Want to start RPing but feel lost/unsure/anxious? I'll introduce you!

“You people”?!

But as I mentioned above, even if it’s just a channel on a discord it would be helpful. I don’t know if a discord on it’s own would be worth the upkeep as I don’t know how many new people you get. If you get a fair few then an individual discord could be nice. Those of us who are new could eventually become teachers.

And thanks! First day of classes started today so it’s all going forward. Going to be hard work but it’ll be worth it in the end.

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Maybe a new-to-RP channel could be made in AD/D? Pretty please

Personally I just generally feel like forum posts get either side-tracked by off-topic comments or buried, but I think you should do what you feel is right. You certainly have more experience with all of this than I have

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I’m absolutely happy to help out as mentor, this is a great initiative and i love helping new rpers, since i was a brand new rper very recently! sign me up pls

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If we are getting into mentorship… Where do I apply? My qualifications are mostly in mercenary rp thou I know a bit of soldier as well, and I’m, for the most part, an veteran orc rper.


I think there’s a post going on right now: Wclosedwyen - #15 by Firelle-argent-dawn

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Already got my discord tag in there.

I’ve added you both to the OP, cheers!


Thank ye mon, ye forgot to add me number thou… (Zagkush#7584)

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Fixed, cheers mon.

Also my thanks to Thodim for cross-posting to the Argent Dawn EU Facebook group, hi folks from there!

Great initiative and I would love to help out. I have … some years of RP-ing in WoW behind my belt and over two years of being Game Master for DnD so I think I can give a good idea or two as to how to weave an interesting and fun character.

To get in touch with me - Either discord with Neiven#6497 or B-tag TheNeiven#2123


This sounds like an absolute blast and after reading the post I was inclined to sign up for an evening of this but then I remembered that I’ve RP:ed since TBC and thus fail to meet the criteria of being new. But, this is a great initiative!


I’m sure if you ask nicely you can RP being new to RP and have an RP event teaching you how to RP even though you’re only pretending to not know RP because you actually RP.


I would find this really cute and am 100% down for it tbh
I’m up for RP tonight or on Thurs if you’ve no other plans!

All right, I’ll take you up on that offer! I’ll keep an eye out for you in game tomorrow (Thursday) evening. I’ve actually been gone from the RP scene for like 6 months so this will be a way to get into the groove again!

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This is a great initiative. I personally got my first RP experiences with a similar open invitation RP session back in Legion, on a long since abandoned orc warrior character. That one was a simple artifact retrieval from the elven ruins on the coast of Azshara. Nothing special, but it was a perfect thing to get that all-important first step over and done with. Good luck with this. Fully behind it all the way.


I may not have much time to help out initiate someone into the realm of RP, but I am always down for discussing / answering lore questions and spitballing character ideas.

Hit me up at Dodger#6969 on Discord

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Awesome, can’t wait! Welcome back.
I’ll be in-game from 19:00 onwards as Ardes, shoot me a whisper when you’re ready :smiley:

Also, Zolkhan, I’m really glad to hear that!

If you are new to RP, I highly recommend hitting Firelle up for this offer of walking you through the ropes of it :slight_smile: I’m not a new roleplayer but quite rusty and tonight I was challenged to create and RP a character I wouldn’t normally gravitate to. 10/10 would recommend!

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You were great company Zelienne, and dare I say you shook off the rust in no time. Screw those mean alchemist NPCs. Thanks for the RP!

OOC selfie afterwards