This is still some time away, but I think it’s important to talk about it early. I remember the war effort back in vanilla. It was great, collaberation between horde and alliance and for the vast majority of servers it took weeks to gather all. Now there are 5-10 times as many people and we know what is needed. I wouldn’tbe surpriced if you to to bed at 23.00, the server reset is at 3 am, by the time you wake up at 7 am you have missed out on the war effort, becouse the seatey guilds have already turned in everything. That is not fun for 90% of populations.
What I suggest is that after the war effort is over, you still need to resupply. Set a limit on maybee 5 turns in pr day and only in your lvl range. So if you are lvl 10 you turn in linen bandages and copper ore if you are lvl 60 you turn in runecloth and thorium bars and so on. That way people can enjoy the war effort withouth having to farm upfront and be online in the middle of the night to be a part of it. With a limit of 5 pr day, or even less if you think it’s too much, lower lvls and casuals can enjoy the event too. It makes sence that for a war that is going on for years you will need resupply too. It makes a lot of people able to enjoy the content, but since there is no limit of turn in before the war effort is done, the sweaties can get their raid ASAP, everyone wins.
So what do you think?