War Within Class Tuning Incoming – 4 September

I would like to echo everyone else here and kindly ask that you don’t remove Burden of Power double dipping. ArcFury is one of the most fun specs to play, and spell queueing is a big part of it. By all means give Arcane spells a % nerf, but do not I repeat DO NOT mess with the rotation. It’s very rare that you get overwhelming praise of a spec on these forums, and Arcane (with both hero talents but especially Sunfury) has been one of the standouts of this expansion so far. Not necessarily for it’s damage output, but because it’s so damn fun to play.

You guys already said that spell queues are totally fine, and you reverted the same change to Nether Precision after community outcry. Why have you had a sudden change of heart, and why are you removing it at this stage in the expansion while keeping Nether Precision exactly the same?

I always get worried when I see these class changes. Many of the specs I play just get your standard 5% damage buff/nerf, but every now and then there is a change that completely ruins the mechanics of a spec. I’m sick and tired of it.

Leave. Burden. Of. Power. Alone.

That is all.

Echoing the sentiment as well, please do not remove the double dip for Burden of Power.
Give us a percent nerf, which is more than warranted due to the chasm in power between Sunfury Arcane and other specs but for the love of Xal’ataths toes do not touch the playstyle.

It’s the first time in my wow career that I enjoy Arcane mage deeply and it is solely due to way the spec plays. Numbers are good and all but the playstyle is what makes or breaks the spec and so far, this has been an S+ Tier spec in that department for many players including myself.

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No real BM hunter buffs is a joke, right? We need something to help us with aoe, otherwise we are dead in the water lol.

Also, really, why do you have to nerf frost mages in pvp??

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I see a 10% surv nerf and a 10% bm buff. Are we reading the same notes?

Rly, monk stays like he is. One of the worst class at the moment. Not a good DD, tank or healer. Still nothing?

Roge pvp nerfs no?

who cares: fix the lag, fix the AH. If we can’t play the game, class tuning doesn’t matter.

Regarding the Burden of Power change, I think it is important to put an emphasis on what eventually happened:
The rotation which was overall perceived as fun was broken - while a nerf was needed, if the gameplay was good, why not aura nerf the spec and let the fun gameplay continue, while doing overall less damage and thus coming more in line with other specs?

Please revert the Burden of Power change and simply reduce our damage.

Dont ruin ARCANE mage like that PLEASE!!!
Nerf numbers, not playstyle please!!!

Depends …As an MM i can pull Burst at 2/3+ mill and with overall dmg at 1.2 mill for most of the dungeons .

As Bm i can sit at 1.6 Mill highest burst and overall at 700-800k ~

You understand that a warrior has at least 5/6 aoe skills …

I’m playing with my warr~ Mountain thane .

I have as a Warrior

  • Whirlwind +talents
  • Odin Fury~ dmg on demand*
  • Thunderous Roar ~ Damage on Demand *
  • Ravager Damage on Demand*
  • Thunder Clap ~ i had hit for 800k aoe with buff and with 5 sec cd…

As a Bm Hunter other than the Cleave …i don’t have anything ~
Multishoot hit for 6 k dmg at 586 ilvl ~ a joke .

And of course we have explosive Shoot that ?? 30 sec cd

Compare Explosive shoot 30 sec Cd that is barely at the same lvl with the Thunder clap that is close to 5 sec cd .

Well you have a talent that gives 25% increase dmg on Multishoot …only that it goes from 4.5k dmg to 6k dmg …Somehow the developers think that is Wotlk …i mean my

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not sure you payed attention but they all also pretty much agreed that arcane needed a nerf just that they are doing it wrong and should not mess with the rotation and nerf the numbers.

More Paladin buffs? wut?
And DISGUSTING Druid buffs, nice, more ferals goons.

Rotation felt really smoothe before this change… Please revert and nerf numbers instead

I’m just joining in with the rest of the sad mages and would like you to please reconsider this change.

There are multiple other tuning knobs you can tweak to nerf Sunfury arcane and not gut an otherwise really fun rotation. It is super satisfying double dip the arcane barrage after Arcane Blast, and doing this will only make an rather straight forward and fun rotation into some gimicky disaster based multiple different other procs.

When the guide writers are done with their APL tweaking the nerf will probably end up being close to only a couple % and leave us really strong but with a less fun rotation overall.

You already tried making a double dip change to Nether Precision and reverted it. So why go and do the same thing again with another buff? It was reverted because everyone agrees that it is fun to do.

The Arcane soul nerf is also frustrating while not as bad. Again something that is fun, i.e to spam Arcane Barrage is nerfed. Instead of just nerfing Arcane barrage damage a little. I really do not understand the thought logic behind the nerfs.

All the other classes on the has normal tuning nerfs/buffs so why treat mages like this.

TLDR: Please do a normal nerf that doesn’t heavily change our rotation

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These arcane nerfs are seriously mind-boggling, it feels like whoever decided on these has never touched the spec for more than a WQ’s length of time or has never interacted with whoever designed the spec.
And if it is the person who designed the spec that pushed these, they either struck gold by accident while laying bricks when designing the SF arcane originally, or they were having a very, very bad day.

In any case;

  • Reducing Arcane Soul duration makes absolutely no sense, it has little to no relative impact damage wise, but it just lessens what is a fun, nice and powerful little window of rotational variance for us (i assume you (developers of specs of classes in a video game) would like us having fun.)

  • Nerfing Arcane Phoenix is a slippery slope that will sooner or later lead to us using /cancelaura macros, which will ofc be paired with some WeakAura to minmax the whole ordeal, usually players tend to find niche little things like this annoying, having to cancel away a core aspect of our class in order to do more damage and having to use some new WA, you know, unfun. (i assume you (developers of specs of classes in a video game) would like us having fun.)

  • Burden of Power no longer being able to be double dipped by spell queueing, now we get to the big one! As everyone as stated, removing what is an essential aspect of our core kit that brings fluidity to the spec is beyond baffling. It makes especially less sense given that you yourselves said you wanted to reduce arcane’s complexity, something that spellqueuing alleviates by making the spec more intuitive, thus more engaging and thus more fun (i assume you (developers of specs of classes in a video game) would like us having fun, and if you’re having a sense of Déjà Vu, we are too.)


Yeah that seems pretty stupid. Why backtrack now? I mean its pretty poor for s game to have a bug as a feature. Maybe they are backtracking to formally introduce it as a feature? xd

Please revert Burden of Power double dipping…! Arcane finally feels amazing to play, don’t hamstring it when we already have Nether precision double dip!

Please don’t change the arcane rotation through the removal of double dipping. Nerf the numbers sure but this just takes fun out of the playstyle rather than balance things out.

To whoever is in charge or any management role in Frost Death Knight.

What do you have against Frost DK’s that fills you with such determination to absolutely destroy the specialization and remove any fun and any potential it may have?

Is this going to be a recurring theme in this expansion that Frost DK’s will get a damage reduction at least every 3 weeks?

Or is someone with another class desperately upset because of the brilliant DK hero talent tree involving the Horsemen and this is their way to make sure no one plays it?