War Within - Is it worth returning?

TWW is NOT worth returning no matter what blizzard try to feed into your head the game will always be S**t lol

The game is too far gone now they have added and added and its got to the point now they dont even know wtf their doing anymore lol youve got healers healing less than DPS youve got DPS healing more than Healers with the most damage ingame its busted TWW is trash and so is wow in general and IDGAF if i get banned from the forum its my opinion and the game is just trash :slight_smile:

No it’s not. It’s bad.


But if you’re in it for the social stuff… Maybe not.
Dunno. I don’t get involved much with that side of it.

It’s fine you have that opinion, but if you word it like you do, you’re going to get flagged.
This is not an issue with an opinion, so don’t act like it is. :blush:

Honestly if you don’t wanna bother with raiding and M+ I think it’s worth it.
I leveled my characters really slowly, took my time, explored, enjoyed the story, collected all the treasures, mounts – now I’m doing some PvP and Delves and really having fun. I have absolutely 0 drive to raid or do M+ because it just brings stress and negativity.
Delves are a great way to get decent gear and play on your own or with a few friends.
I’m usually duoing it with some friends and we’re having a blast.

Dinged my warlock to 80 as well, so now gearing him up slowly and pushing through delves.

Professions are ok, although they are harder ever since Dragonflight. I personally don’t like the new system buuuut…it can yield a decent amount of money if you get into it.

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Raids are great
Mythic + is broken

Duck NO !

We dont even have that special curency from last Season Dragonflight that lets u trade for raid items and mogs.

Worthless game !

This reads like a troll post honestly.

I don’t know what to believe

Correct as in some classes can have Fun in them atm expecialy while Puging. As for the rest of them they feel like garbage. Prot pala bearly survives 1 pack pull, 2 packs is to much for it.

Heh, I would have reached the opposite conclusion.

I think it’s only really worth it if you’re into raiding or Mythic+.
Because if you’re not, and if all you do is your weeklies and your Delves and your World Quests and perhaps a bit of PvP on the side (like me), then you can do it all on a Wednesday.
Outside of that difficulty progression you find in raiding and Mythic+, the game really doesn’t have much going for it in terms of day-to-day gameplay that’s meaningful and rewarding. It’s a poor man’s ARPG experience.

Pala sucks right now what are you lying to him for?

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Prot is undertuned, holy i think was good in raids, ret is awesome in m+ im talking about design not numbers, ok prot based on sims has stupid high apm but i guess that is how blizzard pushes people away from tanks as they want long queues and there are masochists who like that kind of apm

If you liked Dragonflight, return, if not, don’t bother. It’s the same quality and game. The only upgrade is the story tbh. If story isn’t a motivator, not worth.

That’s not why they are broken…

Any class can play just fine in them unless you’re pushing for the 0.1%spot, so class is near irrelevant for most.

They are broken because

  1. you can’t even get a team together to run them

  2. There are to many noobs that think they can go in blind without knowing any mechanic, because this is what you could do last season up to about +10.

  1. Why do you think i wold want to make a team? I just play with Pugs. Random ppl and enjoy the game.
  2. If those ppl are very bad at the game i jus leave group on first ore second wipe. Depends how the wipe was. either by ppl mistake or dungeon just overtuned.