Had to laugh at this, trying to do my 25 kills in a group of 5 and came across 25 Horde, yes I counted, farming like it was going out of fashion. You need to cry harder mate, I don’t have enough tears to fill my cup!
not surprised you are trolling again…
Sorry, i phrased that wrong. I don’t mean that one item will literally make them better, it’s about the incentive.
Most off the horde already has wm on, so if horde should actually get reward for defending against the welfare raids, that would be total devastation.
Can you elaborate on how giving away free 400 ilvl loot is supposed to even out the warmode ratio between Horde and Alliance?
Another question: Why would a newly dinged 120 character deserve a free piece of 400 ilvl loot each week? Why not have the gear reward scale off of your pvp rating? That would certainly increase the rated pvp population instead of just allowing half the community to break the rules without having to worry about the banhammer. Increasing warmode reward bonus, fine. But giving away free 400 gear is utterly pathetic and every alliance player should be stripped from it unless they have a high enough rating to actually deserve it from a PVP-standpoint.
Incentive reward encourages Alliance to turn on wm, and since the quest is for pvp kills, Alliance more likely to wpvp.
This has the effect of encouraging Horde pure pve’ers, and others averse to wpvp to turn off wm.
Horde goes down, Alliance up. Natural selection. The rebalancing needed to happen. Horde pure pve’ers were taking up slots of wpvpers on wm shards. Off off off.
Rating is irrelevant, wm is it’s own distinct thing. I don’t do rated arena or bg, but wm every wow sesh. Tieing rewards to rated is a bad idea. Why should I be punished in wm for playing wm. I would like a leaderboard though in wm.
yea all those ganksquads of alliance are all pure wpvpers, none of them are pve oriented people just farming up their gear, if they at all wanted to enjoy propper world pvp you wouldnt be sticking to group camping world q and flightpaths, you’ld go around doing your normal stuff and have a scuffle with the opposite faction when you encounter them and feel like it, so defend it all you like, i call it bs
If the Alliance are wpvping, it doesn’t matter why they are doing it. It just matters that they are. The alli gank parties are necessary, but maybe temporary situation. It’s part of why this is working…
Natural selection is happening. The effect is to reduce the excess horde pure pve’ers. As balance comes closer, Alliance will lose the pvp quest. Then there will either be a slower path to true balance, or it will stay at slightly unbalanced, or it will return to big unbalance, and repeat, until eventually horde pure pve’ers get the msg.
These horde pure pve’ers are taking up slots on wm shards, that might now get filled by horde wpvpers, that dynamic might affect it too.
I’m guessing the numbers of mostly wpvping players are roughly even per faction. If the non pvp’ers are wm off, we could end up with shards that have more balance in wpvping players. At least a better chance. That would mean better wm.
Interesting to watch it progress. I suspect it won’t reach true balance, but we’ll see.
I have to admit, I Have not seen such moronic comments for a while. If you folks think the horde players are pissed about the item you are terribly mistaken. If you think that what you are doing is actual World pvp, you are even more wrong.
The reason people are pissed is because they get hammered into the ground by 20 players without a chance to fight back in the first place. Now you might have been unlucky once or twice but I have never seen packs of 10 horde players camp a wq this hard.
The issue with your free item quest is that people want to get it done as fast as they can, which means forming a raid and wreaking havoc on solo horde players is the fastest and easiest way. THAT is the problem horde players have with this.
Thats what you do in war(mode). Ah I forgot. When you go to war you will just go into enemy territory as a lonely soldier. Sounds very realistic.
You’ve obviously never seen a Steven Seagal or Schwarzenegger movie. They don’t need nobody to take on the army.
IF you think thats what wpvp should be, then just go to starterzones to roflstomp ppl i get the feeling you’ld enjoy that even more then jumping a solo 120 with a pack
WPvP is an anything goes no rules kill everything kill on sight, gank, get ganked, 1v1, 1vX, Xv1, raid v solo, solo v raid, raid v wq, raid v fp, give up, run, come back, retaliation, try again, revenge, die, kill kill kill form of pvp. It has never been otherwise. WM is just more wpvp active these days. Thanks blizz!
It is deliberatley designed to have potential for chaos. That is awesome. If you want fair equal balanced wait your turn pvp, there’s duels, arena and bgs. WM is not that. Why expect anything to be easy, as soon as you enter WM you have a giant (imaginary) bullseye on your back.
It does not matter why Alliance are wpvping more, it just matters that they are. And the effect is to reduce excess Horde non-wpvpers in WM. A great solution. When balance gets closer, and Alliance lose their kill quest, it should ease up a bit. And if it swings back to Alliance being outnumbered again, Alliance just gotta keep hitting those world quests and fps!
Ah so giving Alliance free loot is only to reduce the amount of horde players in warmode and increase the amount of alliance players in warmode. Gratz. It’s working, for a few hours and then it’s back to Alliance playing with warmode off. That’s strange, imo, because all I’m understanding from your comments is “Too many non-wpvp horde. Remove them and increase non-wpvp alliance by giving them free items”.
pure horde pve players should not play with warmode on, but pure alliance pve players are more than welcome to play with warmode on?
??? Because reworking warmode is way too difficult so Blizzard just settled with increase warmode bonus for alliance and give them free items.
So is promoting players to break the rules, sit afk for their rewards and create a huge advantage for one faction. Yet here we are with Alliance having an unfair advantage which is totally fine so they are the ones getting the rewards.
Why would you be punished exactly? From my understanding, you play with warmode on to have some wpvp fun but you also want the free gear you’re getting from it. What’s so wrong with having your wpvp rewards be based on pvp rating? Play a lot of pvp, get higher rewards. Play next to no pvp, get lower rewards. Warmode is meant for pvp, right? What’s more pvp than actual pvp? Currently you can, once a week, kill 25 horde players and receive a piece of normal BoD gear. You don’t need to do anything to get normal raiding gear (and last week it was the same but for heroic gear).
So if Alliance are wpvping and camping flight masters purely for their weekly quest reward there’s nothing wrong. But if horde camps flight masters cuz they are tired of Alliance getting free gear and camping flight masters like cowards, that’s not okey?
Again with the random “natural selection” and “excess pure horde pveers”. Free gear once a week lures out all the pure alliance pveers, but since they are alliance it’s all fine. Balance will also never come because every single alliance player turns on warmode for the weekly quest and then they turn it off. The only thing the weekly quest changes is that it creates a surge of alliance warmode players, which most likely outnumbers the horde players, and then that spike of alliance players goes back to be under horde. This is not a healthy system.
The more realistic truth is that due to sharding being such a big issue, alliance players who are sitting on a horde dominated shard will simply look for a shard where alliance are dominating (and vice versa) which won’t solve anything. Even more alliance players will join those alliance dominated shards and more horde players will join the horde dominated shards.
So how come Horde should wait their turn in pvp and do duels, arena and bgs but alliance shouldn’t have done that pre-buff?
I only find this interesting because it proves how shallow-minded Blizzard truly are and how much they actually care about the game and community. Ofc it will never reach true balance because warmode is built on imbalance.
There are currently two ways this system will go.
- Either blizzard will remove the warmode bonus and the quest once there are less horde players in WM than there are alliance. This creates imbalance and unfairness since horde will have no chance in hell to get the free rewards alliance had. All the alliance players who turned on WM purely for the bonus(which I suspect is more than half of WM players will also turn off WM now that they don’t get free stuff and we’re back to square one. Alliance don’t want to play in WM and horde will keep playing with WM.
- Blizzard will keep this system and once horde get the bonus and quests, Most of alliance players (those who turned it on purely for the bonuses) will simply turn it off, we’re back to square 1 again where there are fewer alliance players in WM, the bonus switches faction and alliance will turn it on again, creating this never ending imbalance where alliance WM players spike in population, then decrease rapidly, then spike and so on.
Does any of this sound fair and healthy for the community? Lol NOPE!
Ah I see. You’re completely fine with this unhealthy system of YOUR faction getting free rewards without having to lift more than 2 fingers. I do enjoy how my view of you as a pvp player changed drastically from your first comment to your last. Who wants balance in a game when we can get all the free loot we want?
Wake up call, mate. This is a video game, not war.
faction. 10char
Oh my. This is fun to follow. Hordies crying about 20% buff on warmode. Do you remember the launch do you? You had like 6 months free 10% boost. And thats not enough for you?
This week i cant even find enough horde to do the quest “against overwhelming odds”
Found 2 horde players in total last night while doing world quests + an invasion. A paladin that bubble heartstoned and a DH that just ran.
Well please explain like im Five how 10% bonus as WM BONUS affected your Alliance character.
You lost your raid spot or never got invited into a high mythic m+ because a Horde had farmed more reputation with a faction due to 10% (you had access too) than you? Do you know (you might don’t, thats why i’m asking) that Alliance had the same 10% as a reward from WM on in same WQS?
I read the same bla bla bla bla bla bla (QQ) about Horde getting 10% extra but i don’t see how this was a disadvantage for the Alliance and thus they needed to get bribed to participate in wpvp.
I can’t believe i have to write this for third time since people don’t understand. Vast majority of Horde DON’T CARE about 30% 25% or 20%. What the “QQ” about is that while Alliance are bribed to participate into WPVP Horde have close to NO REWARD to fight back.
I’m totally fine with getting ganked while i do my Incursions (as a Horde) (I have voluntarily enabled WM on, none forced me into it)
i don’t get why i don’t receive a reward for the same ganking i suffer as Alliance do (i’m totally NOT fine with that)****.
It is just stupid to want “pure pve” Alliance players enable WM but on the same time “pure pve” Horde to disable WM.
I don’t wanna question people that come up with ideas like that but i unfortunately have to.
How dare people want a balanced PvP expirience! Quick, let’s call it a crying and hope blizz will miss it, because we suck at balanced PvP!
The problem is not the player base. If horde pvp more than alliance than fine. The problem is the solution, not only it’s not fair on RP realms where alliance are vastly more represented than horde it is also fracturing the player base.
It can’t be a blanket solution on all servers. This solution should be a responsive one. For example, if you play ally and you go on an invasion in Nazmir and there are like 10 horde vs 1 alliance, then and only then the buffs to the smaller faction should appear, and then people could go on their guild chat and tell their friends “Hey guys there’s a “last stand” buff on the Nazmir invasion wanna join up and try to get this 400 ilvl item?”
The problem then fixes itself, the moment that your faction is misrepresented it will get a bigger buff during the event or even during questing.
Everywhere I go in my server, even freaking Zuldazar docks, there’s an alliance assassin and an army of friends hanging with him. I don’t mind it, I think that ally players are doing the logical thing here, they are rewarded vastly for this.
The solution should never be on the expanse of the fun of another player. Today I was waiting 45 mins as a ghost, waiting for the ally players to move on so I could finish the quests and get my conquest. I don’t deserve this, I pay the same money as everyone else who is playing this game, and ally players also don’t deserve this. We need a solution that addresses everyone and not makes ally players and horde players bash each other for a solution that none of them came up with.
Since I mostly wpvp, this is the main way I get gear. I don’t like the idea of tieing it to arena bg rating. WM is what I do in wow, not rated. By punished I mean, a rated player that does little wm, would get rewarded more than someone that does mostly wm. Why?
If it had to be made more fair, just bring back gear vendors. Earn currency via whatever activity, so that you have to participate over time to earn gear. Better than making me do rated to get gear to wm, instead of doing wm, which is what I want to do.
Reducing Horde pure pve’ers is about rebalancing the player types. Blizz have the data on what players do in wm. I’m guessing, with reduced Horde pure pve’ers, and if Alliance pure pve’ers not increased that much, they can even out.
The reward system is having the effect of rebalancing. We don’t know how it will turn out, but it could end up better balance of player type. Once the kill quest is gone, we’ll see what happens. The current rewards may seem unfair, but it has to be to encourage change. It’s what we have, and it’s changing the balance, good for wm.