You can disable loot drops from the chat, I have.
And if you want to follow whether you had the loot you want, you can type /loot, it’ll open a small window with a summary of every loot and who got it.
You all ( or almost ) asked for RDF.
RDF is the worst thing which has happened to this game, especially at max level.
I’ve never in Classic, TBC or especially in Wotlk, had any problems in the parties I was in. Wipes, Afk, etc …no problem. No one voted kick or stuff like this.
Get used with. Again, is what you asked for …
It’s so frustrating, isn’t it? If no DPS every said “go,go,go” this wouldn’t be such a problem.
I don’t agree players did this before RDF. It has nothing to do with the tool and everything to do with players who are out there to get something done without caring about the people around them. This was there before RDF and would still be there without it.
Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? No , players didn’t do this before RDF. Yes sure, here and there …some cases, but NO way this big and pathetic.
No one cares now, no talks etc. If you really have to pee or someone is at the door, most of the time when u’re back you are kicked.
Wrong! The tool is the main reason for why :
And of course , the crossover servers.
You would be known if you acted like a d*** or ninja, etc.
Now is “whatever lololo” and then proceed to vote kick.
Yes they did. And you’re not right. Here is an example of the most common player interaction in classic:
Hey everyone
Can I need that’s an upgrade
Thank for the run
That’s all the interaction that was needed in dungeons in Classic, TBC and Wrath. How people end up in the dungeon doesn’t change anything. Waiting on the player that isn’t moving because they didn’t notice there wasn’t a warlock in the group doesn’t make game play any better.
I knew if I had to go to the door or bathroom I would be kicked before no one has any patience, it’s not a RDF issue it’s a game issue. If you have to run as many dungeons as you can to get the currencies, you need to upgrade your character nothing else matters except running as many dungeons as quickly as possible.
I agree with sharding being the main issue. The other being no ramifications for being a toxic player.
That’s all needed now too…except that’s not how it was in Classic, TBC and Wotlk.
We often talked strategies, asking people if they know mecanics, etc. So again, you are wrong.
No, is a RDF issue, because no one cares about the other one in his party and because with 2 clicks, he can be replaced … just like that.
I’ve NEVER saw or heard someone being kicked, in Wotlk and Classic ( I didn’t played too much TBC ) because they go to bathroom, pizza at the door, etc. Never. We would patiently wait for him.
Give fire weapons for the first time to a community … and see how things work.
Its RDF issue combined with players in general.
No RDF, no issue…in general. RDF , issues in general. Its that simple.
Your experience and my own don’t have to be the same. What I wrote was my experience so it can’t be wrong. There is no need to discuss strategies in easy dungeons. TBC is where the Heroics were hard and people had to use some strategy for them, but most dungeons I ran didn’t have anyone really talking about anything else, because by then most people outgeared the dungeons and no one needed to say anything in them, people were just running them because they wanted tokens.
I was in several groups where they kicked a player who was gone for less than a minute. I said “don’t it hasn’t even been a minute yet”, but I was overruled. You must have played with nice people on a nice server. Everyone around me wanted their tokens as fast as they could get them.
It’s a player and game design issue. If people could only run a dungeon once a day would change things. But people earn tokens by running as many dungeons as they can.
If there was an RDF in Classic for just the people on the same server some of the problems, you have wouldn’t be there. When people form their own group they exclude players who are new or undergeared. When people form their own groups you have to wait on the slowest person.
Tanks are so stupids…
They can’t wait cause they are pgm.
Last time he pull last boss while I had 10%… mana.
No sorry nothing…
Another time, I was oom and he run like a stupid rabbit pull and die. And he says: sorry I had no cd rdy…
…Me in my head: you problem is not you have no cd…
Your problem is you are so stupid.
The right thing is; We carry you all PU.
We do all the job and we fix all your mistakes. And tanks and dps, all of you are very bad, just faceroll and at the end, you can loot, cause we are on fire.
So, now, don’t wait your heal, no, but you will die.
And to finish, locks… your connections IN FIGHT to be perma full mana. No problem, connect, but I don’t heal you.
This is not just a tank issue. I regularly have dps run ahead and pull stuff if I am not pulling fast enough for their likes, once even had the healer run ahead and pull the entire sfk courtyard, and then after we wiped due to getting chain feared, they promptly left the group.
A lot of players are like this on my server. Very selfish people, I’m tempted to change faction later so I can murder them.
And we can’t cleanse Stupid.
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