War Mode on and Avoiding PvP

I switched late Wrath. Much better for my blood pressure! I can only imagine what a surprise and relief it must have been once you realised you could escape that gameplay element :smile:

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It was like a breath of fresh air. You got to play the game instead of being ganked by higher levels who thought it was fun to kill you and all the quest givers.

WM on levelling is fairly quiet in comparison to the old pvp realms.

Yes. Playing the game.
Killing a player is an objective. Surviving enemy players is an objective.

Itā€™s fine if you donā€™t like it. But itā€™s funny to me how people call open world pvp bullying and then proceed to mock, bully and kick players for doing 1% less dps or tanks for not pulling fast enough

Personally I donā€™t like M+ because of its players.

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Sometimes, Im bored to kill ppl.

It is a bit saddening to see that a couple % of more rewards is an incentive enough to actually kill Warmode. Itā€™s been clear for quite some time that Warmode joiners most often donā€™t have any interest in PvPā€¦

Oh well, they took our PvP servers, they may as well just remove Warmode now too. Scrap the extra reward, just add some PvP-specific zones to the regular content while not being mandatory for the general players. Done.

Thatsā€¦incredibly lame imo. Also strange to me that a player picks a faction and has no interest in fighting the opposite faction.

Each their own i guess.

As i said above, there NEEDS to be danger associated with the extra rewards of warmode.
In the ā€œDelves are badā€ thread, people screamed at me for supposedly wanting something for nothing.

nuff said.

Look, I agree. I came from a PvP server from the start. Iā€™ve had fantastic battles over the years.

In BFA there was some activity in Warmode. But afterwards, itā€™s been just a wasteland. Even if you face others, they rarely ever attack you. That, or youā€™re just out-numbered 30 vs 1 (thanks to the non-PvP WM-on players).

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Most folks level in war mode cuz of the XP boost and nothing else. Non max level pvp is a mess because scaling is screwed up, so there is little to no point in doing open world PvP during leveling. I have yet to meet a single horde player in War mode during leveling tho, so far it happened like once and they ran away even tho I wasnā€™t planning on attacking them.
If you roll tank or heal you will get insta pops into dungeons and pretty much doesnā€™t have to leave your capital to reach max lvl.

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Everything you said is true.

But you have to admit its extremely lame. Adventurers just not adventuring and staying away from danger to level safely.

Maybe im just old fashioned. But in the rare instances i found red players while leveling i was THRILLED for the unexpected danger :slight_smile:

3.3 or 3.4 massively increased our power, already making the game much easier. Yes, not as drastic as Retail is currently, but we were easily soloing elites that would be tough in BC. Mana was less of an issue, you could pull multiple enemies and bully them. It started there and it changed the entire game. They made Cataclysm tough on launch, instances were killing people and guess what? People got used to Wrath, they didnā€™t want a tougher game. So they nerfed it.

Iā€™m quite sure they call the people fighting those who have no chance bullying. Which it is. The same way youā€™ve quit M+ because of the community, I quit pvp games and modes because of the community myself. Go and try to learn healing in battlegrounds or solo shuffle. Or somehow even the other way around: I was sent death threats for being good in random battlegrounds during BFA on my demon hunter. People are weird and often can be quite disgusting for no reason.

You can say ignore it and Iā€™d understand because ultimately these people donā€™t matter, but you yourself are saying that the people being rude makes you unable to enjoy M+. For all you know that can go for others with pvp! Yes, you can ignore/laugh at the weird people who do these things, but if you donā€™t want to deal with the negativity/rudeness you can just choose to quit and clearly many have.


It offers next to zero honor and xp and wastes time, as leveling is only a means to an end because retailā€™s actual game begins on max level.
If you want open world pvp then gear up and roll war mode in the current content zones.

I played the fist vanila classic on a PvP server but Iā€™m rolling on the PvE server now. While itā€™s mildly annoying that we canā€™t get rid of other faction players at quest locations, Iā€™m also having inifnitely more fun now that I donā€™t have to worry about 20 rogues and 25 mages jumping on me at every corner.

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I came from a PvP server originally and if Iā€™m totally honest in all the time untill they changed the system I maybe had a handful of actually cool fair and fun fights.

While leveling most people ignored each other cause you are both in that place to do a quest if you know start attacking even if you win that other guy will be back and youā€™ll both be stuck in this circle where no one gets there quests done untill one of you quits the game.

And even on max level it was never a cool fight. It was almost every time getting attacked 1v3 or while you are already fighting a group of mobs or an elite. The only fair fights I have ever seen where in front of SW or OG the people that came there where out for fights where both sides wanted to fight and have fun and that is still a thing.

Just makes me a litle sad TBH.

WoW has so much content and people do like 25% of it =(

I guess i should be angry at PvP bad apples that ruined the mode for everyone else.
Hunting the opposite faction and being hunted is immensly fun. Thats why i main a HUNTer (Survival hunter. None of that ranged bow crap :stuck_out_tongue: ). But just like communism, it relies on the good will of everyone to work. So it never works T.T

Ill still make fun of carebears that are affraid of loosing 1hp and dying in game :stuck_out_tongue:

Part of the problem is the lack of gear scaling in Warmode combat. In BfA you could fight well-geared players with your levelling gear alt and compete. Since SL introduced PvP gear you cannot, so thereā€™s no point even trying to fight a Level 80 char. I let myself die in that situation as itā€™s a price I feel I should pay for having the Warmode buff.

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I would heavily agree on this. Streamlined stats for pvp in all modes.

Some games already do this, and its way more fair this way.

Like i said above, there is no joy in one shotting a lowbie. Cant go in whatever version of valhalla azeroth has this way :smiling_imp:

Although i would still like PvP exclusive transmogs, i might add. They are sick

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Aye, itā€™s one of the main reasons I do Warmode. The shared Delve / Warmode tmog set is my favourite non-tier one in TWW so far.

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I may be misremembering, but I think there used to be a time when repeatedly killing lowbies or freshly spawned players (=honorless kills) would eventually actually cost you honor points, until chronic gankers complained about itā€¦

And tbh with regard to WM or the long defunct PvP realms, I do kind of agree with themā€¦ if you run around PvP flagged, you are actively inviting players of the other faction to attack you with no warning.

But on the other hand, bluewalling on PvE realms was also removed (=being not PvP flagged yourself but initiating an attack on a PvP flagged player that he had no defense against), so itĀ“s kind of questionable whether that reasoning has merit, as it appears from my perspective to be a clear double standardā€¦ so to speak ā€œI want to be able to attack other players at any time for any reason, but disagree with others being able to do the same to meā€, though itĀ“s ofc not quite that simpleā€¦ :wink:

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A fantastic point.

However I still defend : by all means gank me! Make me fear for my life!

The tables turning will be all the sweeter.

If you kill me Iā€™ll just place traps on your favourite delve and wait in stealth :wink:

Like that one dark souls meme. You have a tiny guy and a huge knight. The knight gives a tiny sword and piece of wood he calls a shield to the tiny guy.

He asks ā€œwho do you want me to fight with this?ā€


The sword however is made of bullsh*tium and can hurt gods. Like a holy toothpick.

As long as the odds arent 0, Iā€™ll fight! >:D

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