But were you coming here to speak up on behalf of the other tanks who couldn’t play the game in SL3 and 4? You weren’t, and this is my point.
What you’re complaining about is not lack of balance. You’re complaining that your spec isn’t the one that’s OP this season.
Bro MY problem is i cant play the game i am telling you im fine with this balance if i could play the game
Check my title
This is my problem the reason i am explaining Vdh is to tell the reason that when the gap is so huge like this there is no way i can play as long as people chosing cuz people have brain they Always pick strongest.
There’s nothing stopping you playing the game. Just reroll to VDH. Just like people had to reroll to BDK in SL 3 and 4 if they wanted to play the game.
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Bu u can play the game and no 29 vs 31 isnt HUGE difference also give a bdk to a hugh key pusher and he will do a 31 key except u cant because u zre bad
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Somhow Dorki is bad who crying about dk?!
Somehow Naoh is bad who think this class sucks?!
Somehow all the top tank players sucks based on what you said
No on the contrarary they can do it but u cant
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Reroll or make friends, there will always be a best when you get to the cutting edge of a game. To expect otherwise is naive.
Brez and grip the biggest.
Secondary utlities like amz, overall good defensives and tankiness with death strike ams icebound.
literaly playng same talent for the whole exapnsion
Trust me you are not alone with this cause it is super common
Dude, nobody pugs 28s and 29s. The ones you see in the quew are premades looking for that 1 dps.
Why do you even try? And how is that a balance/meta problem?
Even if you were a DH, you would still wait an eternity to get into keys that high.
What is so difficult to understand?
Yeah +29 ‘‘pugs’’ are for best EU players to get +30 key which none reading these forums will ever do lol.
true tank vs creeps B-)
// you are totally right, but the game is full of andys like them so it’s hopeless.
in game like dota you can easily play with top players if you have the skill. in wow you also need social connections, kekw, and also the gear which is gated by mythic raids which you can’t pug (create cross real groups) until it’s too late (but now gear is a lesser concern, most can be looted in heroic like trinkets). so many gates, before you can play properly.
Ngl if you play at that level and by now still havent built up a network of similar skilled players to play with, you might do well looking in the mirror, because thats where youll probably find the problem.
Networking becomes equally as important as skill at that level, so maybe start there.
My friend you cant build up a Network when you Play Off meta spec like Bdk i have big network of people Actually but they wont stay specialy when there is a monster like Vdh who make Keys insanely more easier.
The problem will never solve tho untill the day we get a Solo Que like other games i gona admit that my class is capable of doing 28 29 but the problem is i cant play at all since untill the day the game randomly chose people based on MMR , there is no chance you can get to play as off meta specs
Like i was playing HOTS , LOL and such games at pretty high lvl too and i was playing off meta as OTP player there too but since MMR was the Deciding factor and not People i could play and enjoy the game
But in WOW its different Story the root of this problem is LFG system which is so outdated and Useless
I hope we get something New in War within.
So your “friends” could look at their friends list and get an OP class, or they could go “hey, I feel like playing the lottery, I think I’ll soloqueue and get a completely suboptimal group!”
I wonder what people will choose. 
as Main BDK i understand your frustration, however BDK plays nicely the plus that BDK bring that it should be more immortal xD, since we got next to none utility (which in skilled hands player at the moment BDK is an immortal son of a gun) however i totally agree on frost and unholy only viable in premade not pugs tbh, I think @blizzard should buff BDK dmg and survivability or rework the general class tree so we have more utility
Let me tell you a secret: The people that do 28s and 29s, hardest stuff out there… those guys… reroll…
They dont play a “class” they play a “role”. So in their premade groups the guy that “Tanks” will reroll to whatever the comp requires.
Some groups rerolled from GDruid to VdH early in the season but then reroled PPala because the meta comp changed and needed a BRez. Same goes for healers and DPS.
So… if you want to play with the Adults, you have to behave like an Adult. Reroll. Its the way its done.
And if you refuse, then stay at “pleb” levels which is where the rest of the 99.9999% of people are in. And accept that whatever you achieved is as far as you will get. Which mind you, is already a lot and you should be proud of it. 
PS: While you reroll class, also reroll race. Everyone in the top is either a Nelf or Black Dwarf. Because that extra % is what you need in high keys. 
damn so toxic mate … chill even if he is unholy or bdk he can excel but it wll require him more work in his part, and FYI, Unholy shines in big coordinated pulls Mr.Meta … try to think before copying the “Meta”
You mean dark iron dwarf? Why? What does it bring that normal dwarf doesn’t?
Unholy looks sick and is better than BDK, Meeres is timing +30 and 31 keys.
Out of the twenty-six timed +31 keys on raider io (these are the top keys, there are no timed +32 keys yet), only three runs were done without an augmentation evoker. Two of those were with double fire mage and balance druid (same team) and one with balance, subtlety rogue and unholy DK. The rest all had an augmentation evoker, regrettably.