Waiting 30 min to be wiped clean by a Pre Made Group

Im not disproving anything,arent you gf of jay?

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I read Jay’s post as part of this thread but I don’t even know this guy.
Could it be though that Jay has some valid points?

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i never said i disaggre with him,just that same ppl complaining about premades ;D and yet they go personal like you do now telling me that i obviously cant see.

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I asked you before in another thread: Where do you have the official statement from Blizzard confirming this? You didn’t answer at all back then, but maybe now you can show a link to this official post since you repeat that’s it’s not against the rules to manually syn’c premades?
And please do not refer to this post where one from Customer Support says “To be clear though, queuing at the same time as someone else isn’t considered cheating.” It doesn’t mention syncing or premades of 10(or 40) players trying to sync into the same battleground, so basically it says nothing at all.

Backpaddling so hard, it must be hurting.
You we’re trying to strongly imply that’s it’s not really a problem with the premades and it’s just a few of us -the same ones - who are seeing things that really aren’t happening.
I’ve seen tons of threads complaining about premades. I can see them AND play pvp, others can see them, but you can’t see them. Ok then.

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Im not trying anything,just stating that im seeing same ppl complaining,god forbid i say something
you dont like ,you attack personally and making assumptions in ur head.

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like i said, there is thousands of posts closed, i opened a few myself but quickly realized u are either fihting the people who do not understand the issue, or the people who are the issue theymelf.

most people who found it a problem qalready quit trying, quit bgs, and quit the game


So… if queue syncing is allowed by doing it without any illegal addons/software, why not allow people to queue up as raid by default.

looks to me like some one is being lazy to solve a pvp problem.

sync queuers should get penalized because it’s causing an unfair advantage which is against the ToS.

Do not defend those abusing the grey area 'cause we all know it’s of load of crap


True always the same people. Quite often people that themselves queue exclusively with 4 other people in small BG’s and are frustrated that sync premades(7-15 out of 40) in epics stomp them. lol

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Enough said.

Anti-premaders showing hostility and aggressiveness towards those who don’t think like them?

Nothing new under the sun. xD


Wdym. These anti-premade activists are really, really nice people. Never resorting to personal attacks or straight out lies about people they don’t like(don’t agree with).


They are like all activists. Only in this case, they will be unable to do anything except insult you, ask you to tie a rope around your neck, review your achievements one by one…but they will not be able to do you any real harm. I imagine the helplessness must be intense.

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See guys? This kind of :poop: is wrong: It is NOT against ToS. Stop spreading misinformation. Are you lying on purpose???

It is ok if you want sync-premades being against ToS. Makes total sense. But it isn’t currently and hasn’t been in the last 20 years.

Copium again…
Any news from your GM and his investigations?

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It’s the same usual suspects who play premades themselves who bark again. Again Saneko is pretending not to see my post, where I’m asking for an official link to where premade syncing is allowd as he claims.

Stop embarassing yourselves anymore. I know sync’ed premades are happening, because I meet them every day and that Blizzard isn’t lifting a finger against it.

However claiming that it’s not against the ToS without being able to show a link where it’s OFFICIALLY STATED BY BLIZZARD and not some clueless CS, is taking it way too far.

You can act out like you guys always do and insult all you want. Again I caught you guys in spreading misinformation. Stop trolling now.

Another thing with the same issue. Unfortunately the weekly pvp quests has been the same for 2 weeks, so I was running random bgs with all my chars.
It’s been some time since I did them and omg the trash sh… bg this has become. 8-9 out of 10 were either full 10 premades or premades with more than half of the team.
Even with almost full conquest gear what does it matter when YOUR team hasn’t any,
Never I have I felt wasting my time in a game like I did when I spent those hours grinding the 1500 honor points painfully slow.
In the end I was FU… this weekly! I’m never going to touch random battlegrounds again with this crap show of one premade group after the other.

Ok rant over and I’m not a new player but somehow conditioned to the under average quality of the game (but enough is enough), but what do think new players would think?
Blizzard has to come down from their high throne and realise that their game has turned into less than mediocre and to keep and attract players they need to make big changes

Dont bother speaking to him, especially like that or you will get banned. Its blizzard AI bot with greentext, what’s the point xd


More important question:


I don’t know how you can say this now, but I read many arguments in the past between you and people who also dislike 5 man premades, in which you had no shame to show aggression or hostility towards them, be it passively or actively.
For example telling some1 that “he would live as a grown up in his mommys house and never worked or did anything in his life”, etc.
Personally I don’t care when you write things like that and never said anything, because the same like me, you just care for the subject and get either emotional or feel it’s unfair what some1 else writes about it.
But please don’t act like only the people who are against epic premades are the ones who get sometimes “aggressive”, if you want to call it like that.

Here again the same, something that until now I only read from you and Nothing you didn’t do yourself.
I mean I have no idea what you have with activists, but you also go and make screenshots from streams, ingame chats, win or defeat screens, to defend your points, attack some1 with it, or argue about 5 man premades. (so basically the same)

Priskah for real, it is standing exactly like we write IN the CoC/ToS, I have no idea how you can “lie on purpose” and say it would not, and with this spreading misinformations, like you accuse others of.

We not only want it to be against the CoC/ToS, it is against it, the only thing that just not happens is that blizzard puts his attention towards it and acts against something they have written themselves, is not tollerateable.
Because it is just a niche.

Thanks for the warning but I don’t mind if they suspend me for that, just shows how weak the system is. :slight_smile:
And explains much, I should have known better that it makes no sense, after what I read from him in the general discussion topics already.
Having such a high opinion about his MvP status, but feels offended by a question that is based on information, everyone who knows how the armory works can easily look up.


Dude these are random bgs not blizzcon, 99% of people in them are terrible and all you get is meaningless cosmetics. Can’t stand tryhards in random bgs yelling at people who are chilling

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Other people have fun in arena, mythic+ or raids, I have fun in epic and normal bgs.
There is no difference cuz its a game that should bring fun, doesnt matter what you do in it.

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