War mode is so much fun on max level

BfA War Mode is awesome, great fun! When I want rules I play a bg. When I want chaos, WM :+1:


Chaos and dirty tricks is the very reason why i love world pvp


Or you knix some people just dont like pvp? Or wanna be able to do wq’s without being bothered by other faction (some might not have alot of time).
No one is a scrub for not partaking in something they dont want.

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Only thing I hate in WM is the inability of my character to chase.
The other day I got trolled and kited for around 10min by a Elem Shaman, he just came onto me, stuck his fire elem, some damage, and zoomed out in wolf form, coming back to hit a bit, going out, rinse and repeat.
Can’t do anything against that, worst thing is he didn’t even kill me since I healed back everytime…

And 20min after that, a rogue that peaced out once he saw I was beating him.

Sad life :frowning:

The eternal problem of having vertical scaling in pvp. Blizzard’s decision to remove resilience did not help in this regard. I much prefer GW2’s instanced pvp where you get to pick whatever stats you want and nobody will have higher or lower stats than you. SWTOR had a decent system as well. Emphasis on had… they do not use the system anymore (in favour of their new RNG-lootbox method of progression), but at max level you could buy recruit gear that was worse than the gear you’d gain from doing pvp, but the recruit gear at least gave you a fighting chance. Problem was, not everyone knew where to buy the gear and rather than being adviced on where to pick it up they were made into fools for not knowing beforehand.

There is this residual notion that, “if I did X then you must do X as well.” People hate seeing others in low HP gear but they also hate the notion of an even level playing field. I’ve argued with so many people about this over the years and it baffles me how people would rather see others “suffer” what they did rather than improve the situation for everyone involved. Vertical scaling in pvp is not good.

GW 2 pvp system is a good one .

Yeah such as being hunted by 40 man pvp raiding parties with absolutely no chance to fight back. Such fun!

You can always start your own 40 man group, or join existing one. There is always at least one around when Assault quests are on.
Last time I was in situation like this - I joined a group and it quickly turned into a full Raid vs Raid battle, moving from Krazzlefrazz to Arom’s Stand and back in Drustvar . Literally having one side pushing the other back, and then the vice versa… It was actually super fun , and you could make an achievement (Tour of Duty: “insert zone name here” ).


Hehe, feral loves it when they run!

Yup. Many deaths from Horde raid at yesterdays assault, but eventually we got enough in our raid, and cleaned up the assault area. Fun battles, even during the outnumbered phase! The players that stuck at it got their reward, the payoff was victory :smiling_face:


So many fresh War Mode lovers from General Forums materialized here, nice! Someone moved a thread I guess.

Same old meaningless complains were also moved, sadly, but well, what can you do, some ppl just wanna complain.

anyway, War Mode is awesome! Best feature of BfA for me. Keep wrecking whichever side you’re wrecking! Much love :heart:

Game could be that space to expel those irritations and anxiety. I play on RP realms, hit me up in-game and we can bash some horde heads in ehmmm, I mean, firmly ask them to go away, maybe they do, maybe they don’t, maybe it’ll work, maybe not. But it’ll be fun.

Well, sometimes you have to use additional stuff - Nitro Boosts, Tailoring Nets (additional root), Glider (even if only for a short jump), Gunshoes. Just need to time it right, since CDs are quite long, chain with your class CC and Maledict - it’ll work more often then not.


I do like WM alot, but on RP servers the phasing in the new zones are -really-bad sadly often just see alliance when i am playing on alliance and the other way, i see it atleast in assults (been testing it with friends) But i have fun in normal servers, glad to see people like it there atleast :smiley:


Appreciate the offer man, but I’m going to have to give this a hard pass.
I’ve wrecked more than a few mouse and keyboards in my vanilla/tbc days from being ganked and since I’ve moved to a pve/rp server it’s been soooo much better. So I’m good! No WM for me.

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Tailoring net sounds like a neat idea, I’m already using gliders around in BfA since it’s soo useful and fun.
Maledict is the pvp trinket right ? Is it RNG to get ?

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I will gladly team up with you once my void elf rogue reaches level 120 :slight_smile:


Ok, have fun with what you’re having fun!

So, every week you can cap conquest points (bar, max 500) and this will give you a reward you can pick from a predetermined list, and also you’ll get a PvP chest with random piece next week - all rewards from both are PvP gear.

From the start of the season, each week had different set of PvP rewards for capping conquest. If you didn’t do any - you can cap more than one bar per week and get every reward, until current week.

Rewards from weeks 4, 8, 13 were set of trinkets where you can pick Maledict. 4 & 8 will give you 385 version, 13 will give you 400 ilvl.



Edit: every time I explain that to anyone - “get conquest currency and go to a PvP vendor” would be SO much easier to understand for any player. Just why Blizzard?!

ok, hit me up!


Thank you for the explanation, the system is so weird, is it not ? :smiley:
I’ll try to cap my conquest bar, even if I’m not too fond of pvp.

That’s the spirit ! I hate when people (regardless of side), leave the group immediately if they find themselves in the outnumbered group, instead of:

  • getting more people
  • regrouping in a safer space
  • going back and fighting back

few days ago I was in a group that was pretty much a usual thing: just farming small groups or single players in Nazmir Assault area. Until…
An enemy raid appeared in our shard , made mostly of Russian players (so double challenge! :slight_smile: )
It was EPIC ! First they got us by a complete surprise, and wiped us of course. But we regrouped, and pushed back - wiping them twice (at which point they left, probably jumping to a different shard, shame :frowning: ).
Was a really good fight - but my goodness the lag was terrifying (actual latency - game registering key presses / skill actions taking place with a lot of delay, not your usual FPS drop related lag).
Still - it was a good fight, really enjoyed it. Kudos to the Alliance raid for showing up and fighting against us!


Ye, it can be a frustrating phase of raid formation when some leaving as others joining. If they just stayed, big raid quick! But if you think about it, the raid is better off without these players anyway.

Ey… you won if they leave! :+1:

Maybe you made them disband, sending em all back to their own shards.

Ye shame about the lag. I don’t seem to experience it too badly, but others do. Not good. But, expected, and hope other side also lagging.


I have found one thing in recent days . Horde when they get outnumbered they start chickening out while alliance play in much more organized manner and always move in group
.it is really intriguing me to level up my human and void elf rogue .


horde never got any free 400 ilvl items what you talking about

Darkshore first one ?