I also get what you mean but just mentioning the differences between the 2 types: allowd and not allowd.
Isnt it the case that in normal bgs groups get matched against other groups? Many groups queing there so.
This is not even possible with epic bgs.
Also the impact of 10 to 25 fully geared obeying community members against only complete single ppl playing on the other side is ofc way more impactful. Even if it is ‘50%’ in both cases ‘premade’. You rly can’t compare normals to epics.
I doubt this is the case. I play often solo and i fight more premades than normal groups.
Some people in this thread here are complaining about sync premades but proceed to totally destroy normal random bgs with their 5 man fully decked out premade vs 10 random, often undergeared players. Why? I dont get it.
Curious, who are these ppl in this thread who complain abt epic premades but run around in 5man grps in normals?
The only person I know he plays in 5man often is Delenis, and he is not complaining abt it.
I’ve always said that 5 in a 10 man is just as bad as syncers in epics, the issue is that the game actually caters to that setup in it’s very design so there’s not really much of an argument to make, other than it still being really lame.
I dont wanna name people but a certain mage here in this topic.
Yeah its whatsever. People who 5 man premade and then come here complain about sync premades are annoying(to me). You do the exact same thing but on a smaller format.
The only thing I can say in favour of 5’s in a 10 man, is there are often 5’s on the opposing side as well, which would even things up way more often than you could expect in epic BG’s as most people don’t want to stoop so low as to start queue syncing, or just can’t be bothered to have to try and find another 15-20 players to sync with them.
Okay I let it slide the first time you mentioned it but since you keep on with it: I met your guild “BG Besties” as a group more than 1 time in random bgs, so maybe don’t be so busy with what others do with their 1-3 or 1-5 man groups, when you’re doing exactly the same?. Or maybe not you - can’t remember names - but have a talk with your guildies why they are doing it?
It’s annoying with the premades in any form, but at the buttom line the 5 man group is still allowed to enter random bgs, without breaking any rules.
My guildies is me? Not it isnt. What a strange reply. I play solo 99% of the time. Same logic can be applied to you. Stop complaining about sync premades 24/7 on the forums like u do when theres no statement its not allowed the way they be doing it. Everyone can 3 2 1 join with their 5 man group and not break any rules at all.
Riiight, while conveniently forgetting to note this makes the issue worse
No, if you can’t beat them, AVOID them
Don’t play one-sided BGs, just AFK with the whole team (out of rez range) or log on another character
That’s wrong since duos are allowed
I see 2 ways to fix the premade issue : either force 1:1 premade parity on both teams (in addition to healers), or go with hidden MMR for random BGs. Balanced average MMR on both teams obviously doesn’t guarantee the game will be fair, but after a while, it will put completely noob teammates with the chronic 5-man full-conquest queuers, make them face R1 AWC players or serve them 1h long queues.
I’m not ignoring anything, it will just create more premades. But, I struggle to imagine that wow players are THAT dim that they haven’t considered they’d have more success playing their own premades, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
Instead of complaining about premades (I hate them), accept Blizzard will do nothing about it and start playing your own premades or just don’t play BGs and let those weirdos stroke their inflated egos. It’s not a complicated issue.
That’s called 'giving feedback"
Feedback has been given for YEARS about premades. Can you point me to the last blue post that addresses any feedback related to premade random battlegrounds?
I don’t care about the past feedback
There’s feedback in this thread. Where’s the blue post?
How far is your ‘past’ going?
Show me ANY blue post that addresses pre-made random bgs. I’ll wait.
No, CBA doing that
Spoiler: There isn’t one. Hope that helps!
sync prem is easier to make compare a group of 5 man, i believe
maybe it’s because i only group guildies (when i m in one) or real friends of mine. I dont group with anyone.
BUT, indeed, what you are sayin is close but you’ll fight more premade than group of 5 man.
This is what i feel after all these years of my wow gaming
I haven’t played rated in years and my bg blitz experience was waiting 30 minutes to an hour for even the q to pop, followed by failing to enter for another 15 minutes because people didn’t accept, and inside everybody was 0 rated actual 3s xp and sucked except for one other person who was gladiator from burning crusade and had no idea how the bg worked and told me to pick up orb in kotmogu on my mm rank 1 hunter, as I was standing there top damage doing nothing with zero conquest gear. The premise is fundamentally flawed in these brackets because if you’re good you should only play with good players at all times in rated as the others will bring you down.
Also waiting an hour for only like 2 rewards and dealing with problems
when there’s imorph is moronic. They need to add better rewards if they want people to sit in qs for an hour. If there’s anyone who actually sits in qs for hours for incentives you get for free with imorph or just to impress the 99% toilet water wow community with meaningless numbers nowadays then that’s a sad life
I feel like a lot of people that play this game don’t really operate on an effort for rewards basis, so they shouldn’t complain. The only reason I ever did arena was to get the mounts and titles and because it was easy for me. Can’t imagine what the lower form of consciousness experience would be like trying and failing for years for reskins blizzard made in 2 minutes (if these people have any doubts how small they are)