WAKE the F up Blizzard

The game is god damn unplayable, let me move to an PvE Server(happy to pay $$) or open up Bgs quicker than quick .


Why should Bliz rush phases and make everything early, disrupting everyone else’s game play and natural order just because of other people’s lack of judgement?

Why would you roll on a PvP server and expect horde and alliance to be best buddies? How about take a break and come back in a few weeks time instead of whining and cursing blizzard until they give you an easy fix.


Faction unbalance and huge server populations are an issue for those playing alliance in certain servers. I guess that is probably what she is referring to and has nothing to do with the expected wpvp phase.
Bg’s can attenuate the problem, but this should had been addressed before release, probably with faction and server pop caps.


Because noone expected this level of retardness you see on the realms currently.
Has nothing to do with pvp, will never be pvp. And blizzard should listen. People dont just log out their toon, which they are unable to play on. They also stop the subscription.
And belive it or not. The majority just want to play the game. And it is those people who are leaving. The majority. Because they can not play a game they pay for.


As with most issues that arise, Blizzard IS watching, trust me on that. It’s just a question of how much are they actually losing. If they see that 10-20-30% of subscriptions are cancelled in a single week, they’ll create a PvE server and allow everyone to move there, if not, you’re stuck killing a single boar while 3 60’s rush to kill you on sight.

Keep up the whining, it will probably mean Blizzard will launch BG’s earlier and that’s a win-win for everyone, regardless if you’re a honorfarmer or lvl 48 trying to level.

“We have a faction to burn!”


even if they launch bgs it ll be still like that because its fun, the world pvp :smiley:

wonder why all those snowflakes thought its fun to go on a pvp server…

Back in TBC I remember some topics on forums where horde was whining about being killed all the time, so the story was opposite.

It’s easy to call people out when you’re outnumbering 4:1.

In 1v1 or 2v2, I have no issues with dying and camping; if we are on ±2 LVLs, but to have 8 lvl 60s camping 2 lvl 50s is just something abnormal within your mind. Maybe trying to make up for some IRL issues?


8 level 60’s camping 2 level 50’s for Honor isn’t very efficient or smart at all, if they kill the level 50’s 3 times in a row they won’t be getting any Honor from them anymore and they already didn’t receive much Honor from killing a level 50 in a group.

They probably can’t win against someone from their own level, so just laugh at them instead of getting annoyed by it.

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I don’t think they care about honor mate, this is just plain animalism.

Well, do you expect me to laugh at somene after they camp me on gy and around my corpse for 1.5 consecutive hour?
It “can” be funny 3-4 kills, but 8-13 kills is just mental.

They get 0 honor from me after that, but yet, still going on.


Did you not see the 100 topics on the forums warning everyone this would happen?


I agree that Blizzard should release Battlegrounds quickly.
But honestly, I also /facepalm when seeing people who mobbed PvP realms realizing just now what PvP is.

Where were you the past 15 years when exactly this kind of behaviour was happening and the hundred of warning about exactly what is happening ?

I dont like your 15 year old game “re-do”… Anyway… i roll pvp and cant play cuz of stopid retarded pvp. FFS WTF BLizz.!?!


But those posts should be seen and taken into consideration by Blizzard primarily.

If you have tons of people telling you something, one should listen, no?

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People arent coming back after a few weeks lol by then its way too late.

You think the world around stops because classic released ?

The problem though, any solution would enrage atleast the same size or a larger group of players.
Come up with a viable solution that pleases the crowd.
Bumpy roads everywhere for blizzard because the communties have been established.

How exactly is it Blizzard’s fault if more people play horde than alliance?
And how exactly do you propose Blizzard to solve the problem? Forcing players to play alliance?

It has always been like this on pvp servers since vanilla. I don’t know why people are surprised and complain.

Ratio limit.
2 lines of code.

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There was never so many people in the world in vanilla. There was not a horde raid camping every zone, flight master, quest hub, instance and bottleneck in the game. This is nothing like vanilla.