War Mode Joke on Horde

no, the reward system is pulling in the very people blizzard said they dont want doing world pvp. Its pulling in people that just want the reward then turn off, and they do it by doing the lowest of the lows in pvp, attacking areas people cant defend.

IF as you say this was true pvp then why didnt they do it when they didnt have the reward hmm?

I remeber people complaining about people who were only in war mode for the 10% well, now we have people that are only in warmode for a bigger bonus and loot they get by preforming underhanded and cowardly play. Its staining the image of the alliance player base so horribly and thankfully some alliance are realizing that.

lol half hour ? We kill 25 hordes in 3 minutes hhh

Fp camping was done by both sides before 8.1, and seen both do it in 8.1. There is something can be done about it. Grouping up and retaliating is the game design. Iā€™ve seen it happen many times. That is part of wpvp.

I doubt blizz care why a player is wpvping, as long as when wm is on, they kill other players. The real problem is the ones that donā€™t wpvp at all, and their numbers are reducing.

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on horde, they are increasing on alliance.

Everyone who is saying that Hordes used to get 10% free bonus is delusional! Of course, hordes had advantage for a couple of months. It was hard to finish WQs and I eventually decided to turn off WM because keeping it on was pointless. It did not stand a chance to win any fight when there were 5+ hordes against just me. But as far as I remember, Hordes were much more into PvP, in general, not talking about individuals! So I say they worked for that advantage for years. Now some individuals, allies here, blame them for begin better ā€¦ how about blaming blizzard for creating stupidly and fundamentally flawed system from the beginning?

Now to maintain the main theme in BfA, they give 400 ilvl (as I understand correctly) for 25 kills. 400 ilvl is fā€¦ing HC BoD raid drop or high keys M+ drop!!! Those who worked for that know how hard it is to get to groups for high keys or get high ratings to get such drop! How hard one needs to work for weeks to get geared to even participate to have such drop? IMO ilvl alliance should get is 355 or 360 MAX.

I am not surprised people express they disappointments! This is just unfair and nobody likes to be treated unfair. I am in 100% on side with those who complain. Giving such high drop for free is insane. Even following the stupid argument ā€œ10% free bonusā€, this is nothing comparing to 400 ilvl!. 30% bonus is still unfair but I understand something must be done to encourage for a better balance in PvP.

My last argument, can you really change people? If someone is not into PvP in first place, what are chances (s)he will be a PvPer with that gear?


thank you for understanding.

I think the real test will be on american servers. On those servers more alliance turned on WM and thus lost the quest to get 25 kills for loot. IF this shows that alliance turned off WM just becouse they couldnt get the 25 kills quest becouse they now had the numbers to compete with the horde fairly then I think that would say that it didnt succed, it is a failure and if the alliance turn off WM just becouse they dont get that quest now. Then they should never get it again.

there are people who do enjoy WM pvp on both sides, and they should reward them for enjoying it rather than punishing them (alliance by association to the questers and Horde by being ganked by questers).

Itā€™s not 400 now, reduced to 385, blizz listened.

Even if balance gets worse again after losing kill quest, it could swing between balance and imbalance a few times. Then eventually settle. Thatā€™s not a failure, I expect some fluctuation. If it goes straight to and stays at balance tho, awesome.

But it could to 15% for eu Alli, then back to 20, then 15, then 20, then 15, then 10, then 15, 15, 10, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, etc.

That would not be a failure, but a natural settling process.

but its not going to be that way cause its going to be weak of against the odds, then once enougth people are on, it turns off as its ment to, but then you loose all the people that only want to do that so it then comes back the week after.

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Weā€™ll see hehe, I wonā€™t bet either way :slight_smile:

But, it could fluctuate then eventually settle. If enough horde non wpvpers turn off, could work out balancedā€¦ time will tell!

Well they could always begin by NOT providing more gear to one faction. I figured theyā€™d realized how stupid of an idea it was when world first guilds faction changed for the weekly gear and when one faction went out of control with breaking the rules.

Sure if you wpvp for fun but you canā€™t get much gear for it.

So you believe that every alliance player should be rewarded with 385 or 400 gear each week for doing a quest they can complete by camping FPs for 10 minutes?
Itā€™s pathetic how far Blizzard have gone with providing gear to casual players. ā€œOh but if we give everyone gear faster then theyā€™ll keep subscribing and playing the game.ā€

Basically: remove ā€œpure horde pveā€™ers, bring in more pure alliance pveā€™ers. Oh and letā€™s give them free loot as well.ā€ Pretty stupid idea to rebalance warmode if you remove ā€œpure pveā€™ersā€ of one faction and bring in EVEN MORE ā€œpure pveā€™ersā€ from the opposite faction.

Well then Blizzard would see that their weekly quest idea is one of the worst ideas they ever had for the game. What they would be seeing is a sudden spike in alliance warmode participation the first 2 days of a reset and then that spike would rapidly go down to the usual amount of warmode participants. Why? Because the weekly quest. Turn on warmode, camp a FP for 10 minutes in a group, get 25 kills, turn in quest, turn off warmode, donā€™t worry about being ganked at all while you laugh at all the horde players because Blizzard proved how useless alliance are at pvp.

No. The only thing the huge warmode buff has done is that it increased the alliance warmode pop for about 2 days, then they all go back to warmode off and do their usual business. How come I only see alliance players in warmode the first days of reset (cuz they are camping for weekly quest), during invasions or in call to arms zones(again, camping for the quest)? Because those are the only times majority of alliance players (or pure pveā€™ers as youā€™d call them) turn on warmode because they get good rewards. Then they turn it off again because they donā€™t like warmode.

If people donā€™t enjoy being ganked in warmode, why even create such a huge gap in rewards for those players, basically forcing them to enter warmode if they want rewards?

No, no and no. Who in their right mind thinks ā€œoh this is unfair, but it has to be unfair cuz otherwise change canā€™t happenā€?

  1. Warmode currently promotes pve rewards which is stupid. Itā€™s meant to function as a pvp option so why are there pve rewards?
  2. The statistics at launch told Blizzard all they needed to know. Sharding issues must be fixed, alliance donā€™t know about Premade Groups option and majority of alliance players donā€™t like warmode. Why force them to activate it? They stopped playing with it for a reason.
    I donā€™t like onions, does that mean I should be encouraged by ā€œchangeā€ and eat onions because Iā€™ll be given money every time I eat it?

Is it changing the balance? Oh yes indeed it is. Itā€™s changing the balance in alliance favor because they get rewards they donā€™t deserve while horde begin turning it off because they arenā€™t rewarded for having it on and they donā€™t want to feed the free gear to the people who donā€™t deserve it. This is the exact opposite of ā€œgood for wmā€. Please begin to see the bigger picture here. Not just ā€œoh but horde had free warmode for months so itā€™s only fair that we get more rewards nowā€.

So giving one faction rewards for breaking the rules is a good idea?

?? The real problem is that Blizzard are so out of touch with the game that itā€™s embarassing to watch. They are just trying to haul in as much money as they possibly can before this game goes into ruins. They know it which is why they donā€™t spend time on the game and only do these stupid changes that promotes players to pay money for services to get the best (horde ā†’ ally for free rewards, race a ā†’ race b for better dps etc)

This. Exactly this.

It wonā€™t settle. Thatā€™s why the system is flawed. Alliance gets the advantage so they turn it on when they want to. IF horde were to be outnumbered in warmode and get the advantage, alliance would just turn it off asap and theyā€™d have the advantage again next week. Remember that it required a 20% reward buff AND a gear quest for alliance just turn it on for a few hours/week.

Remove the weekly quest, keep the % bonus for alliance faction and change so they canā€™t turn off warmode once theyā€™ve turned it on until next reset and weā€™ll see how things will balance out. The number of alliance warmoders will drop like flies once they canā€™t actively exploit the system for free gear without the risk of actual pvp on othersā€™ terms.

Weā€™ll see soon enough hehe. For grear, Iā€™d rather have a particpation earned currency and vendor, working at my own pace to get upgrade gear.

To many allies, WM is currently just another source of getting geared and it comes to be one of the best because reward is very good and it takes a little effort, small risk of having disadvantage. If you have a chance to check players in those camping flight point raids, you will see plenty of fresh 120s or semi fresh with lower health even less than 60k. Alliance use what they are given to gear their alts! How long it takes to get through your alts and get 10 new 385 ilvl pieces weekly for 10 alts?

If itā€™s about money then it is said. Blizzard is probably ruinining PvP. It is out of control. As a PvPer, with WM on, one is open to get challenged. Ok ganking is part of and it does happen. And it is ok. However, when I die, I analyse what was wrong, study my opponent and try again, unless it is ret Pala! This is work which takes time and effort. when a person gets better, knows more about other classes, studies their weaknesses and strengths, learn to watch CDs, one should get rewarded for having more success because of some work and effort done.

What we experience is nothing like that. I realise that all this is too ideal but this should be a basis of a good PvP system.

It doesnā€™t matter one bit when players turn on/off wm. That is deliberate design. With the current reward system, we have a chance for faction balance. But also player type balance. Less non wpvpers on horde, that is the goal. If the excess Alliance gearists donā€™t turn wm back on after kill quest is gone, it can still balance. Might have to go through the rebalancing a few times until enough Horde non wpvpers turn off wm.

This all started because of a blizz mistake with sharding at start of bfa, that they admitted to it, but want to fix. They no doubt looked at multiple possible solutions. The reward system for being outnumbered is their solution, and itā€™s working. Thank you blizz.

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news just in, becouse of the alliances actions they have had to buff up the guards at fight points in voldun.


Awesome, problem solved!

This is getting ridiculous but at the same time itā€™s hilarious reading your arguments.

What kind of balance exactly? There is no ā€œbalanceā€ in providing free gear to one faction while ignoring the other one. The only ā€œbalanceā€ this UNFAIR system might provide is that the bad alliance pvp-players get better gear so they have a chance in pvp fights, even though skill is more important than gear in pvp.
It will also not balance out warmode because the 20% buff made a few more alliance players to turn on warmode and the weekly quest made a few horde turn off warmode. But the issue still stands. Alliance will always be outnumbered because they are fewer players than Horde and once youā€™re done with the weekly quest as alliance, you just turn off warmode and laugh cuz you know you will never lose the quest.

So by reducing the amount on non pvping horde players, the decided to buff up the alliance rewards and provide them with free gear. Blizzard are literally yelling to alliance non pvpers ā€œHey come here and look! Free gear if you turn on the very thing you turned off because you didnā€™t like it!ā€

they no doubt didnā€™t look. They just got tired of alliance crying like babies about how ā€œunfairā€ the game is for them.

Guards arenā€™t doing anything about the camping issues. Removing the quest, however, is a better idea since all the non pvp alliance kids will stop camping flight points. Problem solved, balance upheld, no more free loot to players who donā€™t deserve it.


Going by observation, I already see an improvement - I more often encounter Horde that want to wpvp. Thatā€™s because of a reduction in Horde non wpvpers. Which results in the shards I end up on having a more even balance of players that want to kill each other. That is the goal, player type numerical re-balance is in progress. If further re-balancing needed, so be it. Rewards are just a tool to make it happen.

US wow forums say their bonus stayed at 15% after losing kill quest, a good sign.

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Havenā€™t check the quest since i left just after the reset, but this morning EU ally bonus was at 15%.
Still worthy as levelling boost, definetly not at 120.

good, if its 15 then that means the against the odds quest shouldnt be avalible, so then the ganking is not insentivised.