War mode on, no horde in the maw - phasing problem

No horde at all, zero through the entire maw.


Yes I have noticed the same, I don’t think I had any 1v1 with any alliance either. The ones I encounter on other areas of the map instead of camping outside venari always come in groups too so I keep getting my back handed back to the GY. I must be a real masochist as I never turn wm off at all. I asked my guild mates if suddenly horde went beta male mode with turning wm off en masse and answer was not enough reward to keep it on for horde. I’d love to get a group going to remind the alliance what horde dominance looks like and have some fights outside venari safe zone but guildies will be like “oh what for, there’s no reward”. People just play for rewards these days like fun is not a reward in itself but that’s another topic.

Unsure about other horde players but I switch wm off just to get stuff done asap in The Maw. An extra hour spent there being ganked is not worth 10% more rewards.


Same here for the horde side. I have yet to see a single alliance player in the Maw.

What? I play horde and I see huge alliance gank squads just literally looking for fights CTA style and feels like I’m the only horde in the Maw all the time. How can this experience be so different are some shards just bugged?

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looks like it

I have been playing with WM on for a week. I have seen maybe 30-40 horde players. And huge alliance squads mowing down everything in world quest areas all the time. There was a single occurrence where there were 3 other horde players camping the entrance in the maw, and that is the biggest group I have encountered so far.
Sharding is completely broken, and the wm bonuses seem completely unfair. Getting a 10% bonus while being forced to be in stealth 100% of the time(90% fellow horde players have been either a rogue or a druid, since stealth is mandatory) to avoid being ganked does not feel rewarding at all.


Blizz has completely no idea how to handle faction imbalance.
A small reward for the less populated faction is not the answer.
Horde just want to get in and out of the maw after doing dailies.


Because alliance gets 30% stuff and horde only 10%. its not even worth it. you want to pvp ? go join a bg or move to a capitol. as i said, its just not worth it turning it on. there is 0 value added to it for horde. and when we turn it on since we have so few in warmode we always get ganked by 5 man groups. again not worth it to complete something in 2 hours when it can be done in 1


Whats the point of Warmode?

The world quest rewards are garbage and theres barely any world quests left.

Why would I want to turn warmode on just to see gnome players using the most pathetic mechanics to win in pvp?

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15% r now.

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I slowed down my pace when it comes to slaughtering horde by 89%, pretend to be kind against them for a while, we need more sacrificial sheeps, act friendly for a while.


Why would you ever want to go into Maw with Warmode on?
Or overall, play with WM on in SL outside of leveling? There is no reason to and amount of bm in wpvp is laughable and not at all enjoyable.

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Perhaps there would be more players if there would be any sense of fair play insted of ball-less gank squads at sanctuaries.


This is merely my speculation, but I personally think that this might be the main reason:

There’s simply not enough incentive to go to the Maw in War Mode. 10% more stygia is hardly worth it when you lose far more from dying constantly to the Alliance death squads.

It also doesn’t help that there are no achievements related to the War Mode in the Maw. Other zones have the 1k honor achievement for the Deathbringer meta, while the Maw has none. Yet another reason not to do it with War Mode on.

All in all, the Horde is a rare sight in the Maw likely because the only reward they get out of it is the loss of stygia and several corpse runs.


Try not playing the overpopulated faction then?
You can’t have the rewards of outnumbering everyone and then rewards for the faction being outnumbered.

i am playing on twisting nether eu (horde as you can see) so its literally
Alliance 660
Horde 92 161
and still i turn wm on DOESNT MATTER WHERE I AM …maw, world quests, open world i see ONLY and ONLY!!! aliance groups why would they go 1v1 when they can keep reskiling you 5v1… i am asking HOW IS IT POSSIBLE that twisting nether is supposed to be 99% horde 1% aliance and i dont see single horde soul instead i am perma surrounded with aliance everywhere i look??? something is wrong???


aye its called sharding
something that should be deleted
tiragarde assault wm on during bfa = ally raids camping
bring back pvp servers without"shards"


As far as I am aware, outside of capital city, you are not on your realm in war mode.

World pvp is fun. I accidently played one day with warmode off (was helping friend who didn’t want to turn it on) and the experience was horrible. So much people around everywhere tagging mobs, alliance I couldn’t kill because they tagged mobs I wanted etc.