Waiting all day In LFG to get a single Invite As Dk for M+ Thanks Blizzard

What do you mean copying “the meta”?

Im not. The people doing 28s, 29s and 30s are. Funny thing is that none of those guys are DKs. Not because DKs dont excel, but because DKs dont synergyze well (or better than) the classes represented at those levels.

Why is that so weird?

Granted what I said above only applies to the most upper 0.1% of the playerbase, but OP is complaining that he cant access those levels by being a DK. Dont get why its weird…

It gives primary stat instead of -10% physical damage taken (regular dwarf). There is very few physical damage attacks. Only the tank takes physical damage. DDs and healers take mostly magical damage.

I still think its ridiculous to determine your race just to play M+. Its such a marginal difference that does not affect any of us. Except those doing 30s where even a 1% extra edge actually matters.

The reason people play either dwarf is for the dispel, not for the main stat/damage reduction. As a hunter, I also get extra crit for playing ordinary dwarf, which makes it my best race for dps.

You are right. Both dwarfs have a dispel and that is why they play them at high levels. But both ALSO have something else on top of that.

One is useless. The other one is an extra stat trinket. Which one would you choose if you had to?

I assumed that choosing the dispel as the #1 reason was implicit in my comments. I was referring to the #2 reason.

And for the record, I will repeat again that IMO its a ridiculous argument to choose Dwarf over any other race. Its irrelevant for 99.999% of the playerbase.

I’ve had keys that would have been timed if I hadn’t died to a bleed on a boss fight before I changed to dwarf, and I’m certainly not a top level player. (Top 1% last season, but yet to reach top 0.1.)

I chose the one that gave me the most dps, as I said. That was ordinary dwarf.

I think that is totally ridiculous. And if its true that it gives such an advantage then it should be nerfed.

IMO having to choose a race for extra edge is worse than choosing a spec for the extra edge. The same way we demand blizz to balance specs we should demand with equal, if not more, force to balance racials.

Races should be pure fluff. Nothing more.

Also, who is your main? Your hunter?

Uldaman 3rd boss. As a hunter, you simply don’t have the defensives/self healing to keep yourself alive when you get the bleed if the healer doesn’t manage to heal through it. I don’t think there’s anywhere this season where being able to dispel a bleed can mean the difference between a timed key or not, but Uldaman will be back next season so…

It’s also worth noting that 16 out of the top 20 M+ BM hunters are dwarfs. While the presence of 4 other races (actually 3 - one human, one orc and 2 night elfs) in that group proves that the dwarf racial isn’t required to do well, it shows that people do what they can to make things easier for their group.

It’s also relevant that the BiS ranged hunter weapon this season is a gun, which favours dwarfs.

Or maybe they should all have useful racials so we have better reasons than simple appearance to choose between them. That would be more interesting and fun than homogenising the game even further than it already is. Why do you want everything the same? I mean, while we’re at it, we could remove everything that makes classes unique.

Yeah, the character I raid on. Whether she’ll stay as my M+ main for the whole season remains to be seen, but she’ll always be marked as my main on RIO because it’s the only way to get her kills to show up when I’m pugging mythic raid on alts.

You just simply dont get my suggestions. What I suggest is FAR from homogenization.

What I suggest is removing/nerfing skills that make specific classes/races cheese encounters to such a degree that they become mandatory. Like SP was in S2 now that you mention it (Uldaman Elemental boss now that you mention that place).

Let me just put an example I know very well:

Algaleth academy tree boss. You know why I (RShaman) never had issues with the famed tree boss of S1? Because my Poison Dispel Totem could remove poison stacks on the tank of the little adds, trivializing that boss.

It turned a dangerous boss into a target dummy. That is NOT the intended mechanic. Its NOT intended that you NEED a shaman for Algaleth Academy. That is not healthy for the game.

Unless you make dungeons where there is at-least 1 dangerous mechanic that can be cheesed by every class. That way, you can bring any combo of classes and there will at-least be 5 things you can trivialize (5 people, 5 unique classes), balancing a dungeon/classes like that.

But you have yo admit that its a ridiculous request to make dungeons like that !

We already have trouble with raid buffs and personal deffs. Can you imagine a world in which on TOP of that you had abilities/racials that can CHEESE core parts of a dungeon?

Like: Hunters will NEVER be accepted (or be at a serious disadvantage) in dungeons where some specific skill cant be used to cheese mechanics. On the flip side, you are invited ALWAYS to dungeons where you can cheese some mechanic. Or worse, you are NEVER invited anywhere because some class can do your cheese + another one.

The only saving grace of the Dwarf racial is that its 2 minutes, and it might save you once from a mechanic. But not twice. And that is why its only mandatory in very high keys. But in order to balance that properly with other racial, you either give every single race an ability to allow at least 1 cheese per dungeon, or, you give none.

SO, TLDR: Im against things like Mages being the only ones able to dispel the Spikes (CORE mechanic) from WM tree boss. THAT is not fair. So, 2 choices:

A) Make ALL self cast abilities that make you inmune to CC remove it (Blade Storm, Turtle, BoB, Shaman Wolf, ect…)

B) OR, nerf mages so that they too have to sit there and get pounded.

But making mages MANDATORY in any WM run (especially tyranical) is absurd IMO. So we eather ALL get some cheese (not the SAME form aka. not homogenization) or none of us do.

It would be unfair if it were true. Paladins can also do it - bubble on self (yes, you can use it while stunned), BoP on others. The human racial also dispels it. (There’s also the trick of dashing outside before pulling that boss to equip the pvp trinket.)

Yeah, it is. I’d rather take paladins.

You know why I, as a paladin tank, never had issues with the famed tree boss, regardless of what class my healer was? Because I could use my own poison dispel to cleanse my stacks. Same for monks. And even if the tank or healer couldn’t dispel it, all that was needed was to take a dps who could. Trivial boss.

Are you troling or what? All the abilities you mention are 5 min CD or a 2 min CD. You can dispel 1. But not 2.

Mages got it every 20s or something. They can get spikes 1 after the other, back to back and dispell ALL of them.

Are you 100% positive now that “It would be unfair if it were true”? REALLY? Hilarious.

Sure. :slight_smile: You haven’t tanked that boss enough.

You could dispel the poison with an 8s CD. However… you had to wait until you got full stacks and dispel then. And if you tanked the boss you knew what “full stacks” meant… :slight_smile:

Because if you did not wait until all ads were dead, you had the adds reaply more stacks (and this happened FAST) and still had to wait 8s CD to dispel again and you might be dead by then.

Balancing this 8s CD issue was challenging to execute in very high keys. In PuGs with 0 coordination it was a nightmare.

Poison dispel dispels ALL stacks every 1s ticking all the time. He dosent even need to pop defensive AT ALL.

And god forbid that 1 dps got touched by 1 plant. He got dispelled too. Magically.

Had it for every add phase, did not even need to target anyone, or heal the tank in any way. I just DPSed and I was gucci. 1 button. Thats all it took.

No. Its no the same.

Sure they can. And if someone else gets it every time, the mage can do nothing. You’re relying on pure RNG.

Only about 40 times in season 1. I guess that isn’t very much…

Also, while we’re talking about certain specs being OP in certain situations, did you know that holy palas can just heal Chromie on the last boss in Fall, and it’s like using lay on hands on the whole group every couple of seconds?

And that is what I am proposing. Because I can do that too with CB totem. I heal chromie, charge the totem and heal the whole party from 1 to 100 with 1 button. And so can monks and any other class that has cleave healing.

Even better: Any DD or Healer that takes the healer trinket from AD can also cheese chromie and top the party with any cleave healing skill. If even DDs can do it with a trinket then its good balance.

That is FAR from homogenization. That is just good balance IMO. Everyone has a different HOW. But we ALL have skill to do it. Some easier to execute than others. But we ALL have one.

SO? Having the mage NEVER get spikes is as likely as the mage ALWAYS having the spikes. What a crummy argument.

Fact is that ignoring completely 1/3 spikes (on average) makes a MASSIVE difference. It means that A) you don’t run out of mana with ST heals, B) you actually have CDs for the 2/3 of the time the mage does not get it. Otherwise you run out of CDs.

Plus the DPS component: 1/3 of no spikes to deal == more uptime on boss. More uptime on boss == shorter encounter. Also, some DDs have short CDs to use on every spike. And as good DDs they keep them for the spikes.

But 1/3 of the time, they can pump the boss instead. And 1/3 is a lot. 33% more DPS basically.

And even if you disagree, does not matter. Running with a Paladin instead is still the same RNG component with removing the spike. EXCEPT, he can do it only ONCE. Not every-single-time he gets it.

You have NOT healed that boss. Clearly. You should reconsider your choices here.

I think what you talk about is only needed for very high keys. Not needed for the 99.5% of the playerbase. And we also already timed WM without a mage on +24, and no reason why +25 is not doable.

I understand where you are coming from though, but i am not fully agreeing.

Is it possible? Yes. Is it significantly easier if you do? Also Yes.

Does not invalidate the major point. And I was not talking about high keys. I was talking about 24/25/26 range is the one I play in, and its the one I have experience in.

In high keys on top of the mage they bring the PvP trinket, which is ridiculous IMO. And they are all humans. Which is also ridiculous IMO.

I am not disagreeing on that. Definitely also because we do talk about quite high keys with 24-26. But yeah, i leave it to pro’s for ‘abusing’ everything they can.

I think you are a little underestimating how high you are playing.

Maybe I underestimate. But I am kinda tired of complaining about the same mechanics and class/race balance things and be accused of “Homogenization” all the time. And this extends to all content levels.

As if for example healer combat mana regen. Its so OP that nobody in their right mind would suggest that some healers should have it, and some should not. When things get so OP, either we all have it, or none of us do. Its the only 2 options for a fair balance.

And right now, the fact that every healer has a mana regen spell is not “homogenizing”. Truth is that we all have A mechanic that produces the same result. But with a different HOW (shaman = resurgence, MW = mana tea, ect…).

And that is FAR from “homogenizing”. And the same concept can be extended to any aspect of the game. The more OP it is, the more urgent is the need to “all have it or none of us do” choice.

Racials included.

How often is your cloudburst totem available? I mean, the healer I play with most often is a shaman main, and he says that boss is fine on his shaman but a joke on his paladin. I’m not a healer, but I figure someone who heals on both classes should know.

No need for me to respond to this. I’ll just remind you that you said:

Once on himself, once on someone else, one LoH for the stunned target, sac available for a stunned target every 1 minute. And that’s assuming none of the group is a human who can just racial it.

It’s quite interesting that the majority of WM keys you’ve timed in that range were without a mage, which pretty much proves the point that mage isn’t needed.

I agree 100% with Mistjo here. You’re pushing higher than you give yourself credit for.

It isn’t possible to balance an infinitely scaling system at all levels. Rewards for M+ stop at +20 so I take it as read that balancing stops at that level as well. Those of us who choose to push higher than that are into an area that the devs aren’t even attempting to balance, and that’s fine. It’s on us if we want to do it, and it’s on us to deal with whatever lack of balance we encounter.

You were even the one who said this to the OP:

That’s how it is for dps and healers too. Sure, we can manage up to a point with whatever class we want to play, but there comes a point where we have to reroll if we want to push higher, and that’s totally fine.

Every 45s, 2 charges. So you can use 2 back to back. And definitively its not a 1 button-full-HP ability like the pala has. You need some GCDs to make it work.

But it does not disprove anything. I never denied that its not easier with a Pala. But all other healers can do something similar as the Pala does. Its just that Pala does it BETTER. And thats OK.

Who said possible or impossible? :smiley: Look what I answered to Mistjo:

And I would know. Because as you said I have healed it with and with out a mage. The difference is quite significant.

Maybe. And yet… I still cant time RISE 25 no matter how many times I try it. Disgusting place.

Either way. I have reached the limit of what I can pug. In accordance to my comments to the OP.

Im talking about abilities that cheese bosses. In the case of WM, the lower the key level the lower the skill. So healers heal for less, DDs hit for less, ect…

So that boss is equally challenging in lower keys. Its not like its a piece of cake on a 22 and magically it becomes impossible on a 26. Everyone is complaining about it, even on a 15.

And here comes a mage that can cheese it. Thats what im against fundamentally. Because if it significantly makes the encounter easier on a 26, so will it on a 15. And boy does that new-player healer need if you don’t know exactly what your doing.

I really could not care less about upper tiers of M+. Il go as far as I can this season, limited by skill, time playing, having pre-made or not… whatever… But when I wanna chill with my warrior alt on a 20 im sick of wiping on that boss… to be honest…

Not me. Seems like you’re the only one who used either of those words.

Meanwhile, it’s one of only 2 keys I currently have timed at +25, and the only one I have timed at +25 on both tyran and fort. I’ve also timed it twice (this week, but still…) on my 457 evoker at above +20 (+22 and +23), although we did have a pala who was able to BoP and sac and LoH me when I got the stun :slight_smile:

Im so happy for you really. We should do keys together someday.

Personally im blocked at 26s. Simply because I rely on 2 buddies to do them (our own keys) and pug the other 2 DDs. And that creates too much failure.

So im ping-ponging between 25 and 26 (deplete).

Tried to PuG keys when im alone, and nobody want a RShaman. Either I dont have enough IO, I dont have RISE on 25, or some other weird excuse. Its pug-limit for me.