War within beta!

I guess we’ll see when it goes live.

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I cant wait


What Will be the First class you Will be testing ?

I’m psyched about Rider of the apocalypse DK, and void priest :star_struck:

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Until you see what a Beta usually is

  • Servers dying randomly all the time
  • Unpredictable shutdowns without notice for longer periods
  • high ms if you are from the EU, since the servers are on the westcoast
  • character wipes if needed
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I cannot wait to test Hunter with absolut ZERO improvements and a passive Hero Talent tree that dont have a visual effect or gameplay influence

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Buying the Epic edition grants Guaranteed Beta Access, it doesn’t state at which point in the Beta we will get access.
My bet is Blizzard might stagger player access for server stability.

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I also can’t wait

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Well it would really suck to have paid for beta and not get beta right away…I dont thin that would be the case tho, or at least I hope not


Considering they are the ones selling the product, they should be very aware of how many players have bought the Epic edition.

I’m just waiting for them to push out the update, currently mine still says Alpha and no beta download has appeared on my launcher. But the beta is run from the US so I imagine it will go live this evening for us sometime. But I don’t know any time frame.


well seems more lik just paid that much for nothing xD still nothing on the launcher no beta still i mean howlate is it gonna be 7 am next year? lol

well its just past midnight in the US where blizz is, so they got another 23 hours

not rlly tho cause it should be the 5th not 6th

it’ll be the 5th in 23 hours, its gonna be 11:48 pm then :smiley:

I’m curious about this because past betas were kinda limited to couple thousand people or so and the servers indeed run from the CA blizz HQ so I wonder if they are prepared to open it up for potentially hundreds of thousands of people.

it will be today they just should have given atelast a somewhat time frame haha i justwanna test my monk out man hahaha xd

well you can expect it to be roughly 8 pm ish our time, maybe bit later

people will complain regardless if it does not run smoothly 100% cause 99% of the people dont know what beta means ;p


This is the time Blizzard is at right now, i assume the devs work 9-5 or so and they probably wont start it right when work begins, i assume they need to also publish a new build first and unlock accounts etc. etc. so maybe right before lunch their time

And y Beta is a Beta, unstable, sometimes downtimes for extended periods of time with no notice and ofc the ms to the states, minimum 140 ish under good conditions, usually more

Any time Blizzard give a time frame, the forums melt down if anything differs from it.
10am US - 6/7pm Euro is my bet.

yea u have a good point indeed!