War Within - Is it worth returning?

So, I played every expansion but only on few I started from the very beginning.

Previous expansion, I entered and did some stuff, got alchemy to max, but the profession itself was awful, nobody asked for any potion or flask to be made and I thought it was just waste of time and effort.

I remember I played even earlier expansion, that MAW… In general these expansions have been OK first month, until you see the content and stuff, but then becomes somehow redundant and don’t know what to do after reaching max level and max out prof. I quit after 1 month during last two expansions.

Anything new here? Is it just “Ok so it looks like wow, it is wow, log in once in a while, look at beautiful stuff and log out”. The guilds have always been awful, no community, nothing, I always felt it was an Arcade game.

Anything interesting this expansion? I have higher hopes because I guess they used AI creativity to generate some fun in the game.

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This is certainly the most 2005 classic andy post of all time


If you want to raid then sure, if you want to M+ no.

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Thank you for response. I am considering returning and not really sure. Of course I have always been Classic/TBC fan, but I always try out these new expansions to check them out.

Mythics have been truly awful, it is just Arcade game, made harder. At least guild progress gives some sense of community. I could try and raid this time.

Are professions viable now? Alchemy was interesting in the start but it degenerated into nothing in a month.

Honestly? I would just wait until the end of the expansion when you can do all the content if you dont care for raiding/pvp/m+. We have the new feature delves, but im not sure they alone would be worth buying the expansion and subbing.

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I really wanted to do stuff in previous expansions but I really didn’t enjoy it after a month.

The professions have been awful last 10 years or so. I have bags full of flasks and could not use them for anything. There were no orders, ever. It’s just stupid.

Maybe if I return I can do some crafting profession, not sure.

Did the mechanics of anything change? And I love raiding, but for example why is raiding fine on classic, TBC and WOTLK and not now? The game should be better but I never managed to get into a guild and do something on this last expansions.

warbands shared progress alone makes it one of best expansions in a long time, they are doing great with class changes making it more fun, mage and pala are great, they improved shadow by removing some boring bloat etc. delves allows you to progress and get some decent items solo

They added patreon crafting orders, so thats something i guess (basically npc placing crafting orders).

For raiding i cant say. Im in a guild and have been in that guild since BFA and we only do casual raiding once a week. I like the raid, but im mostly just raiding cause we have a fun time hanging out together as a guild.

That’s a fairly reasonable description.

I’d say it’s more WoW for those who like what modern WoW is.
It’s a new expansion, but the same game.

Well, I think TWW is a fantastic expansion. The visuals are top-notch, the story is fun and the first raid has some neat bosses, even if it’s on the easy side. M+ is more challenging than I remember it being, but it might just be my gear tbh. Delves I don’t care for a whole lot, but they’re fun to try every once in a while. Can’t say anything about PvP as I typically don’t engage with it unless there’s transmog I really want.

Either way, it sounds like you have an issue with direction, if you find yourself with nothing to one month after release. Find yourself a nice guild or a M+ community!

Its more of the same. Retail. Same as the last years with new models.

Been away for a few good expansions, only played at start but I am really enjoying this one and I kinda want to take it slow, level up some alts, learn the game correctly and all, having a blast at the moment.

If you have time, go for it, The War Within is definetly worth it.

For me War Within is the best expansion I played (I’m playing since MOP).

So, I would say, yes. Idk.

If by “interesting” for you is everything BUT end-game content (Delves, M+, Raids, PvP) then the answer is the same as all other expansions : NO.

You will play for 1 month and get bored.

If on the other-hand you enjoy end-game, it is in a good state. Not perfect, still requires tuning. But it will come.

Its basically 98% the exact same as DF season 1.

Tons of weekly lame ‘cache events’ (even more than in DF), which offers very little relevant rewards (especially after outgearing T8 delves). Same crafting system. Mediocre raid, some good and some bad seasonal dungeons which most are overtuned.

The only new things in TWW is delves and Hero talents, otherwise its pretty much DF v2.

Lazy development.

  • if Blizzard creates something new, you cry

  • if Blizzard keeps it the same, you cry

Conclusion: you cry no matter what so your opinion doesn’t matter

ONLY crafting is improved. Everything else is much worse than dragonflight…

They feel very barebones atm.

To put it in to perspective, i absolutely hated FF14, tried it a few times but ended up dropping after less than 2 days because its such an absolute slog to play. After playing TWW for a month and conditioning myself to normalise the extra grindy nature that is this expansion I’ve now been playing FF14 for 2 weeks and im not only having more fun but it feels less of a chore and more rewarding than wow.

If you are a flower picker/old raid runner or a full-on eSports sweat than probably it’s good. For anything in between current game state is kinda not fun. Raid is ok I guess, but M+ is one of the worst versions of itself ever.