So, on EU servers, in every single shard there are at least 2x allies, getting their 400ilvl item while having 30% bonus. Next week its still 25% bonus and they are gonna be getting another free loot - 385 this time- only because some clown in blizzard looking worldwide data stats instead of shard specific. Hell even if it was region wide still EU hordes wouldnt get shafted. And even if and when they realize they F.CKED UP, ally got all the benefits already and its not like, they will give horde a 400ilvl free crapix to make up and even if they do, in few weeks wont mean shıt. They are so clueless. Instead of using a system that automatically adjusts extra % benefits per shard, one moron just enters a fix value (30% atm) in code and pads himself in the back…
“Turn it off and stop crying”. )))))))))
Another cry post of horde kid. Whole forum is wet from their tears.
who cares about 385?
The goal is to even the total wm population by region AND increase pvp in wm. So doing the incentive/disincentive by shard would not have the desired effect. It’s working, more pvp
Its been unbalanced since the 30% buff if like me your on alliance heavy realms it tough because litteraloly every alliance player is now using warmode.
Realm has nothing to do with wm shards, except rp realms are seperate from normal realms.
This is what people need if they cant kill someone in pvp or clear raiding content… they need free gear
How do you think you got the buff and welfare loot? You cried. You cried like there was no tomorrow. " horde dominates wm. We can’t benefit from the 10% buff…whaaaa"
You should pray to the gods that ,that 400 ilvl quest never are implemented for horde.
I can see it already. Destruction of biblical proportion. No where will be safe. Endless waves of horde groups just washing over you.
It’s gonna be beautiful.
I already did, the only thing that I dislike is this free gear for nothing. I would not be mad or upset if my faction was outnumbered or if i was struggling in warmode doing world quest, i really dont care that much, as i can always turn it off, but this 400 gear… nah, making me want cancel my sub along with the warmode.
I mean, this whole thing is not helping anything its not fixing the issue. The faction balance is the issue, not the alliance\horde turning the warmode on\off. And the 400 ilvl lootgiveaway wont solve it.
This whole stupid thing is becouse the horde. Just look at the horde racials . Only goblin racial is on pair with the alliance ones. Every time alliance receive some benefit on one of their racials theres instant howl of horde players crying.
I don’t even care that much about the loot some random alliance people get, because you know, that’s not away from me. The actual problem is that a very large part of world quests especially those tied to an emissary are being constantly camped by 20 allies regardless of what shard you try to phase to by swapping groups. Giving huge incentives to sit with 20 people on a turtle quest preventing people form doing it is just creating a toxic environment for no reason whatsoever.
Yes, same was with the Every man for himself during MoP and Wod, when human could wear 2 damage trinkets instead of 1 control trinket and 1 damage, which was quite an advantage and it ended with 98 of the pvp leaderbard consisted of the alliance, there was no horde at all. The wait time for random bg on alliance was almost 18 minutes sometimes (that was the time they implemented Mercenary mode for an alliance to cut this time).
I was telling even back then - remove racials completely, from arenas, bg, pve. It doesn’t give much, but the cutting edgelords move to the faction with better racials and then other wannabe’s follow them, and it becomes something like a snowball. And now we have 15 minutes of bg wait-time on horde vs 3 minutes on alliance. 400 ilvl loot won’t fix this issue, it just will make people on the other side mad.
If by your opinion one free 400 ilvl item can change whole tide in world pvp than you must by very poor at it.
Since vanilla I was always playing on pvp server, I dont care about ganking or camping.
Thing that piss me off is 400ilvl for such easy thing like killing 25ppl in party available only for one fraction.
Outside of that quest its hard to get this lvl of gear, even to get ring 395lvl it take much more time and farm to buy it, even with new raid it take more time and luck to get piece of 400ilvl.
Exclusive quest just for one fraction is not cool, it would be ok if given to both fraction at once or 1st alliance get quest and week or two after this horde get quest.
And what is now different from the start of BFA?
Nothing, Horde did camp 24/7 for about 4 months, now that Alliance fights back, you guys start crying. You had 10 % free for 4 months thats enough. Dont forget the Warfront at the start of BFA you got the really strong item + 340 for all your Twinks, and still Alliance gets 1 400 Item and Horde starts crying.
I can only give the Tip, you gave us, back to you.
Turn Warmode off
Alliance didnt got that quest and item after week or two?
We did not, we got 355 and also no 340 farm for all of our twinks.
I just want to make sure that we are on the same page, you are writing about arathi warfront?
Horde started it 1st (there was item for completing each warfront + 1item from quest) and then after one week or two alliance entered same warfront and got same quest.
In case of darkshore warfront was reverse situation, alliance started it 1st got item for completing each warfront + 1item from quest and after that horde got access to this.
I dont remember situation where horde is getting exclusive quest with heroic lvl gear while alliance dont get it at all.
If in bfa horde got some exclusive quest for heroic lvl gear while alliance didnt got it at all give me name of that quest plz.