Waiting 30 min to be wiped clean by a Pre Made Group

What a strange statement. People shouldn’t have to abandon the most popular PvP gamemode because the bullies have taken over. Blizzard needs to do something about the bullies instead.

This is exactly why PvP popularity is falling further with every new week, because Blizzard just lets every issue fester until everybody quits over it.


you know i’m something of an advisor myself

What I’m doing is catching liars spreading misinformation about Blizzard saying that sync’ed premades are allowd. You can say it’s an uphill battle because it doesn’t change anything whether cheaters admit or deny it, because Blizzard dodge enforcing their rules.

Obviously it’s offensive to quite some people but it’s also offensive being a participant in a team who’s up against one 40 man premade after the other who just get their way and ruin the fun for others JUST because Blizzard have decided to look away.

I’m not playing any 5 man or with any guildies btw, so no the same logic can’t be applied to me. I’m not one of those who complaint here about premades in random bgs while at the same time running with my own premade., big or small.

No they shouldn’t have to abandon the most popular pvp activity random epic battlegrounds, but really Blizzard has been ignoring everything pvp related for more than 6 years.
The only change Blizzard will react to is if enough unsub and in the reason for unsubbing write PvP negligence from Blizzard’s side. That means less income for Blizzard and they will react with the speed of lightning.

Those ‘bullies’ are playing within the rules of the game. Therefore, it goes back to my original point, until Blizzard change those rules, then the constant whinging is never going to end and the ‘solution’ is what is the reality: people stop playing. Nothing ‘strange’ about my statement at all, it’s the factual reality.

You realise you’re literally agreeing with me? I’ll dumb it down for you:

Blizzard rules = bad

Bad rules = less people playing

Bad rules don’t change and you complain because you don’t like them = stop playing or take advantage of the rules. Quite simple.

Hope that helps

Aye, Blizzard has a habit of waiting too freaking long every damn time.

Queue times are horrid to begin with and then half the team leaves when they spot another pathetic premade. Meanwhile Blizz keep their heads firmly planted in the sand like nothing is wrong.

Blizz don’t care about pvp to start with, they rather have people leave the game then fix it.

You’ve been told by several people the same thing, yet you keep twisting the words in some sort that will fit your argument. At this point, I honestly think you’re just trolling the forums for your own pleasure, rather than care about the status of the game.


Exactly what he did to me ><
Dude is weird on many levels,just cringe.

LMAO! Coming from you, who uses all possible shenanigans in PvP to make social media content. You use more toys than a 40 y/o cat lady!


Yet another joins the premade wolf pack. I know it’s not nice being exposed when you keep insisting that premade sync’ed is allowd - and I’m tired of your pack howling that keeps going in the same circle, round and round and round, so that’s my last answer.

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That comment is just comedy gold. :rofl:


Ignore him, he’s an obvious troll that has some issues upstairs.

Wolf pack or not, doesn’t change the fact that you’re just trolling. Have a peaceful gametime, can’t wait to meet you in a bg :slight_smile:

Ignore this guy,hes obviously a troll,he also duo que for blitz and got boosted.
Hes the one that premade himself. Pvp god chad 1.8 cr gladiator.


I’m not trolling but calling those out defending sync’d premades denying it’s against the ToS. Obviouly it hit the nerve so badly that you’re ganking up on me and want to get back at me, even players I never had a discussion with suddenly pop up out of nowhere.
“Have a peaceful gametime, can’t wait to meet you in a bg”
Aww that bad that you want to meet me in a bg? Sorry, it’s not going to be in this expansion m8, cause you premades ruined random + (e) bgs.
Cya around maybe…some day…

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There is a very easy fix to the premade issue but blizzard is reluctant to proceed with that fix.
in addition to the queues for BGs where you can queue with a party, there should be a separate NPC where you can only queue as solo and also not being able to synchronize ( that will be the blizzards thing on how to prevent that ) or make synchronization ban able.
Simple effective and easy to do yet for unknown reasons it hasn’t happened yet.
I wonder how much money some people in blizzard’s payroll get in order to make things smoother for everyone…

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Do you get a thrill of constantly spreading misinformation, child?

I play with a friend, that’s hardly a huge premade exploiting the Q system with other groups.

Cute that your public profile is hidden. Must be for very good reasons. It screams 1500 hardstuck.

Why so serious? rival 1.8cr whole life bam elite on blitz :smiley: i must have hit the trigger .


So you’re not playing, but complaining about premades. How typical. Next time I’ll want an unadvised opinion, I’ll ask Drek’thar, he seems to have more experience than you.

Yes, you are trolling, because you’ve been literally pointed to threads where Blizzard staff says “queue syncing is not against ToS”, but yet you still believe this little “alternate truth” you created in your mind.

It’s good to know premades live rent-free in your head, although you’re not playing :slight_smile: