War within beta!

Pre-order the Epic Edition they said; play the beta on the 5th… :smiley:


Yeah…If only…

Maybe if we bring Magni more Azerite the servers will come on.

can someone @ me when the realms are up?

I just get “server incompatible”, what does it mean?

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and yet, they remain silent

Servers are us time so yeh night from 5th to 6th for EU
deal with it

Break everything torch all

Blizzard HQ time is 12 AM right now, they still have 12 hours to launch the beta on 5th, you kids will be mad for a while

Do you know what the word sarcasm is…

Some people think because its beta if it does not work on the 5th its ok but the thing is if you pay for access to beta on the 5th people will sue especially in western countries

That you are VIP :smiley:

A Very Impatience Person?
Nice :smiley:

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Considering they didn’t set a time, it’s already too late in some areas for the 5th :wink:

I mean technically the date for it was only put out recently, there was no promise of a date when you brought the version that gives beta access, if they end up needing longer they can just shove it back however long they want.


that’s why it’s a womp womp babies situation

They just tweeted beta is postponeyed until next month


2 hours later still servers offline haha

Postponeyed? That will upset the Neigh -sayers :smiley:

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technically they are not offline, but not compatible xD