War within beta!

tbh its their own f ault they can not make people pay almost a 100 euro’s but then not willing to give a estimated time or somewhat time indication,. so yes i understand they are sleeping or what not but we also can not blame the people for the reactions they give out at some point tbh

they did give out an estimated time, they said fifth of june

they probably dont know the time because that depends on if the build goes well or not

if not stated otherwise, that means during business hours somewhere

lmao are u stoned dude? thats not giving a time thats giving a date,.
if it was just a beta everyone could come in or not than its fine but when people playing this much money they kinda need to since people have families or can not always play as much is unfair to them to not give a time and dont come with the bs they dont know cause they do know they just to lazy to put it out there,. i mean it does not even have to be 100% at point but a indication would be nice,. but then again im just a idiot here as always ofc i already wait the insults out so who wants to go first? lmao ffs man

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You should know by now :Everytime they say “tommorrow” it’s never on next reset But always later the day

Well the earliest possible would be if they work from 8 am and instantly flag all accounts and have the servers running, which would be 5pm our time (eu server time)

Alpha launched at roughly 9pm our time, which is basically their lunch break i assume, so i would expect the same for Beta, they will likely start work and push it live for when they leave for lunch

Due to the time difference it cannot go live before they start working and we dont know the exact time ofc, and they will still need to push the build and then flag accounts so realistic time is somewhere between 7 pm and midnight our time


Hello all :slight_smile:

Jumping in quickly to shed a tiny bit of light on this topic.

The Beta is indeed set to start later today, we have however no specific time to share yet.

As pointed before in this thread, once live the option to install the Beta client will appear for eligible players under “In Development” in the top drop down menu above the Play button in the Bnet app.

When the Beta will become available, players selected to participate will receive an email invitation directing them to download the game client directly from the Battle.net desktop app. Players who purchase the Epic Edition may also receive email notifications.

Source for additional details on the Beta in general:

Thank you all for your patience!


Servers need stress testing :slight_smile:
But it doesn’t mean live server will be ready. Always been the case of “it’s fine in beta but bad launch on live”.

Is there a way for us to know when the Beta came up live ?
A post somewhere on Social media or a pop up in Bnet App ?

check from 7pm esrliest, and then every hour or so

in no world i can think of them launching it befoe 7pm

Those wouldn’t begin until people start waking up on the west coast. :wink:

There’s a blue post in the CS forum with some suggestions:

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I just checked that to see I have the Alpha version… I didn’t even know!

u only get emails when u get invited by them,. when i actualy bought epic edition its just gonna appear on the under development dropdown in battlnet yea ty for posint ghto

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May receive. That does not sound good at all. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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I have been invited to last few betas, never got any e-mail about it. It just showed up in my launcher one day.

no dude u will get the acces on the battlenet launcher by default if you got epic edition,. he just means it can happen u receive a email to but odnt worry ul have your Beta acces

what you expect anyways.
by now we dont even know what will be playable.
maybe they unlock only 2 levels.
my guess is that no max level character copies will be available and i am also not sure if you even can play till max level.

so for the majority who join beta to trst out talents and rotations there might be nothing to do right now anyways?

oe did they say what the beta will include today?

yes we do know whats playable dude they cleary posted everything and all zones and systems will be vailable in beta including the full leveling experience xD even on bnet when u check on the beta it says New systems, the complete leveling experience, zones, dungeons, delves, Warbands, and the new playable Earthen are all available in the beta. Raid testing will come at a later time.so outside of raids everything will be playable! so yes we do know! but why would u want a max lvl directly there any way the point on beta is to also test the leveling quests etc etc to find bugs and what not

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“May also” doesn’t work for us, access to the Beta must be GUARANTEED and must be immediate for all those players who spent 90€ to acquire the Epic edition, because that’s how you sell it.

I hope that in the next few hours no one will feel ripped off…

again dude the may also is just to mention it can happen with the system,. if u have the epic edition then BETA acces is GUARENTEED he never said u dont get it he only mentioned that u can get a MAIL to, and thats just cause the system will see your account is flagged use your brain guys common plz if u have epic edition u have GUARENTEED beta acces so the may also receive email notifications is optional what can happen

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