War within beta!

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no thats because the servers are not online yet they showing old servers so we still gonna get 1 more update on ther launcher soon

Technically the post says: “Upgrade to the Epic Edition and Gain Beta Access Starting June 5th.”

Nowhere does it say you are guaranteed access on June 5th, it also says in the store advert “Beta Access and Early Access dates subject to change.”



Got an update and once i log in I see a list of “servername - Warband Test”

On Twitch I see that other have a different server list
 Anyone know how it should look? :slight_smile:

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Oh here come the BLizzard defenders


no dude beta is gonna be life today for everyone

Oh here comes the crying little womp womp baby

Not defending anything simply pointing out the facts that are right in front of you, if you care to look.

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Even the streamers aren’t up and running yet. So everyone is in the same boat. Relax and take a nice sip of tea.

Hey, least the login server queues are short
 <1 min before crushing disapointment (again)



You mistyped beer. :wink:


reading mangas, while looking into this forum hah
so many funny posts here :smiley: u guys made the waiting time so much better :smiley: Thanks for that ^^

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Got the beta downloaded but cannot connect to the servers.

Benedictus looks like a target for a priest.

Same. No servers available

omg my bro also see warbands test servers but not me

You can’t come here with facts.
Do you not know how forums work?

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BTW I was getting some errors that wouldn’t allow to update the beta, deleted the Battle.net folder, got Battlenet app again and it updated ok.

Those getting weird incompatibilities, not sure if anyone asked didya try deleting the Word of Warcraft/beta/Cache folder?

Edit: its underscore beta underscore :sweat_smile: not italics

There was not any promised date when the epic edition was released, and also there was a disclaimer that the release dates are subject to change.

doesnt matter beta starts today they confirmed that so it will be today not tomorrow not the day after servers will be online between now and 2 hours

All the Realms are red
 population Incompatible.