War Within M+ Changes & Leavers

I have the feeling that the changes for M+ on War Withing will cause even more leavers in M+ dungeons. The major cause that people are leaving is wipes and by introducing a mechanic where each death increases from 5 to 15 seconds the timer of the dungeon will inevitably lead to pugs to be catastrophic. I would like to see some mechanic introduced by Blizz because this is a huge problem for the fast majority of players. I personally stopped playing because of this, as it took me 2 hours of going in M+ keys, where people just constantly kept leaving. It would be great if a deserter mechanic is introduced where if your M+ dungeon timer is still active, you would get penalty if you leave. I think this is a major turnoff for the vast majority of players, because you can’t enjoy the game properly and people are generally impatient. Most of the times somebody leaves the moment we get a first wipe, which is scandalous. Tell me what you think, maybe we can raise enough voices for them to tackle this situation as M+ dungeons is one of the pinnacles of the end game content and a lot of players do not want to participate in guilds/discord groups and whatnot. I am not even talking about extremely high levels of dungeons, leavers are all over the place regardless of keystone difficulty. Tell me what you think


If you constantly run into people leaving… Maybe you should reconsider how you’re playing. Because I don’t run into leavers that often.


I can’t really relate because in the whole duration of Dragonflight, I encountered maybe 3 situations of leaving mid-key.

Two occasions was me because the group cooperation just wasn’t fruitful to meet the KPIs. And one occassion was tank and DPS leaving, so I persuaded druid to switch into tank and we timed +5 in three people only.


I think there would be issues because of people who genuinely dc’s for unknown reasons(ex. We get regular power outages) lekker loadshedding -_-

I think this topic has been discussed, mulled over, thought about, dissected and generally beaten until its dead.
NO ONE has been able to come up with a solution that doesnt unfairly punish someone so no, i dont think this will work yet.
When a new idea comes up that doesnt screw someone over then im all for it. We arent there yet.


It has been discussed to boredom.

If you keep having leavers in your group, there is only 1 common denominator : You.

Reassess how you interact with people.


Oh boy, another thread about M+ with the “lul, you’re the problem” crowd.

Weird how it most m+ the people leaving are the underperformers.

Welcome to my world but we have not had that for some time now. Though I expect there is a calm before the storm.

I have not really focused on M+ that hard this expansion for reasons as stated by Twiluna. But is this the current status or is this being introduced in the TWW ?

If this is a new mechanic then we are going to see M+ become more closed by people opting to play either with friends only, guilds or community members they can trust. This may even lead to less of an interest in M+ pugging and being a social game I don’t see this as too much of a problem except for the “I only play solo crowd.”

Step out and make friends you might enjoy the game more.

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Are you also a Safa?(south african) , if so, then good luck in the coming months, load shedding is probably gonna hit us hard in the middle of winter xD

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Do you pug often?:face_with_monocle:

Why, yes.

Most of my keys are done with pugs because my friends have limited time to play. And even then, we’re not a full group most of the time due to different schedules or people not wanting to play.

And you avoid inv too high or too low score? Usually too high ends up leaving cos of mistakes in my experience. Tbf hasn’t happened often in s4 maybe twice

Issue is, this is a bad idea.
Let’s say you’re in nokhud and the group is not doing any dmg to the add and not ccing it, and it’s a high enough level that you can’t solo it.
Now you are stuck there for 40 minutes when it’s obvious that you won’t kill it after the 5th try? You have to stay there and wipe 20 times?

Yes, this is an edge case, but there are a lot of bosses with some sort of dmg check that might prove absolutely unkillable and you wipe to it 5-6 times before even half of the time has passed.

So you have to waste another 15-20 minutes because the others are incapable?

There is a simple solution. Check your teammates. Are they geared or experienced? If not, you might wanna ask if they have an untracked main or just leave.

I’ve met many fresh 70s in +8s that i did for vault. I just left. It’s a team effort. Make sure your teammates are on the same page as you. If not, best to just split

I barely play my own key.

I just join groups that have a tank most of the time. Ain’t gonna sit and wait for a tank to join my key when I can join a key that has a tank already.

For sure. As dps it’s harder. Tho I’m playing warrior atm and pally usually so I could tank but I’m not that great. My exp is mostly just brew. Think I’m gonna try war tank next expac as well as fury tho. Plus people expect the tank to have the route planned out and everything which adds extra pressure

I only pug and it wont stop me! I dont have problem with it! Have a nice summer! :point_left:

Yeah, I like to pug quite a lot, I haven’t tried it this season as I am still gearing, but in Season 1 I played quite a lot. I don’t agree that it’s “Me” the problem, because I literally had quite a lot of situations where the tank overpulls and after we die, either he leaves the group, or somebody else from the party. I know the solution is to play with friends but they’ve all quit and I don’t quite like to go in discord with guilds.

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It is a “you” problem.

You have no idea how the dinamic of a PuG group changes if you just type :

“thanks for the invite” (if invited) and “welcome” every time someone new joins the party.

Also, if there is a wipe typing “no biggie. Its a happy little accident, we still time”…

90% of the time atleast 1 of those people end up in your friend list. After a while people will bombard you with whispers to play with them.

Problem solved.


Gotta be honest, this is often true - but it really doesn’t happen that often in my experience.

I repeat the answer of Heist

Blockquote Oh boy, another thread about M+ with the “lul, you’re the problem” crowd.
Weird how it most m+ the people leaving are the underperformers.

If people are silent and they quit on 1st pull it doesn’t seem like a you problem. Even if it is, this still doesn’t change the fact that the system is sh!t. Introducing “Commending” for the players will be a good strategy to like or dislike a player. That way if somebody leaves and gets 4 “dislikes” you will know that the behaviour score of this person is sh!t, so you won’t invite them. Statistics on Leaving m+ keys is also a good option to show to the larger public. The more the community can self-regulate itself the better. Take other games like Dota for example, where they have behaviour score and it matches them with similar behaviour players. If I could see that player X has more dislikes than likes, I won’t invite them to my group, plain and simple