War within beta!

Blizzard lies again European plp, it doesnt going to be 5th, i can feel, every launch is a disaster, they dont have any preview doing technical jobs

The TWW Beta talent calculator has been updated. They are working on it, so sit back and relax. Follow the news on wowhead and eat your veggies.

I don’t personally see the issue with servers being down, that can be expected
 but the lack of any communication whatsoever is


I agree! !!!

Queue was only 3 deep
 people are giving up; that makes me sad :frowning:


We haven’t even been total its live yet.

what I can say is that I am disappointed 



I suspect people have given up on connecting to beta servers indeed.
Sad service lvl from Blizzard, But i guess it`s what has become the new normal.
I have 0 expectations with regards to any communication or efforts from blizzard to show any sign of actually caring.


That’s what I mean also
 No word from Blizzard, nothing. They just say it will go live this day, no info on time, no communication when it appeared in Bnet client (especially since the first batch of beta testers is much larger and more public than before). And no communication when people are out of their mind when they cannot access it.

Just a simple status tweet or a two line bluepost would solve almost everything, even saying “Hey there are some server issues, we’re working on it
” or “Hey, it’s in the launcher, but we still need more time to adjust the servers, please be patient”.

But nothing, just silence
 I think that’s the biggest issue.


BF took time off work today in anticipation for the beta release so he can no-life profession spreadsheets
 and now it’s taken so long he needs to go bed for work tomorrow, as as per the world revolves around America.

Blizzard have yet to tell us because they don’t know themselves. Its likely asap at this moment.

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Fair point.

Their announcement of Beta and current no-communication behavior is not acceptable. They have to be clearly communicating with their community, which they are really falling so hard as a company.

blizzard used to post some “sorry for delay we are on it” even only this would be great


Also just noticed they did say “The War Within beta should kick off later this evening!” in a reply to one of the tweets to give some credit where it is due. (on their EU twitter, so I would assume evening in Europe)

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it’s already 22:11 here (EU)

 its almost midnight here in europe xD

Bogos binted?

its 11:12 PM here EU
 tomorro I got to got to work, hoped I would play something today

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same here

Hopefully I ll get like an hour of gameplay, but idk