the forums won’t solve the problem, get better at your class and overcome it
No you arent giving any solutions, you are just telling people that there is no problem just “git good”
There is a massive difference between a dungeon run where people play proper vs poorly. And your solution is to “just lightning bolt bruh” when this is a thread about healers in general, and not just shamans. A dungeon run where tanks dont use cd’s and dps interrupt, you often wont get the chance to lightning bolt until the end of the trash packs, giving you not enough mana back compared to the usage.
Maybe you should try reading the thread that you come into, its not complaining, the OP is simply begging tanks to be more aware of the state of the healers mana.
I play Unholy, but sometimes if queues to long, i become the Ikea Tank, full blood & mastery but no tank gear.
And tbh it’s far more common that dps pulls before me, than myself.
In those cases it’s funny to let them die, but healers tries to save them. Like why? I can do their dps aswell, just let them die. My 30k+ aoe dps as blood is more than enough to cover for a fruity silly mage who ninja pulls.
Sure lil bro, and ive got a bugatti parked in my garage.
I’m over 352 ilevel disc priest, full utilisation of my talents/abilities, stacking spirit/haste/mastery, stacking smite buff for %mana reduction, and putting BIG bubbles on people (if needed).
I am still having to drink every couple of packs, even with mana pots (alch trinket equiped) and my CDs. Still tanks will rush off and pull more packs when I’m on 20% mana after two big pulls.
You’re talking nonsense.
Amen, lol.
I play Disc Priest and I don’t care if my party dies. I don’t need them for anything.
If i learned anything from a friend playing on MoP as Disc, this is 100% true.
Big dps, big heals & can prob survive the dmg to if you heal enough.
Disc priest here. I’m now 348 ilvl and the problem seems to be somewhat resolved (bear in mind that I run with two mana regen trinkets and I have a shadowfiend).
I can sometimes go for an entire dungeon without having to drink, but sometimes I’ll have to try to drink for 5 sec between each pack if the group I’m running with just tries to dps blindlessly without stopping between packs, using defensive CDs or interrupts, and seem to be attracted to every Aoe pool like a moth with a lamp.
Try to type in chat, but do know that 70% of the time people either don’t read, or don’t care.
Then let them die if they don’t understand, but again, 70% of the time they won’t understand and just think you’re just bad and not deliberately doing that.
Or do like me, suck it up, try to regen whenever you can (even for 3 sec) and carry those noobs
I have left several groups now, I’m to old to baby sit kids that can’t sit still for 2 seconds
I just don’t understand how tanks can be so stupid, there’s no other word for it, I honestly don’t understand the mentality of it.
I tried retail a month or two ago and did some low lvl dungeons, this just feels the same, log into dungeon run after tank, dont stop to loot or drink or talk or pick up quests.
I don’t know if this is possible. But would be nice if the chat wasn’t cluttered with every single trash item you loot.
WOW i looted 3 cracked crystals for 10s each, amazing!
Or looted another grey sword.
Stuff like that spams the chat immensely hard. I know you can make a “chat only” channel. But then you miss if you get something you actually wanted.