Dk suffer the Worst talent design in entire Game and the person who is in charge of designing it should Lose his job honestly
Unholy : you have to go full Aoe or Full St and there is no middle ground and also playing in DND really sucks the spec doing literaly 30% to 40% less St compare to most class its disaster
the other problem is that you have to press 4 5key before start to bursting while before your doing dmg the pack is already dead by DH or other specs
So boring design and bad
Frost dk : LOL lets not talk about it since the spec RN cant even spread the legendery dot properly
Bdk : literaly playng same talent for the whole exapnsion the design is very boring with no choice nodes and literaly 50% of its talent are so useless and no one picked them for entire Expansion.
The spec falls behind so badly when you go to high keys Aswell
DK in General : you bring nothing to the group and you suffer heavily in utility department
The only benefit DK have for the Group is when you Play Bdk you make your team Heartrate goes up and you buff them with some Adrenaline in IRL
My Feedback to Blizzard is just Remove Dk dev and find someone new since that guy dont know what is he doing
OFC if there is any Dk Dev at all.
meeres played dk in atal 30 today and damage was bad and hes very geared. i addressed this issue in my thread. dk has decent utility but the damage is kekw compared to others.
How do you time a 30 and have “bad” damage?
Jesus, you have no sense of proportion. If hes timing a 30 its clearly excellent damage.
Yes he was only 3rd on dps in the AD, but what you didnt mention was that he also did some other high keys and in those keys he absolutely stomped everyone into the ground on damage… Its nice when you can pick and choose your examples isnt it
can you name some of dk utility that im not aware of exactly?! beside useless grip and 20% amz ofc
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. play your 15 keys or idk where you are))))
and amz xDDD ist very good on 3rd boss everbloom and not only. probably amz could be apped to 25%. idk grip is awesome for m+ especially this week is the banger just played with dk everbloom he rocked. they should just do consistently more damage and other minor tweaks and they are fine.
Bro im 3.5 as Bdk btw if you try to humiliate people due to rio, you picked wrong Person
next time check people Main Char Before opening your mouth
So Now im allowed to tell you that as someone lower than 3.4 after almost 8week into season and trying to pick on people rio your just Garbage player who thinks of himself so Special and since you Care so much about rio you should just accept it and L2p
Wrong again wrong u know what the problem is with BDK in general: most BDK players are utterly bad players who dont know how to tank with their class meaning sometimes me as healer never need to heal a BDK not even in a 23 key never. But then again u have blood dk that u need to spam heal like a crazy maniac. Also blood dk are horrible to maintaining a defensive when they go from 1 gŕoup to another how hard can it be to get boneshield stacks up before going to another pack? Wanna bet its not hard.
someone got triggered >u>
not everyone should have “great utility” play paladin if you want some. i never complained about utility idk. bdk is just a “brutal” tank with some undead magic. but for sure something should be buffed. amz should be probably stronger and be more spammable it will be a soft “silence” (reducing damage on the group) and very good in certain situation (mostly against aoe boss damage)
but overall it all aligns with what i wrote, every spec should have m+ specific adjustments, because sadly the game isn’t about m+.
dk relly complain mean dk cant dead blood it monster player plays it right use deadstrike right now
maybe you stop puging if you play class like that?
IF you reaaly are forced to pug because of your TIME and all that management
just reroll to a easy FOTM
I am not a 3.5k player, but what is useless about grip? To me it is insanely good utility.
As a frost player i got 2 charges grip (can be used for interrupt), an AOE stun, a normal stun and an actual interrupt. The spec is currently hurt by the tier set because you basically have to spec out of the dragon, but the dragon’s talent has a 3 second freeze of everything too. When it is about crowd control i think DK is really good.
And it has a couple of very good defensives. You can mitigate so much magic damage, and with icebound fortitude you have a 1 time get out of jail card like thorns on the treeboss in WM.
I admit Death and Decay is crap to play around.
Yes, it’s bad, but why do you wait ‘all day’ in the queue instead of making your own group?
cuz people dont want to play with Bdk i lost my gp 3time since everyone crying for silence sigil or dk squishy and alot more they want meta tank since the 2top tank have very big gap in both tankiness and Utility compare to DK MONK DRUID WARRIOR
Blizzard really have to Adress it and fix it
I have dh with 480 ilvl it has 30% parry 20%dodge it gets 15%parry from Demon spike and 15% from sigil and i have 100%uptime on them which means i have 80% parry permenantly also having alot of utility and control and 5% magick dmg buff
its clearly outlier i dont know how blizzard think its ok?!
same for prot paladin they can do 80 to 110 kicks in dungeons like WM and others and having milions of utility and off healing also 3% dr and they also have cr and they have decent dmg and so tanky.
how can the rest of the tanks compete with them?!
in other hand if there was a log for dmg mitigation and tankiness it was like for example Dh is doing 60% higher log in that compare to dk or monk or others below the top 2king
Reroling is not fun the fact that this season we have more players in M+ is cuz most people specialy in DPS can play their own class and not forcing themselves to play META like season 2 Godcomp which was completely pepga and dead season
We cant have such a huge gap between tanks honestly its so boring.
I didn’t realise you were tanking +27s. How did you get to that point without adding enough people to your friends list to avoid ever having to use LFG?
I have 200friend bro but i cant play since people wants Meta tanks cuz balance in tanks is garbage when 2tank are so stronger than the rest and belizzard design dungeons around infinit casting mobs which 1kick alone wont save you
its like season 4shadowlands that everyone wanted Warlock and hunter since they could do 50% more dmg than the rest of dps or Mage Sp last season
Trash tank balance
I won’t say that DK’s don’t have a problem, but it’s funny you choose AD as an example… a dungeon with many low hp mobs where ramp classes in general struggle…
You know it’s not enough just to add random people to your friends list, also try and make friends with them … you know …
I’ll say this… i just recently returned, and the moment i logged on i was offered to join HC raid and w/e i wanted just to get started… no matter what i played, ofc this has to be “payed back” when i gear those friends alts later down the line, but that’s how making friends work, you don’t just get, you also have to give.
I usually play with a warrior tank. The highest we’ve done up to now is +25, but I certainly wouldn’t go looking for some random stranger who happens to play a meta tank class to push higher.
Yeah, it sounds like this is what you’ve done, tbh. If you add people, you have to actually play with them, not wait until you’re struggling to pug and then look through your list for people who have a suitably high score.
I have my Irl friend also my brother and i can feel what a cring feeling they have playing with me just cuz im Bdk and they always cry so i Rerole
i know there is a meta always but the Gap between Tanks is very huge both for dungeon design and Tanks themselves
like How can someone justify That Dh having 80% parry chance perma?!
paladins having bilions of utility
why should you pick Dk or Warrior or MOnk?!
i mean We have meta Dps atm like mages and dh But honestly the gap is so close and i dont mind playing with any dps in high keys like Sp or Rouge Or warrior and so on so you just look for Good players instead of good class
The only Dungeon i look for specific class is like only Wm cuz mages can dispel curse and Blink second boss stun But thats it
we have very good meta in Dps class atlest not perfect but so close and good
same for healers we have 3healer blasting like Disc priest or resto druid and Monks , paladin is slightly behind only shaman sucks honestly
but for tanks if you check LFG people only looking for prot pala or Dh which makes it imposible to play anything else
Vdh and Prot paladin need to Get heavily nerf down which is really sucks or buff the other tanks by alot so everyone can have fun atleast
This Game should be playable for everyone and every class we are not playing LOL or Dota as you can see like this season when people can play their own class their much more intrested in playing than to forcing them Rerole to Meta like Season 2
Based on last season its completely obviuse that People hating rerole to other class so they just can play the game.
I’ll bet you were totally silent at the end of SL when bdk’s were king.
Now that you’re on the wrong end of the balance equation you care deeply.
It absolutely is, just people get more picky at high levels and one will always be more desirable than another. More news as it breaks.