War within beta!

hey guys im kinda new to this so thats why the question!
they said beta for the war within starts tomorrow, and people with the epic edition will have acces. but when i check my battlenet launcher and i go to the drop down menu to select the version i only have public test ream ( wrath classic) wow classic era ptr and 2 ptr realms for DF 10.2.6 and 10.2.7,. i dont have the war within beta to install so how can i play the beta then tomorrow? thnx in advance! :smiley:


Well, you should have access once it’s out. I’ve never seen what a “guaranteed” beta works like.

well it maybe just did not appear yet on the launcher then until tomorrow i hope

It should appear for everyone who signed up when it’s out.

u dont have to sign up u get acces when u have epic edition thats why i asked if its normal its not on the launcher yet

should be available tomorrow after resets

it will probably come tomorrow, so no pre-load till then.

or it might come later on in the day. It is the yanks you have to rely on for content.

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ahh wait ur a legend! i forgot pre-loads are always close before actuall launch indeed!

Right. Anyway, they don’t do pre-loads from what I saw when they sneakily added me to the D4 closed beta a few years back. A few hours before the servers are up you can download the game. If space is an issue it’ll use retail data so it’ll be a small download.

for wow they do everything with preloads they dont for d4 indeed

That’s for betas. I don’t really know how live D4 works as i was never there to try its retail version. Anyways, enjoy your beta fun (:

so u dont have it yet neither?

You should have the option to install it tomorrow. If not contact support, but this is usual you only have the option to download once you are eligible to play it, and since epic editions only have beta access you are still not eligible to download it until the 5th.

It will eventually appear under ‘in development’.

I don’t think they’ve pushed it yet and it will mostly be dependent on US time of day as well.


They can’t, it’s going to update the alpha client afaik when they switch to beta. If they push the client to be updated, they have to update the servers as well or people on the alpha won’t be able to connect due to incompatible servers.

There’s a lot of bugs though, so if you do play the beta - make sure to report all the bugs. Constantly. Just running through a delve last night I reported bugs 4 times when showing a friend what delves are like. It’s currently in a state of not being able to be completed because the end boss despawns when he does a certain ability on you.

Bosses that activate through events in dungeons are often not activating when you complete the events too. Barriers that are supposed to disappear after you kill bosses don’t disappear, so you might have to just restart and run the dungeon again until it does(also, report it).

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oh no no, I’m not into that stuff. I am just trying to find logic on why you don´t have it just yet.

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I guess we wont get trust level 3 with the beta?

i mean they did say its same for eu and an so both on the 5th indeed but yea your right indeed ty for the reply!!

I pre-ordered for the beta a few days ago. Hopefully its good.

Chill out my dude/dudette, it is not released yet and you will be able to select probably from the same drop-down menu tomorrow once it is “released”.