War Within Class Tuning Incoming – 4 September

Nobody wants class tuning. Tune the dang Auction House so that it actually works!

At this point in time it’s almost inevitable that Blizzard are going to nerf frost DK’s. Theyve done their very best to utterly destroy this spec since the spec splits years ago so complaining, even though I did, is like all the feedback we give.

Utterly ignored.

Anyone at Blizzard development is MORE THAN WELCOME to justify these nerfs, another set of nerfs in a never ending series of nerfs.

But we all know they won’t.

Because they can’t.

Blizzard always has, and always will, have a set rule to what players may play and what they can’t. And if you have the audacity to play a class or spec they don’t want you to play, they’re going to do their very best to make your gameplay as miserable as they possibly can.

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How about you reduce Fury’s self healing? Or is it normal for a DPS class to do 100 million DMG and 90 million healing?

5% increased damage to destruction warlocks. Which is absolutely nothing. Warlocks are just glasses rn, meanwhile melees having time of their lives. Warrs and Retris just blaze through everything without problems.

Comparing a fury/retri to my any spec warlock in delves is just so different. Very, very easy on a melee class.

Revert the change of Double dip of Burden of Power. If you make this change the whole rotation and gameplay of arcane is no longer fun. It’s not about damage tuning - That is fine to nerf and is needed. But to actually make this change weeks prior to raid releases is a disgrace and to take a sh*t on the theorycrafters who have spent SO much time on the APL baseline - they now have to change it??

Secondly, this change goes hand in hand with the change you reverted in beta for NP? Where is your common sense?

Fiiire mage buffs are a joke, spec is literally 30% behind on St and u buff pyro by 5% :joy::face_vomiting:

Another ret nerf? We have 0 raw damage do something in pvp


Doubld dipping Nether Precision was removed in beta and reverted.

Now Burden of Power is not double dipping.

The rotation is changing again.

Can you simply tune numbers? X spell does Y less damage. Or Z abilty gives us less of a buff.

Instead of compelty changing rotation of the spec?

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Please revert the changes on Burden of Power and apply a aura nerf insteand, this is just plain stupid to spit in the faces of all players that learned the rotation and locked main before the raid release. Arcane has never been that fun before, you really did a great job with it and you’re deleting what you’ve manage to accomplish.

I know this is repetitve but i think it needs the maximum attention possible , The changes to remove the Double dip on Burden of power makes no sense, we get it, arcane is a bit overtuned(nerf the numbers), but people will always try to min max the rotation, that what makes it fun, and now with theses changes the rotatil will feel clunky , more complicated and way less fun, i think the amount of people that share this opinior is not something to be ignored blizzard, please consider reverting this change.

here we go again… Can we please not nerf fun gameplay and instead just nerf numbers?

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Would be cool if we just got number tuning for Sunfury Arcane (as it clearly STILL needs it) instead of destroying it’s current rotation. Why is double dipping NP ok but BoP isn’t? You’re needlessly complicating the spec again and disregarding all the effort the communtiy has put into guides, APLs etc.

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Look at all of those % damage changes. Then I get to the class I’ve spent a long time learning the rotation for, arcane mage, and you’ve removed a feature that improved our gameplay and reduced the length of an important buff by 33.33 (repeating of course) percent. If we’re over performing then change our damage like every other class instead of gutting the playstyle. Guess I’ll be learning a whole new rotation next week.

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Are we ever going to get even a statement about the state of rogue? The total lack of communication is beyond insulting.

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Doubt. We have seen a couple hotfixes in regards of our plethora of bugs though.

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Arcane needs to be aligned with the other classes, for sure, although the outlier isn’t on a level that ret or dh were for a very long time in Dragonflight.

But that doesn’t happen in the notes, there are very obvious ways to nerf the power of Sunfury Arcane, e.g. reducing the haste from Mana Cascade.
We don’t have to go in another discussion why double dipping had always been in the game, but why nerve the mechanical aspect of a ‘reworked’ class that everyone enjoys and not simply adjust the damage aspect of it? What’s the point of making a class less fun to play because it does slightly too much damage.

Let’s not even break the bottle of Arcane Soul, which duration aligned perfectly for a specific rotational aspect as well and is now 33,34% shorter for no obvious reason.

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Give us double dipping and just change numbers. Why killing fun rotations

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Daily reminder, please revert Burden of Power and Arcane soul changes, give us an aura nerf or just tune the values down on Burden / Mana Cascade / Spellfire Sphere.

Get rid of double dipping is the wrost thing you can do to tune this spec, please do not hurt the flow / gameplay and tune with numbers.

Please hear us, thanks you

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Regarding Arcane Mages:

This is not beta anymore.

You’ve had ~3months to consider feedbacks and proceed with changes.

Just before S1 you completely change the gameplay without considering the hours volunteers and theorycrafters dedicated into it to get us all prepared.

Please, listen to your community and revert BOP DP.

There are ways to balance the spec (which is needed) without ruining it.

Thank you

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Can you fix rogue between the eyes bug please?

Why is my :bte: Between the Eyes not going off?
If your :bte: BtE is playing its animation but nothing happens, that’s a newer bug where BtE cooldown appears to reset on your UI but it did not actually reset. It seems to happen when you break :stealth: Stealth with BtE on cooldown, though for some people it’s not 100% of the time.