War within beta!

“I Can Feel Your Anger. It Gives You Focus, Makes You Stronger.”

Alpha just finished.

They did, it was called the Alpha…

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why there is no queue anymore ??

it means i paid to get in on the day they advertised, yes

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Betas never go 100% to plan.


You paid to get a beta access when the beta was available, and is not available yet. Also release dates are subject to change. Read the disclaimer. Betas are called that for a reason.


Grabs popcorn :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


No, that´s not the function of the alpha

wooww i wonder how much blizz pays you, you must be part of the DEI group aswell

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rip English language. reading that did indeed make me dumber


I was thinking same thing lol

EITHER everyone else has given up
OR Everyone has managed to log in
OR Something else has broken.

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“Oh no, I have no logical arguments left. Let´s resort to the old good strawman falacy!”

Alpha is testing not complete software. So many features wont be in a alpha until the late stage. Beta is a mostly complete software experience. Alpha’s can be funny as hell. Most stuff can be broken and not working.

My grandpa used to say, “Do not face the ignorance, you can’t fight it, you can’t educate it. Ignorance is ignorance for a reason. It tends to be in a different reality and denial”. He was a good soul and a good man, I can see what he meant now.

I wish you good luck with your ground-level knowledge of “things” my friend.

Give this man a cookie Blizz.


Is anyone in game on a beta server now?

nah still sitting here waiting.

aFTER waiting so long the hype died XD


Just checked, cant connect to the realms yet but can login.

I am… am lvl 71 … oh damn am on classic ffs