yea, only when convinient, maybe 6-8 years ago it was, i don’t wanna go over the history fo how we got to this point (history as in blizzard getting everyone on the alliance hype train for almost a decade)
now its clear that wow has more problems than ind ragonflight, at least to me, sync is just one of the many, not even the biggest atm, definetly one that got alot of people to quit, i know personally people who complain to me about premades as if i could do anything, or i didn’t hate them myself lmao
and yes, there is also a bunch of people who are like “thehe technically when u play with randoms that want to join u is a premade too teeheh” i have no words left for define the level of commitment it takes to be this huge of a troll, or being this low iq that u cannot reason anymore with neither logic or common sense, but w/e.
last example was people pointing out “hey, everyone is nightelf because night elf racial is op in pvp, and in pve” and half the community, mostly nightelves theymself “waaaaa, that not true, night elf racial is fine” and we are back to the back and forth comment section of people trying to cope with stats and numbers vs feelings.
He was never fine. Still OP from the release. But there was much more better on the Horde side the first decade of this game.
It’s during DF and TWW that Horde player bases change to Alliance because they finally destroy the last race which has the best racial on the game (ORC).
This is accurate. If you “start” PvPing at this stage having never before. I can’t even begin to imagine how bad it would be. Particularly as a caster…
I think they should have almost a “starter”? PvP window where people below honor lvl 10 or 20 or whatever should all be grouped together. Seeing as it’s account wide, you’d have to create a brand new account to circumvent it.
Even PvP ilvl. Perhaps bracket sub “ilvl X” into a bracket to stop stomping to death from folk in full conquest. Even till you get full green / blue lvl gear.
I know you can share honor from alts and gear instantly. But from a brand new player pov it just suck. Even learning.
People complain about this problem since YEARS, I am here on the Forum since maybe one year btw.
Look at all the closed topics about premades (I only care for epic sync premades), and how many people wrote there they stop playing because of it etc, it’s really not hard to find.
On top of that, I can link you maaany threads on reddit or other external forums aswell, about the same problem.
You can deny or conviniently close your eyes infront of it, doesn’t make it to something like “only me” or “always the same people” complain about it.
Most of my friends PvE and sometimes I can convince them to try an arena or battleground with me but after 1 match they’re done with it for a few months because of the high skill floor.
It will make the queue times longer, but my guess that in time it will make WoW PvP more popular because it’s more accesible. But i’m afraid we need an expansion dedicated to that idea for that.
like i said in my post above, the vast majority has realized this was not going anywhere, or never even bothered and flat out quit, but like jay said
posts, have been made… and when i said they have been made, i say there might have never been more posts about something in wow pvp forum, then the premade situation, i might have created 1-2 posts myself in the past, then i moved to just chatting underneath posts, and then eventually quit
i got sucked into this one because ive noticed saneko classic response as the collected guy who has never encountered the issue, but has to chime in, which is what 50% of the players do, the other 50 just plays in prem (of the 100% against the issue, not 100% of total playerbase)
Apparently if I have a different opinion I don’t play the game these trolls are attacking me.
@Everyone else: Once again, that you personally dislike something doesn’t mean it is against the game rules. I encourage submitting suggestions if you have something to improve the game on That’s me for this thread!
Please quote where I told people that. Are you sure your own posts are not harassing other users because they have a different opinion like your latest?
So you were unable to quote anything, just as a “fact” (your opinion) you point to the general post history of a player you can’t read the history from?
The conclusion is that you’re just wildly accusing me of something I didn’t do and personally attacking me, repeatedly and your comments are getting reported as result due your own behaviour. Thanks.
Apparently you have to tell ppl to mass flag posts only because we don’t accept your opinion and tell literally just what is visible for everyone.
Sad that you have so desperatly to prove how toxic you are.
How funny coincidence that you write literally 1min after I got the message that my post got flagged abt it in here mhm.
It’s sad that you think pointing out a fact by just looking for a second onto your account and reading so many of your comments is harassing
Ehm no, like I wrote, by looking at the things you do in the game and reading so many of the posts from you over the last months in this forum?
No, I didn’t attack you in the first place, just asking you literally why you have to write in a topic you have obviously no experience in.
That I said you are toxic, is also just a result out of the flagging of my post, because you don’t like what I write.
Like I wrote, because when I look at your account and your ingame activities then I see that you do literally no bgs or pvp in general, means that you are not affected by the problem that is being discussed here, neither do you have the experience in it to share something valuable here.
Because this was just a wish and how I see it from my perspective, the question I refer to is:
You can’t look at my account, as you’re not a Blizzardian. My ingame activities on a forum posting toon? Huh? Do you think this problem doesn’t appear in Classics, Progression, or that I don’t play other toons?
So you admit to insultingly refer to “people like you” assuming they have no experience so they cannot comment on topics, despite my first post being on topic and highest upvoted before you and Magego derailing this thread with personal attacks against me?
Checking the comment over, it was one of the reported posts so that was why I didn’t notice it earlier.
I have spent enough time going around in circles with your posts.
I look at your armory, achievements, honor lvl, bgs played, etc…you can hide your overall achievements by only showing character ones sure, but your honor lvl alone says it all when it comes to PvP, which is the topic here.
No, my intention was not to insult anyone with this question, I just think it makes more sense to give comments or argumentate abt things you have the knowledge abt and wanted to know the reason why people so often want to write just to write.
If you feel personally attacked or are insulted by that then I’m sorry for you.
You see what you want to see. Obviously you don’t want to see it, but lots and lots are complaining about premades ruining bgs and be rest assured there are even more being frustrated ingame but unfortunately they never make it to the forums.