Waiting 30 min to be wiped clean by a Pre Made Group

Shouldn’t the maximum party queue be 5 or something? And RBGs for bigger groups like raid parties?

I think the problem with BG’s not being that popular or fun for New or PvE players is that the chance of being completely wiped off the map by a pre-made group is pretty big. like 20 or 25% of the time. I’m sure some people that do Bg’s with 6 friends will be bummed out if they pushed through this rule, but I think overall the gameplay would improve tremendously!

So bigger groups will try out RBG’s and normal ones will be more casual.


The maximum party is indeed 5. However, what these premades do is they queue up all at once in parties of 5 and land in the same queue area and mostly, with coordination appear in the same desired battlegrounds.

This is not against the game rules as long as they don’t use soft or hardware assistance like previous existing addons, illegal .exes etc of some kind.

Yes it can be considered unfair. If you have suggestions you should submit it through the ingame suggestion panel too!



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“We’ll take a closer look at this case and …”

Any news on this?

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GM’s do not discuss the outcome of the investigation with third parties.

All it said is that they will take a closer look to see if it falls in line with their policies and encourages the use of the ingame reporting tool.

Which means, it echoes my previous posts on this subject: If they didn’t use any soft or hardware to queue sync it is not against Blizzard policy at the moment.


Yeah, sorry, I must admit I was a “bit” sarcastic with my question :smiley:

…since there is not really anything to “investigate” on the general question of queue-syncing - which was the topic of the GM ticket there. The current status quo (and how it has been for almost 20 years) is what you correctly pointed out already.

So I am not really expecting Blizzard (especially not GMs) to break the news on that topic anytime soon :sweat_smile:


“it can be considered unfair”

yeah, wonder how many millions of players quit over the years for this unfairness, but blizz doesn’t know x) they dunnow hat happens often in their own game, between the bot situation, and the sync pre, and some other things, sometimes its a wonder how this game stays alive…


Depends, if you unsub there’s a special box for feedback - if this gets specifically mentioned it can be used as an internal statistic about why players unsub and maybe they will really do something about it many many players en masse unsub.

Is pretty much known including where and what they do. They even had previous year a monthly announcement on how many bots were banned yet people kept saying it was made up. I personally think it is just part of all the known bots banned since they tend to use banwaves.

And also a pretty bigger detailed post about it yet desinformation keeps spreading.

Is another weird take as I said, there’s even quite a few statements about this through the years including an API change to prevent assisted queue syncing through addons for example when the developers specifically addressed that.

But manual syncing isn’t forbidden.

If I can take a subject matter for example, players complained that they didn’t want to fight against premades in SOD, so they made it finally premades against premades. Then the solo players complained about they didn’t had anyone to fight with and lesser premades complained they had to fight against full premades.

Now they mix it up and solo + lesser premades can get matched against full premades to get timely matches. See? Only bundles of problems.

PvP is way less popular because it’s way harder than PvE.
New Players will not suffer from premades, Honor Level 1-30 have they own battlegrounds.

Don’t get me wrong, it would be amazing if Blizz get’s rid of those idiotic premades but PvP, especially random battlegrounds are just a niche. They don’t care, they don’t even care about rated PvP.

It may be a niche but that niche is what an awful lot of players stuck around in the game for. I loathe dungeons and raids so outside of the main quest campaigns, there’s not really much else to keep me playing, only the BG’s.

In the past 10 years or so, I’ve probably only been subscribed for half of that time, if that, compared to pretty much constantly being subbed the 10 years beforehand. If there had been an answer to the premade issue or if there was a way of truly having a solo only BG available, then I’d most likely have been subbed for the entirety of the last 20 years because BG’s used to be extremely good fun until the premades started getting more and more prevalent.

I know there are many more like me who will have regularly or completely unsubbed as a result of the premades, just find it odd that Blizzard wouldn’t want to keep more people playing in the long term.

look, im sorry but from planet “i actually play this game enough to know more than someone who doesn’t”
it will sound extremely arrogant to peasants who never want to learnt he truth but the reason alot of yall get into my ignore list is

thats why i speedrun it to the ignore button. i play the game, and i KNOW im right, because anyone who consume content like i do, know exactly what the problems are, and have said it multiple times, the only reason u don’t see me saying it more or constantly over the years months weeks days hours, is becausxe ppl who never EVER play the game think they know, and they fight against you on the forum, that aand the people who are actually the problem helps, so u r always outnumbered, because most people wont go to the trouble to come to the forum to talk the obvious out, they will quit the content, or quit the game, often both

then again, dragonflight was probably worse in terms of the premade situation, and let me tell u one last thing

if tomorrow CEO of blizzard made a public statement that sync premades were okay, id still complain and say they are wrong, those are things only people who don’t actually play the game say, so yeah, a problem is not a problem until it is. (which means, come q with me for a bit instead of talking nonsense, then again, like i said, premade is not a insanely massive phenomenon right now, at least outside epic, idk wth is happening in there since they butchered fire mage)

don’t bother reasoning with me, u not gonna change my mind.


How would you solve this issue though? Apart from minimizing the group numbers.

I wish ppl could only write and give their “opinion” or make statements abt something they actually have experience in.
Would be an insane improvement for the forum! :+1:

You’re free to your opinion :+1: Blizzard would also have your suggestions if you have any through the ingame panel too.

Thanks for confirming the same experience!

It wouldn’t. Otherwise we’d get lopsided things like mount collectors not being able to comment on the region-restricted Mtn Dew promo mount because they never experienced being able to get it. See? Catch-22.

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Let’s say it like this, when it comes to problems or improvements inside the game and its content.
I mean you would have a problem with this restriction obviously, but yea, who cares or?

Ok, which experience?
You don’t play the game and here in the forum are constantly threads abt premades, let alone counting all the old ones with hundreds or even thousands of different ppl complaining.

Why do people like you btw even comment in topics they have no clue abt?


cross realm pvp would prob help minimazing, just like rbg solo, u can end up on one side or the other, better q, better balance between factions

does it destroy the fantasy of alliance playijng vs horde ? hasn’t that been already done in the current lore anyway? how much are horde and alliance actually fighting in the story anyway? we don’t fight in the cinematics, i have to constantly go save anduin, why am i being camped by alliance 30v1 warmode to farm sparks in hallowfall again ? just make it ffa at that point


Premades are one of the reasons why PvP is dead.

Facing a premade is a massive waste of time.

Mixing the factions, or organize it like GW2 PvP or solo shuffle.


Battlegrounds where my main content but since shadowlands i don’t enjoy them anymore. The biggest reason are premades, that’s why i only play 2-3 months of an expansion.
But i accept that blizz doesn’t care so they get way less money from me.

For normal battlegrounds it’s easy. You are in a group? Ok you only face people that are in a group too, regardless of the size (2,3, or 5).
People that are solo will only face people that are playing alone too.

For epic bg i would try the same thing.

They should do que for 5group only then normal que that you que solo or only with one friend ,then its a start otherwise new players will just be keept one shoted and they have no ideea whats happening and ofc they unsub

I see your point. But isn’t WoW all about the battle between the Horde and the Alliance? With obstacles getting in their way.