War within beta!

Same. I gave up and going to sleep.

have a good night

Same, i have an exam at 9am. being a 45yo finishing retraining i need my sleep
 been sat waiting for a long time

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when was beta open for download? or how many hours since?

Some Realms May Be Unavailable

Some? Some?? SOME???


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3 hours and 20 min (I THINK)

there seem to be less servers now, or is it just a visual bug for me?

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WTF I go eat, come back only 6 realms showing instead of the 46 (still all offline) :neutral_face:

19:17 server time EU iirc

Always was 6 for me. Never more

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Odd! (I did think 46 seemed a lot) :sweat_smile: And no I wasn’t on any PTR or Alpha etc etc :no_mouth:

there were a lot for me too for a while now there are only 5


 20 years of WOW but still unable to make servers work properly, even if it’s a beta ? :disappointed:

Test realms are US based. We run on their time frame. Not EU, and that has caught a lot of people out.

Hopefully the servers might come up before midnight in some of the EU but it is possible that it may not.

This is why no start time is given and only a date. It is also worth noting:-

Go do something else in the mean time, keep an eye out on wowhead or twitter to see when the realms turned on.


Play retail until its up and running.

Blizzard needs to read here.

We are customers, we purchased a service, a date and hours were given, again they fail to provide.

There are way too many people working in that company for the quality of the service provided.

You don’t need to many people paid for such service.

Please note.


but that is no fun. We like chilling here every beta

It’s nice and all but EU always gets messed up. Tho I kinda expected it.

I can see you aren’t reading anything I have written explaining how it works and you just want to be angry so no explaining or trying to help will alleviate people who just want to yell at Blizzard.

So go for it.

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A date was given, no Hours were given.

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